Red Dead Redemption 2

U need to use certain weapons and ammo type depending on the animal your after..

I got perfect pelts from badgers cougar bear crocodile turtle elk deer and few others.

If u dont use right ammo/weapon u just butcher the pelt.

Also got a few legendary animals which are used for trinkets which buff your char a bit.

If you catch the animal with a lasso and kill them with the knife it yields perfect pelts every time. Saves tracking animals as you can study them while they are running away.
I've 'only' clocked up 23 hours so far, i cant work out with the dead eye though, should it regen like health and stamina? Mine doesn't seem to go up even if the core is full and sometimes it a red core (which i assume is due to not eating or sleeping.
I've 'only' clocked up 23 hours so far, i cant work out with the dead eye though, should it regen like health and stamina? Mine doesn't seem to go up even if the core is full and sometimes it a red core (which i assume is due to not eating or sleeping.

Provisions for cores and tonics for rings.
Here are some shots on medium settings without any filtering applied (not sure how to do that yet!) I had to do an Afterburner screenshot of the R* Social club photo viewer, so probably two layers of compression? Unless anyone else knows an easier way of getting the camera shots into a usable format?


my horse Nuggets For Dinner






Here are some shots on medium settings without any filtering applied (not sure how to do that yet!) I had to do an Afterburner screenshot of the R* Social club photo viewer, so probably two layers of compression? Unless anyone else knows an easier way of getting the camera shots into a usable format?

The easiest way is to get screen shots through Afterburner really, but if you want the ones through the ingame photo mechanics, then here is a guide as to how to find them, and then convert them to usable gif's. Although I have not used it myself, it's the only one I found so far that explains the location of the saved photos.

The second easiest way apart from msi being first is to upload then to rockstar through the game by pressing one button in photo mode, you then press one more button in game to view them on rockstar. This will open rockstar photos and it is just right click save as. Takes literally 10 seconds from the moment you take the photo to have it ready and downloaded.
I've spent a small fortune paying off my own bounties...always go out fighting, with a small bounty quickly escalating to 100's!

But a perfect rabbit pelt eludes me!
I've spent a small fortune paying off my own bounties...always go out fighting, with a small bounty quickly escalating to 100's!

But a perfect rabbit pelt eludes me!

I could not find one quite a while. In the end I just rode around with the vermint rifle, used dead eye and shot the 3 star ones. did not take long after that. :)

Other pelts still allude me.
that was weird i just launched the rockstar app and had a 2.91gb update for this so went and made tea and av comeback to see it has completed and there is no way i downloaded that in such a short period of time my internet isn't that great.
that was weird i just launched the rockstar app and had a 2.91gb update for this so went and made tea and av comeback to see it has completed and there is no way i downloaded that in such a short period of time my internet isn't that great.

You are right. 2.9GB here as well..... I will update if there are any graphic settings changes....

EDIT: All still there. No changes
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