Red Dead Redemption 2

Stunning! I get so lost in this game.




Hows it playing on v64?
Not very far in as I have just got to the first camp after the tutorial bits but I am finding it difficult to get into. Feel I am being lead everywhere, are there missions where you are on your own?
U need to use certain weapons and ammo type depending on the animal your after..

I got perfect pelts from badgers cougar bear crocodile turtle elk deer and few others.

If u dont use right ammo/weapon u just butcher the pelt.

Also got a few legendary animals which are used for trinkets which buff your char a bit.
Actually "real" West was pretty lawful and peaceful. Is the movies plus couple of incidents that lasted mere minutes that making such depiction. (usually these took place at the South not "Mid West")
Even compared to today, the Mid West (aka "Wild West") at the end of 19th century was a peaceful land full of German & Swedish migrants getting farmlands and building their holdings and not those rowdy Americans depicted in movies. Over 7 million Germans alone colonized those areas representing more than 80% of the total population of those areas and 1 million Swedes.

And we got their commercialized and Americanized folklore back in the form of Christmas Trees, Santa Claus etc.

That because regardless if USA pulled a cultural victory ("Civilization" reference), history cannot be changed. Hell the above is even in the book, required for the citizenship exams of 2007.

Very smooth mate, I just turned off overlay and enjoyed the game. Benchmark on my settings I get avg 57fps this is with much higher settings than say digital Foundry recommended.

Really enjoying it.

1440p? I'll have to get those settings off you when I get it at Christmas. I played it 8 hours a day for 2 weeks solid on console at launch so I can wait. Excited to see it run around 60fps though.
WHat sort of settings will I be able to run this at 1440P on a titan X Pascal?

I’ll tell you in a few days when I’ve put my loop together again. If you have it overclocked and water cooled I think about 5700xt performance - at least thats what I’m hoping for
Just a quick one, if you get the required ingredients for upgraded satchels, does they increase the amount you carry in them?

Currently can be out in the wilderness for some time and it gets a bit tedious when you’re told you can’t carry anymore items as your satchel is full.
I've got the medical one, but i'm not sure if they 'stack' or if only one is active at a time.
Can anyone recommend which settings have very little impact upon the visuals but a significant effect upon performance? I'm currently using a combination of high and ultra, with an average of 57fps. I'd like to try and squeeze a few more though, if possible.

Can't say what will help you on your machine but these are what I have read and tried to play around to get the best out of the game. Maybe they be of help for you.

I have used these suggested settings from Game Debate - Red Dead Redemption 2 Most Important Graphics Options - Every Setting Benchmarked and just now noticed they added another article to it - Red Dead Redemption 2 best PC graphics settings for optimised performance. Might be worth checking those out, I be checking that second article out myself now. :p

But incase you want to dive right in without reading, here is some posted from Hardware Unboxed look at trying to improve the performance, which was posted way back in the thread.
Screengrab of the settings without needing to watch the video:


Will try these settings later if I don't keep crashing in online mode now I've switched back to Vulcan from dx12.

Settings here:


Will try these tonight.

Also include their two youtube videos if you want to have a look yourself.

1440p? I'll have to get those settings off you when I get it at Christmas. I played it 8 hours a day for 2 weeks solid on console at launch so I can wait. Excited to see it run around 60fps though.

Yeah 1440p

You in for a treat the pc version is excellent am loving it. Sure am not running ultra everything but it's setting you wouldn't notice any difference.

I'll post them later
Can't say what will help you on your machine but these are what I have read and tried to play around to get the best out of the game. Maybe they be of help for you.

I have used these suggested settings from Game Debate - Red Dead Redemption 2 Most Important Graphics Options - Every Setting Benchmarked and just now noticed they added another article to it - Red Dead Redemption 2 best PC graphics settings for optimised performance. Might be worth checking those out, I be checking that second article out myself now. :p

But incase you want to dive right in without reading, here is some posted from Hardware Unboxed look at trying to improve the performance, which was posted way back in the thread.

Also include their two youtube videos if you want to have a look yourself.

Perfect. Cheers.
Not sur eif I have a bug here. I'm on the early mission 'The Sheep and the Goats'. Just rustled the sheep, now facing some men outside. Pic for reminder.


Now when I shoot this guy holding the hostage on the left he still managed to stab John....and mission fails. Even when I shoot the face, the arm, the knife - tried it all. I just can't kill him like other videos show.

Is it just me who had this?
Not sur eif I have a bug here. I'm on the early mission 'The Sheep and the Goats'. Just rustled the sheep, now facing some men outside. Pic for reminder.


Now when I shoot this guy holding the hostage on the left he still managed to stab John....and mission fails. Even when I shoot the face, the arm, the knife - tried it all. I just can't kill him like other videos show.

Is it just me who had this?

Odd, I just marked up all 4 guys using dead eye and shot them all at once so maybe try that?
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How do you mark up? My dead-eye just seems to be bullet-time. I've had a few fights where I hover over ppl and it marks them but here I only seem to have one shot

When it activates at this point in the game you should have the option to mark enemies manually when in Dead Eye.... I think it's 'Q' by default. So yeah, go over each guy and press Q which will put a 'x' over their head than fire.

1. Hold R2 to draw
2. When you draw hover over each guy and press 'Q' - or whatever the button is on your pad
3. Fire

That should do it, not sure why it wouldn't.
Anyone find that most types of robbery simply aren't worth doing? I always end up with a bounty that exceeds whatever i stole.
When it activates at this point in the game you should have the option to mark enemies manually when in Dead Eye.... I think it's 'Q' by default. So yeah, go over each guy and press Q which will put a 'x' over their head than fire.

1. Hold R2 to draw
2. When you draw hover over each guy and press 'Q' - or whatever the button is on your pad
3. Fire

That should do it, not sure why it wouldn't.

That worked! Now I know how to mark!

Guess they changed the outcome from the PS version
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