Red Dead Redemption 2

I think my C2Ds could’ve been caused by Windows updates, it had one downloaded ready to restart when it kept crashing.

Not a single crash tonight.
Are you talking about this post? I'll give that a try, thanks.

Thanks! I have a GTX 1070. I'm currently using these settings:



Edit: @imginy @physichull @Strudders I had to reupload the video, so the ones listed in your replies are no longer working. :(
Any tips for best settings, default frame rate is low!

1080ti, 3440*1440.

DX12 or Vulcan?

Running this same card and have a constant 60 FPS at ultra settings using DX12 , turn of GRASS ! its a killer and is not needed and doesn't make much difference to the game look , also make sure Water is on Medium settings you dont need that on ultra , Everything else can pretty much go on max settings , TAA Max ect.
Running this same card and have a constant 60 FPS at ultra settings using DX12 , turn of GRASS ! its a killer and is not needed and doesn't make much difference to the game look , also make sure Water is on Medium settings you dont need that on ultra , Everything else can pretty much go on max settings , TAA Max ect.

Are you referring to grass shadows or grass LOD?
I usually let gsync do it's thing, but this seems to be one of those games where gsync doesn't really work. I've locked out to 60fps, vsync on (in-game) and triple buffering enabled.

Much, much smoother.
I don't own the game but does it look good or is it just poorly optimised or both? Want to buy it on Steam but hate DRM and needing Rockstar Launcher also is a complete nuisance.

It can be breath taking. I don't think it's poorly optimised (in the way you mean) but it did suffer from very annoying pauses and stutters on release for certain configs as it didn't balance the load across cores for certain processors, e.g. mine, 4690k. That's been patched out and my game runs flawlessly and it's the most visually impressive game I've seen. Great story with some real laugh out loud moments, elements of pathos, and of camaraderie, and of place ... or perhaps of time. It's a masterpiece.

e: @String, disagree per my above comments.
Snow? You're on the 2 hour intro tutorial by the sounds of things. It's a massive pain in the arse and isn't indicative of the 'proper' game.

Ultra is huge overkill and there's quite a lot of comment online about how demanding the game is when you push it to the max. There are many guides out there, some posted earlier, which will get you 90% of the effect (made up figure, sue me) at Medium/High/sometimes Ultra (where beneficial) without having to go Ultra on everything. The terms and definitions (med, high, ultra etc) are not common for this game compared to its peers (where you might go Ultra because that's the best and isn't generally punitive).
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