Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4, Xbox and PC Hopefully)

I'm not enjoying it as much as i had hoped, i'm finding the controls annoying, one instance in a shoot out enemy runs up to me and i cant melee him, guess you need to put your gun away first.
I'm finding i'm missing loads as i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing other than the main missions, there doesn't seem to be a decent way of tracking what your doing.
The hunting that everyone raves about i dont like, i open my satchel and have meats but cant figure out how to eat them.

If you aren't enjoying the hunting/exploration (no judgement from me if you don't) then you might be better off selling it as frankly nothing much really changes in terms of gameplay so unless the story has grabbed you then I'd move on and sell it whilst you'll still recoup most of your money.

Obviously if you've bought digital then you don't have much choice but to persevere and hope you change your mind!
If you aren't enjoying the hunting/exploration (no judgement from me if you don't) then you might be better off selling it as frankly nothing much really changes in terms of gameplay so unless the story has grabbed you then I'd move on and sell it whilst you'll still recoup most of your money.

Obviously if you've bought digital then you don't have much choice but to persevere and hope you change your mind!

I just need to read some guides.
Making money.
Where to get better weapons.
Getting a better horse.
I just need to read some guides.
Making money.
Where to get better weapons.
Getting a better horse.

I think it'll all click for you once you get into it properly. As has been mentioned, the game does a somewhat poor job of explaining it's mechanics and you unlock new things throughout chapter 2 and onwards.

You can set up camp to cook hunted animals or skin them, sell the pelts/carcass or donate to camp can use perfect pelts for upgrades at the trapper or Pearson.
You can make some money completing bounties for the Sheriff in Valentine, for example.

I'm still exploring around a rather small area for now and still finding new things and events like a guy gets thrown out of the window of the saloon in Valentine and a fight breaks out or a hunter getting mad at me because I scared off his prey:p
I just need to read some guides.
Making money.
Where to get better weapons.
Getting a better horse.
I felt the same mate. The clumsy Rockstar trademark UI/lack of ingame information really leaves you wondering "WTF" half the time - you need some patience. Definately check out some guides and be weary of spoilers obviously. The guide I linked to a few posts back is decent.

Most of my money has come from various missions leading upto Chapter 3 that I am on currently. Main missions seem to give a good chunk of money - I currently have 6.7k (3.4k by the end of Chapter 2) and it seems that is more than enough to buy virtually anything I need.

* Hunting birds/gators/boars just north of St.Denis brings in a good amount of cash by selling the loot to the Trapper in town. This helps boost your core stats and gives the trapper resources to create those trapper outfits, which you can buy.

* There are rare Gold bars worth $500 (sellable to fences) that can be found around the world - there is one very close to your first camp in Horse Shoe Overlook. There is also an infinite gold bar exploit tied to it that I believe hasn't been fixed. You don't need it from what I see but at least its there.

* Loot EVERYTHING. Roam the world and kill any gang member camps (O'Driscolls/Murfees etc) that you can and in no time you'll have a lot of misc crap (belt buckles, rings) that you can sell to the Fence.

* Weapons from what I've seen thus far are best bought from the Gunsmith rather than picked up. You can get one off 'rare' weapons during certain missions (they'll be shown on your radar) but they vary. In addition to this, the bulk of my weapons are 'free' from NPC's that I've helped ingame and later encountered them in towns - they sometimes thank you for your help and let you purchase any item from a local shop be it a Gunsmith or Tailors for example. I've had these encounters 4 times so far, so twin Volcanic Pistols ftw!

* Horses - the fastest horse in the game is a tamable in the NW snowy regions. The horse has great stats (I am not a fan) but you will likely encounter better ones in the field and in the town Stables as you play.

Edit: Regarding guides, I forgot to mention who have excellent data.
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I'm not enjoying it as much as i had hoped, i'm finding the controls annoying, one instance in a shoot out enemy runs up to me and i cant melee him, guess you need to put your gun away first.
I'm finding i'm missing loads as i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing other than the main missions, there doesn't seem to be a decent way of tracking what your doing.
The hunting that everyone raves about i dont like, i open my satchel and have meats but cant figure out how to eat them.

