Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

nah it sucks, tha'ts its main problem. Some days all i can see are my favourites. Heres the fix apparently, but id save the top severs as favourites.

Error: No maps/servers show up on my map/browser list

1. Open your RedOrchestra/System Folder
2. Delete all .ucl files
3. Restart Steam and RO

To say theyre a weee bit late would be understatement of the century, the game was released far too early and still has loads of problems. All the while the very limited player base has shriveled to almost nothing. They've some decent ideas with their games but they seem to fail on execution, performance on this game was a realy killer, it looks pretty dated yet requires pretty beefy specs to run well. All the classic hallmarks of a rush release.

And in that video they say theyre adding an option for client side hit detection? Oh im sure that'll go down well with players (glares at BF3). :mad:
Well they tried to appeal to both player bases at the start, by having 2 different game modes at least old RO players who like a slower paced game get what they want while Action mode will appeal to faster paced players. It's better than just leaving it the way it is. No doubt the full conversion mods will bring back players interests in RO2.
I'm willing to give it another go when its released, nothing to lose.

Time spent playing that you'll never get back again, time that would be more enjoyable, and better spent by having violent diarrhea ;)
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A rather humbling video on their behalf I think.

Takes a lot to admit what they have done and to make the changes.

There will be a RO2 Free weekend starting on Thursday so I guess they are going for a kind of "re-launch".

Best of luck to them, but with this and Iron Front in the same weekend, WOW.

Do I setup an Iron Front server or a RO2 server?
Im thinking IF is going to be a problem for RO. I really enjoy RO but only the 64 player maps and there are only ever 2 or 3 full servers. Hoping for something more from IF.
Has already been said, IronFront is going to give RO2 a run for its money and deep down, I am a RO/Tripwire fan but IronFront simply looks too good.

My weekend will be spent on a 128 player IronFront server but I hope the re-launch goes well for tripwire.

I had a 64 man RO2 server at launch and it died within a month, am hoping IF holds onto its playerbase which I think it will.
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I'll probably get Iron Front as well at some point. Was going to get it from amazon for £15 but its not a Steam game by default..will get it sometime once they have it on Steam

RO2 and IF will be quite different games though. I think IF will be more focussed on vehicles or there will be lots of downtime between action. I don't see why not play both :D

I will wait to see if IF gets good word of mouth tho before buying, since I don't think there will be any pre-order discount on Steam so might as well wait a bit. We don't know how buggy or how the gameplay will be for IF either, and I'm not really experienced much with ARMA so dunno if I would like it
I am guessing the co-op mode got lost in this shuffle :)

Among the many launch issues, the server ****list system they had made it a PITA for server owners to attract players when for no reason you received a message on your server saying "Not ranked".. Queue mass exodus.
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