Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

So far so good actually, only played on one map so far. But the power of weapons still buggs me a lot, weapons in RO1 felt much much much more powerful both from hip and iron sight...or am I being crazy?

Crazy. Rifles are still one hit kill, SMGs aren't far off. If anything SMGs need an accuracy nerf big time because as long as you have a stable firing position you can pick people an astounding distance away.

I can hear the haters already tbh. "OMG I like, ran forward and I didn't run like a supersoldier on speed, then I stood still, aimed my SMG at a window 400m away and fired full auto and didn't get the kill wtf"

I loved RO1. Played RO2 this morning, hated it. Played it this afternoon and it's already my favourite game this year so far, bugs and all. The Devs have done a great job in balancing (With the possible exception of the SMG stable accuracy), and the game rewards you for being aggressive, far more so than the first game.

This is NOT Call of Duty. I'd also say it's not a refresh of Red Orchestra. It's Red Orchestra 2 and it stands alone in my book. It's not dumbed down (They added having to adjust sights for one thing), it's not gone arcadey or super-sim like, it just plays different to the first and is all the better for it.
Crazy. Rifles are still one hit kill, SMGs aren't far off. If anything SMGs need an accuracy nerf big time because as long as you have a stable firing position you can pick people an astounding distance away.

I can hear the haters already tbh. "OMG I like, ran forward and I didn't run like a supersoldier on speed, then I stood still, aimed my SMG at a window 400m away and fired full auto and didn't get the kill wtf"

I loved RO1. Played RO2 this morning, hated it. Played it this afternoon and it's already my favourite game this year so far, bugs and all. The Devs have done a great job in balancing (With the possible exception of the SMG stable accuracy), and the game rewards you for being aggressive, far more so than the first game.

This is NOT Call of Duty. I'd also say it's not a refresh of Red Orchestra. It's Red Orchestra 2 and it stands alone in my book. It's not dumbed down (They added having to adjust sights for one thing), it's not gone arcadey or super-sim like, it just plays different to the first and is all the better for it.

Agreed but you can limit the number of chaps with SMGs on each team.
Managed to get the game to start, had to install UE3Redist.exe ([drive letter of install]:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\redorchestra2beta\Bin aries\Windows).
Enjoying it so far, although the lack of maps in the beta is starting to get annoying already (I guess it gives me something to look forward to when the full game is released).
Agreed but you can limit the number of chaps with SMGs on each team.

True, but I still think they need a bit of tweaking. As German on Appartments, I can sit in a window on one side of the river and using the windowsill to steady myself, can consistantly make headshots on Russians in windows on their side of the river, usually with a single 2-3 round burst. Using a bolt rifle is so unforgiving that the SMG shouldn't be able to just replace it.

Otherwise I think the SMG is great. I love how it completely dominates close-quarter but (almost) totally falls flat everywhere else. Means you need a real balance, and playing with some friends is brilliant.
overclocked my system, tweaked settings a bit. Played tank map too.

I am liking it, definitively good improvement over the first one.

It's a fantastic game.
Anyone else think the MG34 sounds REALLY weedy?

Yea i was expecting a bit more thump, sounds like a glorified bbgun.

The game is good, for people expecting a casual FPS the movement does take time to get used to, it isn't the kind of game when you run into the battle guns blazing you have to take your time from cover to cover and think smart.

What I'm waiting for though is the mods that are already being made, ww1, ww2 pacific and vietnam mods
Waiting for green man to come back up so I can buy it, if anyone wants a referal I'd be glad to help as I've not signed up yet.
Got into one server, have to say it looked fantastic and ran well on the high setting. However, now whenever I join a server it crashes to desktop after it loads...
I really must say the graphics are not half bad, the lighting is nice, it deffo doesn't look bad.

And after one very small game I enjoyed it and got some nice rifle kills.

Going back in and not stopping till bed time.
I really must say the graphics are not half bad, the lighting is nice, it deffo doesn't look bad.


That's the impression I got from some of the videos. Im not expecting super graphics, but the lighting did look very good. I purposely didn't buy the deluxe version, but I can wait patiently for a couple more weeks to see for sure.
Waiting for green man to come back up so I can buy it, if anyone wants a referal I'd be glad to help as I've not signed up yet.

Edit: Taken it down. Never realised you weren't allowed referal links!?

I wonder if greenmangaming will cancel my pre-prder of the std edition if i buy the deluxe. Really want in on this beta!!
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Yeh when I got the standard edition I didn't even know there was a deluxe version, I can wait two weeks, I kinda have too! :)

I think PR Arma is out Friday, that will gimmie summit to do.
There you go :)

I wonder if greenmangaming will cancel my pre-prder of the std edition if i buy the deluxe. Really want in on this beta!!

It's been down all day, quite pathetic really. says 30 minuts but that was 4 hours ago.
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