Anyone know if its actually any good
21:49 - [TW]Yoshiro: but as of now we are still on for Today in Tripwire time and space
21:49 - [TW]Yoshiro: which is the only time and space that matter
Really good.
only thing im concerened about is it being ultrarealistic
i might find it too tough
im more tf2 level
I find it quite a good balance between fun and realism.
I have been playing tf2 almost exclusively up until lately when I finally got bored of it. Found RO1 to be a breath of fresh air, really enjoying playing the first game currently.
ok think ill go try the first one
is it in beta stage now then
So I heard beta starts tomorrow for us Deluxe players. Does that mean midnight tonight or tomorrow at a random time?
[TW]Yoshiro: Ok
[TW]Yoshiro: time for another update
[TW]Yoshiro: the bad news, is there is no "new" news yet
[TW]Yoshiro: we are still working hard to get the beta out today
[TW]Yoshiro: Today being in the Tripwire time zone of awesomeness < Banjo Twanging Central
[TW]Yoshiro: To clear up some confusion
[TW]Yoshiro: today is our goal
[TW]Yoshiro: and we are working hard to meet it for the beta release
[TW]Yoshiro: however bad things can and do happen while the development process is occuring
[TW]Yoshiro: if we feel the beta won't make it today we will make an announcment on that as soon as we know
[TW]Yoshiro: but as of right now we are still shooting for today
Well there isn't a lot of today left!
[TW]Yoshiro: the beta will feature 3 maps
[TW]Yoshiro: in all of their game modes
[TW]Yoshiro: Apartments in TE/CD/FF
[TW]Yoshiro: Fallen Fighters in TE/CD
[TW]Yoshiro: and GUmrak in TE/CD
[TW]Yoshiro: Apartments is infantry only (and the remake of the original Danzig)
[TW]Yoshiro: FallenFighters is a combined arms map in the famed Red Square
[TW]Yoshiro: and Gumrak is a tank only battle in the fields outside the city centered around an airstrip
[TW]Yoshiro: All the base weapons will be in game
[TW]Yoshiro: and all classes
[TW]Yoshiro: as the beta goes on we might switch out maps and turn on other functionality to test it
[TW]Yoshiro: not every bit of gameplay will be final
[TW]Yoshiro: we are still tweaking some things
[TW]Yoshiro: And the best thing you can do in the beta is report bugs and reproductions of them that a sleep deprived coder can understand. They have to be very basic steps that anybody could follow to reproduce the issue
[TW]Yoshiro: We have about 150 dedicated servers running for the beta
[TW]Yoshiro: and that number is going up as GSPs/Clans/Communities bring their servers online
[TW]Yoshiro: And once again, for those who experience the server browser showing them 0 servers
[TW]Yoshiro: follow the instructions in this steam support article as a work around:
[TW]Yoshiro: we are working to address the issue with valve
Today being Hick Central time, apparently thats the only time zone that matters according to them.
I've seen something similar being posted on multiple forums (and at least hourly, as various timezones approach midnight). Do people actually think THEIR timezone should matter more to developers who live and work in a different continent entirely?
And the whole timezone debacle is meaningless anyway. The beta won't suddenly materialize seconds before midnight Tripwire time. It's ready when it's ready regardless of what time it is. It's a different matter if they specifically say for example "in two hours". That would be solid piece of information and probably a decent estimate. But 30th was a target date set week ago and they specifically mentioned that it's not guaranteed by any means although they have been posting updates today and there's still a chance of it being released sometime soon. Or tomorrow.