Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Spartanovka, Apartments and Station are the best maps imo. Commissars House had promise but the first two points in territory mode for the Russians are harsh, since they spawn pretty exposed. Not hard for a co-ordinated team but ...

Yea love the apartments one of favorites, does this game have any maps from original RO? Also where are the large tanks battle maps? can't seem to find any
I get around 65FPS tops with everything at Ultra and everything turned on, as well as my Nvidia Control Panel settings maxing out everything it can.... it drops to 40s when its busy.

Thing is, id accept it if the game looked nice.. but its not that pretty when you actually take your time with it. I appreciate its a game and thats more important than graphics, but surely you dont need such a high spec machine for what you get from it.

Best part for me is the blown up body parts.. love walking past the odd leg :D
Maps I like are the train station one, the one where theres something called Pavlovs house to capture.... also the one with the NCO Barracks to capture that map.

I dont like the big outside one, with the church in the middle (it seems) and burnt out houses etc around it.
For all my moaning, tbh if you get a good server with 2 good teams.. the game does shine out for whats its meant to be about.

Pushing, holding, flanking... covering each other, getting into a building and going in and clearing it out. Feels good when that stuff is going on.

The biggest downside to me is sometimes like in all FPS games, spawn raping. I know its part and parcel of the game, but some maps just take the mick.
Check out the launch log!

[2118.92] Init: ============ FPS ============
[2118.92] Init:
[2118.92] Init: FPS : 22.109827
[2118.92] Init: Frame Time : 45.228756
[2118.92] Init:
[2118.92] Init:
[2118.92] Init: ============ Unit ============
[2118.92] Init:
[2118.92] Init: Frame Time : 44.753677
[2118.92] Init: Game Thread Time : 44.684254
[2118.92] Init: Render Thread Time : 22.469765
[2118.92] Init: GPU Time : 24.590921
[2118.92] Init:
[2118.92] Init:
[2118.92] Init: ============ Slow ============

[2183.31] ScriptWarning: Attempt to assign variable through None
ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap TE-Barracks.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap_19
Function ROGame.ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap:Initialize:06D1
[2183.31] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'HUDComponents'
ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap TE-Barracks.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap_19
Function ROGame.ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap:Initialize:06EB
[2183.31] ScriptWarning: Attempt to assign variable through None
ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap TE-Barracks.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap_19
Function ROGame.ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap:Initialize:06FF
[2183.47] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'HitActor'
ROImpactEffectComponent TE-Barracks.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ROPlayerController_2.ROImpactEffectComponent_2
Function ROGame.ROImpactEffectComponent:PlayImpactEffects:0327
[2183.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PhysMaterial'
ROImpactEffectComponent TE-Barracks.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ROPlayerController_2.ROImpactEffectComponent_2
Function ROGame.ROImpactEffectComponent:RecursePenetration:023A
[2183.54] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2183.59] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2183.68] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2183.77] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2183.85] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2183.85] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2183.85] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2184.38] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2184.38] Warning: Exceeded max active pooled emitters!
[2184.74] Log: Failed; returning to Entry
[2184.76] Log: LoadMap: ROEntry?closed?Name=Player?Team=255
[2184.77] ScriptWarning: Accessed array 'Tips' out of bounds (0/0)
[2186.40] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class ROGame.ROUIScenePickupSelect': Failed to find object 'Class ROGame.ROUIScenePickupSelect'
[2186.40] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class ROGame.ROUIScenePickupSelect'
[2186.52] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'ROMI'

if anyone is interested (I'm not even sure I am any more) having given up with TW's forums and mailing list I spoke to Justin over at KC who has had a word and sorted our ranked status out. So at long last we are ranked again, anyone wanting a smaller experience (oh err) then feel free to drop by.

A follow up on my RO2 Green Man Gaming refund woes!

Leeroy, Sep-22 15:53 (BST):
Hi Picklesnipe,

We have not been refunding people for their dissatisfaction with the game. Only in very specific circumstances would we consider such a step. Refunds are only issued whereby we've made a mistake or there has been other issues outstanding. We can't discuss other customer's situations with you, only assess the situation by your own.

We would be unable to offer a refund on this product, as it's a steam title.




Oh, ffs.
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