Red Dead Redemption 2


Has anyone else received this error when attempting to launch the game via the desktop shortcut that the installation created?

Yup getting the same.
I'm playing with gfx settings on 'Balanced' with my Vega 64 at 1440p my OSD is saying my FPS never drops below 60. Thing is I keep experiencing what I perceive to FPS drops but my OSD never budges from 60 fps. I dont know if the OSD isn't reading things properly or something else is going on.
66 average at 1440p with a 2080ti. Nope. There's no optimisation patches going to address performance some 50% under where it should be if that guru3d slide is to be believed.

If this is true then what a huge disappointment, the game has come to pc a whole year later than console. The performance should be far better.
This is the problem with PCs compared to consoles, on consoles everyone has the same hardware and software. Take even just this last page or so, you have some people saying its running smoothly and others saying its unplayable or doesnt run at all. Must be a nightmare for PC devs
and this is why I was fine waiting for the Steam release. Get the issues ironed out and i'll play it at Christmas. It's not like I haven't played it, got 70% of trophies on PS4 so I can wait for bugs and patches to roll out.
I don't understand why you are all getting issues? I am maxed out at 1440p here and has not dipped under 120fps once. I do use 2 x 1080ti's and overclocked cpu but you guys should be able to run this easily with newer cards with decent FPS. I wonder if a program is making the game run crap or something in the background? One of the smoothest experiences I have played on PC for years from release. If I can help I will.
Another one who had the crashing part way through the intro scene. None of the Rockstar suggestions made any difference. Changed to DX12 and its running ok now.
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