if i am not mistaken they say that for battle of stalingrad the ruskies were all given rifles and only 1 magazine each. (5 bullets)
i forget where i heard this from was years ago.. but this suggests the rifles are easier and cheaper to manufacture.
The Russians were notoriously well supplied (With a few small exceptions due to problems with supply lines). Half the reason the Germans developed the MP44/STG44 which we know today as the precursor to the AK47 is because they needed to combat the fact that some Russian rifle companies were entirely supplied with semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns. Plus full power infantry rifles are much more expensive and difficult to manufacture.
As game balance stands, SMGs are too powerful. Yes they need to be elite weapons etc etc but as defenders on Counterdown on Fallenfighters, you can sit in the upper left window facing the building 100m away that the attackers reinforcement wave arrives from and cut them all down. As long as the weapon is resting on the windowsill, a 2-3 round burst will kill (i've personally killed the entire enemy reinforcement wave this way).
The same goes for territory on Appartments. If you sit in the ground floor window facing the west bridge, it makes perfect sense that you should cut down anyone running across the brige, or running up from the ravinve, but I sure as hell shouldn't be able to also kill guys who take up places in the buildings across the street, four floors up so easily.
I really think it needs small nerf, and the bolt rifles need an accuracy buff. A nagant/mauser should always hit its mark up to 100m when aiming down the sights when stationary, or the weapon becomes entirely useless. Slow death in relation to this needs a look as well, because as a bolt rifle user you have one tiny chance up close, and if you're good enough to make the kill, it's stupid that your victim suddenly gets a chance to retaliate.