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Red Dead Redemption 2 now has DLSS 2 support



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Only 8GB vram though!!!!!! Sorry bud, but you'll need to turn the settings right down for the game to be playable ;) :D :p

It really gets going once you get past the first 3 hours then it slows down a bit in the middle again and picks back up.
Lol :D;)

Cool. I think I am close to middle. Will continue soon. Playing Black Mesa at the moment which I picked up in the sales. I think I played that for free ages ago when it was released for free, but fancied playing it again so picked it up on steam sales. Can’t tell if it is much better or same thing :cry:



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I using 4k on a 27" monitor and I do not even need AA anymore :D
Been doing this for like 7+ years now. Some games you can get away with it, others not so much. The two games I still remember that we’re night and day difference in aa is Tomb Raider and Prey. In the former and it’s sequels I played with no aa and it was fine. But with Pray it was jaggies galore and you had no choice but to use TAA.
20 Jan 2021
Love DLSS in this, even with everything maxed out, DLSS on quality my 3090 can just about maintain 60fps at 4K in a very foggy night lit Saint Denis where it would quite easily drop to the mid 40's, low 50's. It may only provide a small frame rate boost but it makes a big difference being able to hold 60fps+ in the most demanding areas. And the trees look way better now that the crappy TAA isn't in use :D

Raiden85, Are you any good in MK11? I'm calling you out on there! :cry:
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25 Nov 2011
Been doing this for like 7+ years now. Some games you can get away with it, others not so much. The two games I still remember that we’re night and day difference in aa is Tomb Raider and Prey. In the former and it’s sequels I played with no aa and it was fine. But with Pray it was jaggies galore and you had no choice but to use TAA.

So far the games I have played I not needed it but I have only had the monitor for like 3 weeks so time will tell.
25 Nov 2011
How have you found the upgrade thus far in terms of image quality coming from 1440p?

Which monitor by the way :)

LG 27GP950

Its a massive upgrade that I am really enjoying. I haven't played a lot of games mostly League of Legends, Dark Souls and some other odd title that I have installed to just test.

Its also my first IPS panel and I can see the upgrades here also plus 160hz.

Its not all been perfect though :( sadly I have been having random spilt second black screens that only happen while playing games it so bloody random that I can go days without it happening and think all is well only for it to happen again :D

But yeah other than that I am very happy with the change to 4k and 27" for that part is excellent pin sharp.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
LG 27GP950

Its a massive upgrade that I am really enjoying. I haven't played a lot of games mostly League of Legends, Dark Souls and some other odd title that I have installed to just test.

Its also my first IPS panel and I can see the upgrades here also plus 160hz.

Its not all been perfect though :( sadly I have been having random spilt second black screens that only happen while playing games it so bloody random that I can go days without it happening and think all is well only for it to happen again :D

But yeah other than that I am very happy with the change to 4k and 27" for that part is excellent pin sharp.

Happy to hear it. Seems nearly everyone I asks these days says the same. Back when I got into 4K all those years ago people kept saying they could not see the difference in 1440p to 4K. I knew it was a load of ******** for the most part as at the very least everything become much sharper :D

First IPS? For real? :p

Nice monitor you got there, not cheap. Bit more and you could have gone OLED. Trouble with those is smallest is 48”.

I think right now my plan is to just use my current monitor for a few more years and then take the 55” OLED (hdmi 2.1 120hz, gsync and proper hdr) we have in the living room and replace it with a 65” or bigger OLED. Then use the 55” OLED as my secondary monitor for gaming or watching content and just use my current monitor for normal stuff. That’s the plan for now anyway. Will be building a huge man cave in the next couple of years, so will likely be around that time.
30 Jun 2019
Lol, lots of people complaining or saying no difference in image quality. Main benefit is in performance, very few people have a rtx 3080 or 3080 ti, so it really helps, fps was locked at 60 on 4k performance mode (top preset), only slightly lower on DLSS Quality.

You are lowering the load on your GPU, due to lower internal game resolution, it's never gonna look drastically better than native.

Previously, I had to run the medium preset (and lower other settings) to get a steady 60 fps, as the performance can really dip, even in early prologue / wintery weather scenes.

My brother bought me RDR2 on the xbox one on release and it was almost unplayable, around 20-30 fps, even at 720p.
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6 Feb 2019
Lol, lots of people complaining or saying no difference in image quality.

It's funny.

2 Years ago the randoms complained that while the performance increased by 50% the image looked markedly worse.
Now its still 50% performance increase, but the randoms ignore that and complain that the image looks the same.
30 Jun 2019
Having said that though, I haven't played the game at 1440p + DLSS or a 1440p display at native resolution. So, maybe the results just aren't that great at 1440p DLSS or 1080p DLSS.

I suppose it can be combined with DSR to run at 4k, if needed?

Less than 4k + DLSS performance mode is gonna have an internal resolution of <1080p, so it's not gonna look fantastic. Can't comment on 1440p DLSS Quality, though.
20 Jan 2021
Ask the game developers, Nvidia didn;t develop RDR2!

Obviously, I reckon the tech was not fully ready for Devs to put into their games. Just like the AMDs FSR, that's not really in any game . These features need to be done on launch of the product and readily accessible for Devs to put into their games especially when they are touting DLSS on the box of the GPU.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Reinstalling this now, uninstalled as old SSD was low on space, now with new SSD and DLSS 2.0, I can whack more stuff up. Previously was maintaining 60fps at 2560x1080 with mostly ultra settings, now should be able to 3440x1440 no probs :D (2070 Super)
4 Jun 2009
Tried it out on the 4k oled earlier on and just pure bliss the experience now, settings whacked up apart from a few like water physics and maintaining a solid locked 60, also the IQ improvement switching from TAA to dlss quality is far more noticeable on the 4k oled than my 3440x1440 monitor.

RDR 2 was one of the first games where 4k really impressed me and more games these days are looking much better with 4k res. now.
4 Feb 2006

So I wasn't imagining the blur during movement ;). The Nvidia zealots will obviously say it's the best thing since sliced bread but since getting a 3080 I always saw the blur on every DLSS game I tried so just leave it off unless I desperately need some extra frames.
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