Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Have you guys noticed that kill icon of a hazel(acorn*) nut split in to?

Just wondering have you realized that it's a nut shot :D
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Haha, wondered what that was. Loving the beta but getting bored of apartments :(

Aye, I don't like only-tanks map and fallenangels just does not feel right yet. So really only 1 map I play - apartments and that got boring.

No worries as I can enjoy RO1 before RO2 come out.
I'm really trying to like this game!, New company of Mods and all that. But the beta is just terrible!.

Not comparing it to anything else, But its like going back 5 years game wise, Not slagging anything off, just saying.

Hopefully the Main game will be MUCH better.

Lol you are slagging it off but each to their own. In my eyes it's a true fps, a game the pc has been missing for a long time, well a new one anyway. Since the patch I would say the beta is fine, and before the patch I only had one crash and none since.

I haven't managed a nut shot yet, keep forgetting to adjust my aim, tonight I will.
I'm really trying to like this game!, New company of Mods and all that. But the beta is just terrible!.

Not comparing it to anything else, But its like going back 5 years game wise, Not slagging anything off, just saying.

Hopefully the Main game will be MUCH better.

What aspect of the beta are you finding so terrible? I can't really see that much can change from the current beta to the main game (except bug fixes).

My main issue with it so far is that I'm so bad at it that I spend most of the time dead waiting to respawn. :(
Does this look like a GPU memory issue or just a bug in the beta? doesn't appear on any other games.

Oh if you worried rifles are too unforgiving close quarters with only 1 bolt before reloading, I completely forgot about bayonets, they're not in beta but they are in the full game.
I've had some excellent "OH GOD" moments with the rifles. The panic that ensues when two riflemen run into eachother and dance around trying to get shots off really gets the adrenaline going.
To add to the 'other classes are elite so there's less of them' counter-argument, on a 48 player server, 17 of your 24 strong team aren't equiped with bolt-rifles. (6 assault, 3 elite, 4 squad leaders, 1 commander, 3 machine-gunners)
To add to the 'other classes are elite so there's less of them' counter-argument, on a 48 player server, 17 of your 24 strong team aren't equiped with bolt-rifles. (6 assault, 3 elite, 4 squad leaders, 1 commander, 3 machine-gunners)

A bit biased way to present information eh?

From 48man server slots are:

Assault: 6
Rifle: 21
Elite rifle: 3 (has option to chose either semi-automatic rifle, bolt rifle or SMG)
MG: 3
SL: 4 (same as Elite rifle)
Commander: 1 (same as elite rifle)

So if everybody wants to play bolt rifle then 21+3+4+1= 29 people, 29 people can play with bolt rifle.

Edit: on a 64men server, how it should be played. almost half of people(15) are "forced" to play with bolt rifle and if somebody wants to play rifle over anything else, there is always a free spot to play as a bolt rifle man

Also bolt rifles are very precise long range, I don't know what you're talking about. In fact a guy linked a screenshot of him killing a nazi 198m away from him with a bolt rifle.

furthermore clamping together all non-bolt rile classes is just to show how bolt-rifle role is more scares is statistical travesty. If there are more slots avaliable for bolt-rifling, comparing to other SINGLE roles. Other roles are very scares while bolt-rile slot is abundant
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Was going to wait until launch but the feedback in here has swayed me. Not fussed about bugs or instability but I loved RO and slower paced more tactical shooters in general. Cant wait to play :D.
Oh if you worried rifles are too unforgiving close quarters with only 1 bolt before reloading, I completely forgot about bayonets, they're not in beta but they are in the full game.

Isn't melee implemented yet? You might not have a bayonet, but you can still smack someone with the stock of your weapon, surely?
Isn't melee implemented yet? You might not have a bayonet, but you can still smack someone with the stock of your weapon, surely?

Aye but then you'd have to knock on them couple of times or click and hold melee button to "charge" a hard knock while wit ha bayonet its 1 stab and the enemy is dead(at least that's how it is in RO1) also bayonet is obviously longer range.
Does this look like a GPU memory issue or just a bug in the beta? doesn't appear on any other games.


That's a bug. If you're unlucky sometimes you can get a couple of them on your screen. They can also be blue.

Also with regards to bolt actions, yes they are harder to use effectively than smgs, but once you have learned the maps and got accustomed to using them they are very effective and rewarding (there's nothing more satisfying than killing someone before they even get a chance to shoot back).

I pretty much always jump in the rifleman class purely out of choice now and never feel I have put myself at a disadvantage by doing so.
Thing with bolts is that SMG's and Semi's do everything bolts do but better. High damage, low recoil, high accuracy, high rate of fire and do suppression which messes with the enemies aim. Plus when you shoot someone now with a bolt the other guy can stand there and shoot back until he bleeds out or kills you then bandages. There are some hit reg issues atm too. It can be fun to use a bolt though, and I will be using them just to learn the game and get better at aiming

I've seen people linking screenshots of 200+ metres kills with smg's

There are far fewer people using bolts now anyway compared to Ostfront and you can pick up weapons on the ground and carry 2 primary and 1 pistol, and loads of nades

I like the game though, just getting a bit sick of Danzig (Apartments) 24/7. Would love to see more Ostfront maps or something between Danzig and Fallen Heroes (whatever the other one is called), something with fast gameplay but larger
I like the game though, just getting a bit sick of Danzig (Apartments) 24/7. Would love to see more Ostfront maps or something between Danzig and Fallen Heroes (whatever the other one is called), something with fast gameplay but larger

If they patch the votemap quickly it'll be better. I didn't even know you could play Countdown on Danzig, because all the servers rotate TE Appartments CD Fallenfighters due to the crappy votemap system.
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