Rebel Moon | Netflix

I'm not optimistic - AFAICT, the more control Snyder has over a project the worse it is - but I'll certainly watch it. 300 and Watchmen were great, although both profoundly failed to understand their source material, and I'm sure it'll look good if nothing else. The reviews I've read aren't encouraging, and it does sound like the first movie is little more than a set-up which can be annoying but I forgave it for Dune and Fellowship so I guess I can live with it if its good enough.
The reviews are pretty terrible lol.

Sounds like typical reviews for a Snyder film then as it seems that most critics just don't quite "get" what it is that lots of people like about his visual "style", although I suppose it is a niche thing to enjoy. I think I'll give it a go tomorrow but, TBF, I'm an unabashed fan so there's no way I can be objective with it myself.
Already stung by Leave the World behind on Netflix this week. I'm fairly confident this is gonna be more of the same.....big names take the Netflix $$$$ and churn out crap.....

I usually go by fan reviews.
Critics often like the arty/deep/foreign films.
At least general public reviews are mainly from people who want to like the film.

Lost count the number of times critics give negative reviews and the movie ended out to be good. So will need to see soon hopefully :)
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