Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox and PC Hopefully)

The characters are just so good in this game.

Out of the gang members, who is:

1. Your favourite?
2. Least favourite?
3. Best character?

My favourite is probably Lenny, because he has the best interactions with Arthur.
least favourite is Pearson, just because he seems to have the least character.
Best character by a mile is Hosea.

I really didn't like Bill, but he's grown on me.
They are all really good characters though.
The characters are just so good in this game.

Out of the gang members, who is:

1. Your favourite?
2. Least favourite?
3. Best character?

My favourite is probably Lenny, because he has the best interactions with Arthur.
least favourite is Pearson, just because he seems to have the least character.
Best character by a mile is Hosea.

I really didn't like Bill, but he's grown on me.
They are all really good characters though.

Favourite Sean or Lenny
Least favourite Micah
Best Character Hosea
For reference the ps4 bundle with the game comes with a pre order code (not special edition tho :()

I have now installed the game, but been catching up on ff15 on my new ps4 pro so still not played it.
Got the day off today so I'm going to have to try and get into this. I feel quite conflicted at the moment. On the one hand, it's an undeniable technical and production masterpiece....but on the other, it just feels a bit too much like work. Turning on the Xbox with a bit of time to spare and I'm greeted with AC Odyssey or RDR2, and I'll tend to go for AC, because I know I can jump in, easily find some fun stuff to do, enjoy the popcorn visuals and murder some fools.

With RDR2 I'm dreading getting into some long drawn out narrative mission, sitting there idle watching lots of amazingly polished motion captured outlaws doing outlaw things. Feels more like Western Simulator 2018, and there's a reason I don't play simulators :P

Probably just tired of playing the start for the 3rd time after the problems I had on PS4...
Got the day off today so I'm going to have to try and get into this. I feel quite conflicted at the moment. On the one hand, it's an undeniable technical and production masterpiece....but on the other, it just feels a bit too much like work. Turning on the Xbox with a bit of time to spare and I'm greeted with AC Odyssey or RDR2, and I'll tend to go for AC, because I know I can jump in, easily find some fun stuff to do, enjoy the popcorn visuals and murder some fools.

With RDR2 I'm dreading getting into some long drawn out narrative mission, sitting there idle watching lots of amazingly polished motion captured outlaws doing outlaw things. Feels more like Western Simulator 2018, and there's a reason I don't play simulators :p

Probably just tired of playing the start for the 3rd time after the problems I had on PS4...

I was scared to but after the intro missions are over dialogue length is pretty good
I must say that I’ve reached a point where I can’t really be bothered to pick the game back up. I love RS games and I’ve really enjoyed this one too. However it’s all getting a bit exhausting, maybe because of the slow pace and repetitiveness.

The story is phenomenal and Arthur is a very interesting character to play. After RDR1 I thought there would never be a game with a playable protagonist as interesting as JM. Somehow they’ve managed to do it again, which is very impressive.

Maybe I’ve just reached a point where I prefer games i can pick up and drop them whenever I fancy. Either way I will finish RDR2, I feel the story deserves to be allowed to play out. However I definitely won’t be revisiting it once it’s complete. Perhaps I don’t need to, I already appreciate that they’ve created a masterpiece, unfortunately it’s just not for me.

Back to the mess that is FIFA? :D
Borrowed a friend's PS4 to play this as RDR on PS3 is still in my top 2 games of all time.

I love the attention to detail, over eat and you put on weight and your stamina reduces :D

I went out and shot a huge stag with my bow, came back into the camp with it over my shoulder, huge antlers and all - Jack was close to the entrance and he says "Wow, that's huge!!!!" as I walk by. Yes kid, yes it is ;):p
Borrowed a friend's PS4 to play this as RDR on PS3 is still in my top 2 games of all time.

I love the attention to detail, over eat and you put on weight and your stamina reduces :D

I went out and shot a huge stag with my bow, came back into the camp with it over my shoulder, huge antlers and all - Jack was close to the entrance and he says "Wow, that's huge!!!!" as I walk by. Yes kid, yes it is ;):p
One point of detail. An average stag can weigh around 200kg. Isn’t that a bit much to just sling over your shoulder and trot around with?
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