Red Dead Redemption Thread

Think i have had a bug at the end game, everytime i load up i seem to only have 5 of every item, like snake oil, moon shine, apples etc etc even though i bought loads more.

Got my 100% game completion, had to look up the social site to see what i was missing when i was at 98%, trophies are at 88% or 77% when i compare against you robert ( 10% seems to be the co-op which im assuming are going to be for dlc? )
Thanks for that

Presumably once the story is complete you're free to roam about to your hearts content like you could with Batman AA?


trophies are at 88%

you son of a ****

I want to be first on ocuk to platinum this game. Its become my life goal. :D

oh and co-op trophies don't count towards platinum.

Do you want a hand in getting "slow on the draw" trophy? It can be a pain in the arse trying to get it without someone else helping you.
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i just was playing poker,

I busted out every player, no cheats, no coat cheating nothing just playing, like i would in r/l

ended up with a 1000 chips, its funny at the end you get up from the table & tips he's hat whilst everyone walks out :)

only thing i got was $100 & update to walton wardrobe :(
The horse does take a bit of getting used to, but it's pretty authentic in the way it moves, you can't reverse it like a car.

Anybody else having trouble dragging themselves away from the poker table? :D
Sorry i left the multiplayer game robert but it was on expert aiming, im about mediocre aiming and those other guys were pretty good, so i went and jumped into a quick match and got the 4 consecutive wins trophy. alast was painful as it was me against 2 others, but normal aim and pistols saw me win.
Cheers. :)

Will give it a try, oh and no problem for the link. They guy who does the videos has a really annoying voice but at least the clips are short and sweet and shows you a view of the map as well as the location. :)

The guys voice did get a bit annoying had it on quietly while the gf was watching tv and left the room, didn't realise it was on loop by default, so she was about ready to kill me 25 mins later! lol

Getting seriously annoyed getting 6 disarms without reloading or changing weapon for Sharpshooter 10, ruining what was a really fun line of challenges :(

Got all the treasures though, amazing how watching the first few seconds, even for a quick hint just makes you go "oh yeah!" and find them yourself within a minute or 2!
Sorry i left the multiplayer game robert but it was on expert aiming, im about mediocre aiming and those other guys were pretty good, so i went and jumped into a quick match and got the 4 consecutive wins trophy. alast was painful as it was me against 2 others, but normal aim and pistols saw me win.

god damn it seriously? I was trying to get the 4 wins trophy.

I hate you. :/

On the plus side, I got the posse up trophy just after you left. so there. :D
hmmm Im at 98.5% and I'm not sure what else I have to do other than the US Marshall outfit, maybe a couple of bounty locations
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