Have to agree to that, frankly I'm surprised Griswold (my horse) is still with me!The whole having to eat, feed your horse, stroke your horse, bonding with your horse..
it wouldn’t have been a lesser game if such elements were left out.

Have to agree to that, frankly I'm surprised Griswold (my horse) is still with me!The whole having to eat, feed your horse, stroke your horse, bonding with your horse..
it wouldn’t have been a lesser game if such elements were left out.
Found this on pcgamingwiki
Increase sharpening beyond the in-game limit through the config file[14]
Accessing in-game Graphics settings will revert the changes.
- Go to the configuration file(s) location.
- Open system.xml in a text editor.
- Find the sharpenIntensity line (e.g. <sharpenIntensity value="1.000000" />).
- Increase the value as desired (e.g. <sharpenIntensity value="3.800000" />).
- Save the file.
Setting the file to read-only will preserve the chosen value for the next game launch.
It does make a difference.
Have you tried this with and/or versus the new Nvidia sharpening filter?
The whole having to eat, feed your horse, stroke your horse, bonding with your horse..
it wouldn’t have been a lesser game if such elements were left out.
To an extent, I agree from a pointless mechanics point of view. But storywise, feeling a bond with a horse is overall important imo
Yeah it was odd, it started off at about 75% complete.
I had “exited unexpectedly” today several times today. I then tried to load the online and found I could switch back into story mode and was finally able to launch without problems.
yesterday, after the ‘phantom’ update (no way it downloaded that quick!) I was good and had zero issues. I’m struggling to believe how many issues this port has had.
anyone else still getting issues?
its a little faster for me
It downloads while you play, it only installs when you quit the game.
Is anyone playing this on a 4K TV with a NV card and can get HDR working?
If so, can you please post your setting in NV control panel please.
I've not noticed any settings for HDR in the NVCP, I just turn it on HDR for windows, used vulkan and it works in game.
What I mean is what settings in NV control panel I.E 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 or RGB 8\10\12 bit
I used to see the HDR option in the in game settings. But now I don't.
If I turn on HDR in windows 10. The screen goes darker.