Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Was going to get this but my luck with PC games recently means that i will be moaning about this and that and not enjoying the game. Will wait to see what happens with the next couple of patches.
Opinions on the game appear to agree that the game is great when it works. Its just not working enough of the time.
Was going to get this but my luck with PC games recently means that i will be moaning about this and that and not enjoying the game. Will wait to see what happens with the next couple of patches.
Opinions on the game appear to agree that the game is great when it works. Its just not working enough of the time.

Not true.

Works the majority of the time for me.

An occassional blank screen every few days does not stop me playing or ruin my enjoyment.
I hate the world... but im downloading at 3.5mb atm, ooo make that 4.4 and 3% done.

Probably need a few hours to get the thing patched no doubt :(

I look forward to meeting you on the server with my repeated death :D
game fps is killing my rig , with my specs what should i be running at ? seems very jerky esp with lots of smoke onscreen i would have thought my gfx card would have eaten this for breakfast?
Yes please.

Damien's one was good but the more the merrier, may just stick them on rotation.

Cool, well here is a quick bash at one. I wont be offended if its not used :)

game fps is killing my rig , with my specs what should i be running at ? seems very jerky esp with lots of smoke onscreen i would have thought my gfx card would have eaten this for breakfast?

I think the game is just full of bugs atm, I use the below settings:

Graphics Quality: High
Post Processing Preset: Normal

Seems to run well on my 460 GTX
im using
Everything ultra -AA Max FF(not ML)
Motion ON
Bloom On
frame smoothing ON
Shadows on - medium - i lose like 40fps with shadows on higher than medium.

GTX570 - 60fps constant @ 1920x1200

btw whats that 10% mean??
Game is :mad::mad::mad: me off, biggest waste of money this year!

Runs like crap even on medium and tweaked settings, at times it was 18fps! It looks like ****. The hit reg is way off at times, guy was two gun lengths away, i shoot him in the back see the blood but no damage and he runs off. I thought bfbc 2 was bad but this!. I've shot a number of enemies and killed them with headshots but nothing has shown as a kill. I've been killed through thick walls from the side of thin air 4 floors up. Pressed ctrl to bandage myself when i've got some left and my player just stands there. Stuck on objects and fallen through objects being unable to move, Pressed CTRL to use the mounted gun only for my player to hug the wall.

Did you guys really beta test this? or just play the game and actually forget to tell anyone that it has a lot of flaws. This game should never have been released in this state and for the price too.

Had a little play and the closest game i can compare it to is Company of Heroes.

Very action packed with some great firefights but it leans more towards a strategy that just happens to be in the first person.
I'm starting to consider this one of the best games I've ever played now. Its just so rewarding (if that is possible in a gaming sense)
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