Pretty much the same for me too, crashes whilst connecting or on the severe laggy browser.
Yeah, I'm not saying that your complaints aren't reasonable - just things like "it's not looking good if it's crashing in beta".
Would be good if I could get past the browser and actually try the core gameplay.
Think I'll leave it for now....
I'd call the beta 'clunky'. That's not saying it's a bad thing, I think it kind of adds to the gameplay when things aren't smooth perfect all the time. The game is very much what I expected although it is pretty damn demanding (a [email protected] + ATI 6970 won't cut it at *full* details and 1920x1080, had to drop quite a few details to high) and the 64 servers seem to require quite ridiculous amount of server CPU power.
In case you guys want a refund I'd guess it's quite possible, steam does refund pre-orders. Google how to appropriately request a refund with steam.
57% donwload so far for me, soon will check out how it compares to the original.