To add to the 'other classes are elite so there's less of them' counter-argument, on a 48 player server, 17 of your 24 strong team aren't equiped with bolt-rifles. (6 assault, 3 elite, 4 squad leaders, 1 commander, 3 machine-gunners)
A bit biased way to present information eh?
From 48man server slots are:
Assault: 6
Rifle: 21
Elite rifle: 3 (has option to chose either semi-automatic rifle, bolt rifle or SMG)
MG: 3
SL: 4 (same as Elite rifle)
Commander: 1 (same as elite rifle)
So if everybody wants to play bolt rifle then 21+3+4+1= 29 people, 29 people can play with bolt rifle.
Edit: on a 64men server, how it should be played. almost half of people(15) are "forced" to play with bolt rifle and if somebody wants to play rifle over anything else, there is always a free spot to play as a bolt rifle man
Also bolt rifles are very precise long range, I don't know what you're talking about. In fact a guy linked a screenshot of him killing a nazi 198m away from him with a bolt rifle.
furthermore clamping together all non-bolt rile classes is just to show how bolt-rifle role is more scares is statistical travesty. If there are more slots avaliable for bolt-rifling, comparing to other SINGLE roles. Other roles are very scares while bolt-rile slot is abundant