Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

I like the tripwire guys but the whole beta situation is a bit of a joke. Basically the Beta is a demo as they release date is pretty much set in stone and they already know which bugs need fixed. The whole early beta access was simply a way to get more pre-orders, so now they have to stick by that.

The **** really can hit the fan in the last few weeks of making a game. Give them a break, they will be working night and day to get game breaking bugs fixed.
Anyone else gone back and installed the original?

Haven't played it for years but it's just as good as I remember.

Totally unforgiving. Love it! :D
Anyone else gone back and installed the original?

Haven't played it for years but it's just as good as I remember.

Totally unforgiving. Love it! :D

I actually bought and started the original about a month ago, can not believe it went under my radar, such a good game, its my favourite multiplayer game right now.
Pre-ordered the deluxe after watching a few videos, however I've never played the first one and was just wondering how this would compare to something like Project Reality?

Thanks :)
Pretty similar in terms of combat mechanics but smaller maps than PR (RO1 did get some huge, mostly tank, maps post release) so its quicker to get into the fight and more focussed on infantry range combat but still having long enough ranges for rifles to really be the main weapon outside of building or very close combat plus there's less requirement for close-knit squad play because of all that since the flow of battle is more concentrated.

Not that proper use of comms and tactics isn't useful, a good commander or coop-tankers could easily swing the tide of battle, its just not needed to be personally effective unlike PR.
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Video NDA got lifted for their closed beta testers so a whole bunch of videos have started cropping up.

Three on this thread but sure there will be a few more out.

Not fully watched them yet but the second one linked there and maybe the first seem to be from a busier time on the beta server so the first real footage of a proper game not against bots or on a mostly empty server.
I just don't have a good feeling about this game.

I will dutifully purchase, I enjoyed the original quite a bit.

But what I've seen of the videos, this doesn't look like it will come close to the first game.

Also I can't stand the UT3 engine used with realistic games, its very contrast heavy and only looks the part with sci fi games imo.

I hope I will eat my words.
Also I can't stand the UT3 engine used with realistic games, its very contrast heavy and only looks the part with sci fi games imo.

Lots of ultra shine and bloom! :(, It's supposed to be gritty and dark and unforgiving not bright and colourful :p
Lots of ultra shine and bloom! :(, It's supposed to be gritty and dark and unforgiving not bright and colourful :p

Well I'd guess the battle that takes place in this video is happening right as the sun has risen and is in it's prime.

There are more grim looking levels
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