Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

You can't judge what it'll be like based on it crashing in the beta. The fix for it could be incredibly simple or even already sorted on a more up to date build. The important stuff to look at is the core gameplay.
You have to get into the game to be able to look at the core gameplay :D

Of course, it is beta, you have to expect these kind of things, just stating my experiences so far.

Will be trying again tonight armed with some beers, hoping to get some hardcore Eastern Front killing on the go!
If you're crashing in browser, don't move your mouse/touch ANYTHING until the refresh completes.

Performance should be much better by release (Older beta testers claiming performance 2 weeks ago was nigh unplayable)

Only big issues for me currently are the cover system around walls (Rather than over) kinda bugs out, and the ranging system is really wierd. I have my sights set to 300m, place sights over guy, shoot, kill, message tells me he was 108m away from me.
I think a lot of people here were expecting a slightly more realistic CoD, hence the dissapointment. Which is good for me, because I loved the pace of the orignal so Im expecting more of the same :D

For those of you finding bugs, get them reported in detail. The more reported at this stage, the better the chances of them being scheduled for fixing.
The server browser is badly glitched, best thing to do is let the list populate then try to get into a server, if you move the mouse around when its doing this it just lags like hell for some reason. Thats the only way ive been able to get into games =/
In case you guys want a refund I'd guess it's quite possible, steam does refund pre-orders. Google how to appropriately request a refund with steam.

57% donwload so far for me, soon will check out how it compares to the original.
I'd call the beta 'clunky'. That's not saying it's a bad thing, I think it kind of adds to the gameplay when things aren't smooth perfect all the time. The game is very much what I expected although it is pretty damn demanding (a [email protected] + ATI 6970 won't cut it at *full* details and 1920x1080, had to drop quite a few details to high) and the 64 servers seem to require quite ridiculous amount of server CPU power.

I hope they find a fix for all the server browser crashes. I crash (only) about 50% of the time now when I move the mouse cursor away from the server list as soon as the server browser opens and just let it refresh the list until it's done.
I'd call the beta 'clunky'. That's not saying it's a bad thing, I think it kind of adds to the gameplay when things aren't smooth perfect all the time. The game is very much what I expected although it is pretty damn demanding (a [email protected] + ATI 6970 won't cut it at *full* details and 1920x1080, had to drop quite a few details to high) and the 64 servers seem to require quite ridiculous amount of server CPU power.

Running at full detail here though in crossfire, not sure what theyve done to the engine if it runs like that on a single card. :eek:
In case you guys want a refund I'd guess it's quite possible, steam does refund pre-orders. Google how to appropriately request a refund with steam.

57% donwload so far for me, soon will check out how it compares to the original.

Good god if people want a refund then perhaps they should have played the first at least a little bit before pre-ordering this...or atleast watched some footage of gameplay.
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