Thought I would hate it being a PC gaming for so long, last console I bought was an original PS1 so it's been a while. I also struggled with the controls as one big bug bear for me is the sluggish controller. Took me a while getting a feeling for it and it's not a strong point for the game, but once you get around it the game is fantastic and eventually I was 'Gunslinging' like a pro lol

I spend time reading up and watching non-story spoiler videos on YouTube, plenty of guides out there.
^Be careful about YouTube. I too avoided spoiler vids but they eventually made their way to my YT homepage so I had to mark them all as 'not interested'.

On another note does anyone know what the point of the Trapper outfits are? I have done a fair amount of hunting for resources and the trapper now has a number of the outfit parts that I can purchase but I don't know if these items are just cosmetic or do they have stat modifiers? Can't seem to find info on that just yet.
On another note does anyone know what the point of the Trapper outfits are? I have done a fair amount of hunting for resources and the trapper now has a number of the outfit parts that I can purchase but I don't know if these items are just cosmetic or do they have stat modifiers? Can't seem to find info on that just yet.

I think outfits are cosmetic and only the reinforced gear gives you bonus stats like reduced weapon maintenance.
I haven't crafted any of the outfits yet (taking it slow) so not sure but the pieces unlocked by challenges do have perks, I've only crafted a holster at the trapper so far.
I just need to read some guides.
Making money.
Where to get better weapons.
Getting a better horse.

Making money isn't an issue. You make more than enough from story missions for this to not be a concern.

IIRC certain guns like the Lancaster Repeater, Rolling Block Rifle and the Bolt Action Rifle are given to you in certain missions.

Don't worry about a horse, the stock horse is fine for pretty much all of the game however, when you get to St Denis in the story you are able to buy a Black Arabian from the Stable and that is a superb horse.

If you want an early Lancaster Repeater, head to the Rhodes Gunsmith and listen for a boy shouting out from the basement for a quite frankly odd and amusing scene where the Lancaster can be looted from a gun case in the aforementioned basement... You'll need to hold up the Gunshop owner to get him to open the basement door.
How about the guy on the porch in wooden shack above Saint Denis near Lagras? Don't want to give too much away lol

Yeah. I felt a bit sick after this - certainly clenched my cheeks thats for sure! Kudos for R* touching on this subject as I can imagine late 1800's were a pretty rough time.

Yeah. I felt a bit sick after this - certainly clenched my cheeks thats for sure! Kudos for R* touching on this subject as I can imagine late 1800's were a pretty rough time.


It was a bit of a shocker tbh even for R* standards lol I even reloaded last save cos I couldn't handle the shame; went straight up to him and shot the B******! lol
It was a bit of a shocker tbh even for R* standards lol I even reloaded last save cos I couldn't handle the shame; went straight up to him and shot the B******! lol

Same! Semi Auto Shotty was equipped, Deadeye activated and pointed at said area. The rest is history.

I've since read that if you don't reload and head back to camp someone remarks on the event as they knew it happened - proper kick you while you are down moment.

Well, I finished Chapter 6 last night, wow! What a journey and what a world, it was a slow burn and for a while it did feel like wading through treacle, but it certainly picked up for me once I got into chapter 5. One of the cinematic horse journey's toward the climax I almost had a lump in my throat. I knew what was coming with the ending (great music - need to find it!), but I've avoided the reading anything about the epilogue(s) so I'm looking forward to see what's to come......
How about the guy on the porch in wooden shack above Saint Denis near Lagras? Don't want to give too much away lol
Oh god. I had spent so much time exploring the ingame world that I thought I'd seen most of what the game had to offer - yet each time I go out for a wander around I see new things. Over this past weekend whilst hunting for 'Night Men', this chap I encountered and lets say that I was quite drained after that experience :o I was upset that I lost a dollar so went back with a few incindiary rounds...

Finished Chapter 3 last night and have to say that I wasn't really impressed by the main quests for the chapter. I wanted to know more about the families and instead you're thrusted rapidly towards the end quickly. Oddly enough whilst roaming around just before Chapter 3's ending events took place, Charles appeared out of no where on horseback stating that the camp and Dutch were worried about me being away for so long and to return back. I found it very odd as I've been away from the camp for days previously whilst exploring. I returned to camp though and the end events fell into place afterwards.

I wasn't expecting a 'forced' game element in RDR2 and felt that this was a smidge.
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