Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Is it worth upgrading to the deluxe to play the beta?

I've done this today. Really glad I did. Its taken me all day to get used to the game, learning how to play properly. Just like I had to with the first game.

I've got mixed feelings about the game at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But I've got a couple of niggles here and there that are frustrating me. Having to click ready everytime I want to spawn is driving me insane, haha.

I can't even play the fallen heroes map, or whatever its called. I prefer the graphics/atmosphere of the map in the first game in comparison! Just sort of feels empty, and very difficult to spot people. Hard to explain

Anyway, gonna get back to killing germans! Been at it all day already :D
7/10 with 2 maps
8/10 with 5 :)

yeah the ready thing is very annoying, and a couple of other niggles like why is use/bandage/cover the same goddamn button? What if i want to bandage when in cover, all i end up doing is standing up in the window. Sure its just going to take some getting used to, but already loving it.
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7/10 with 2 maps
8/10 with 5 :)

yeah the ready thing is very annoying, and a couple of other niggles like why is use/bandage/cover the same goddamn button? What if i want to bandage when in cover, all i end up doing is standing up in the window. Sure its just going to take some getting used to, but already loving it.

Are the new maps live?
Interesting, never knew this and may help others:
When you take cover you'll have a little colored shield on the cover icon in the lower right. Green (wood, sheet metal, etc) = any ballistics can pass through it, Yellow (brick, etc) = the material will stop lighter rounds (pistol/SMG) but not heavier caliber stuff, and Red (sandbags, concrete) won't have any small arms stuff punch through it.
yeah the ready thing is very annoying, and a couple of other niggles like why is use/bandage/cover the same goddamn button? What if i want to bandage when in cover, all i end up doing is standing up in the window. Sure its just going to take some getting used to, but already loving it.

Yeah that is annoying keep getting caught out with that, awkward to pick ammo and guns up if your near cover because you'll start hiding behind a wall when you just want to pick grenade up :) does need a separate button.
Apart from that and the minor bugs when the beta launched I'm loving the game 8/10 for me, expecting good things when the full game launches and the modding community starts releasing content.
Next patch details, got delayed till this morning TWI (EST) time.

- Turned on Speedhack detection and added a system to allow server admins to decide what to do with a player when they are detected using a speedhack (kick, session ban, or permanent ban).
- Fixed PreStartDuration not working properly which caused the round to start prematurely after a map change.
- Fixed getting stuck with a zoomed FOV when using grenades
- Added ability to turn off anti-aliasing
- Fixed floating meshes when a player dies
- Fixed destructibles not updating their shadows when destroyed
- Fixed DOF inside tanks
- The ranked server system is now operational
- Player progression stats are now saving and loading
- Unranked servers are now showing up as unranked in the browser
- Realism modes are hooked up and functional
- Killing a tank now gives extra points based on the number of players in the tank
- New map list: Gumrak, Grain Elevator, Barracks, Red October Factory
- Team balance changes. Commanders and top scoring players no longer get team swapped on death. The role select menu will not appear immediately to make it more obvious that you have died. Also, fixed a bug where an axis soldier could spawn on the allied team or vice versa.
- Fixed some HUD icons sticking around on the screen
- Fixed Countdown ending with time still on the clock
- Fixed automatically firing your weapon sometimes when respawning
- Fixed some issues with scoring in Firefight and prevented running out of reinforcements in this game type
- F10 will now cancel a pending server connection properly when stuck on a loading screen
- Fixed the Welcome Screen editor in webadmin making the welcome screen text invisible in game

Nice to see persistent stats & realism settings will be put in properly and it fixes a lot of the minor bugs I've noticed. Got the auto-team swap on death the other night, thought it was me hitting a random button as I died at first since it just brought up the class screen. But when it happened 4-5 times in a row just as I thought I was making progress for one team, I was sure auto-balance had a grudge towards me. :p
Any cheap deals still on the deluxe version? i can only find the normal version then it costs 4.50 to upgrade on steam.

Green man was the cheapest I could find, using the code mentioned on their boards I got it for £20 plus my account credited with £5 for some reason.

Loving the beta though, haven't played an FPS I could really get into for ages, this really feels like the game Ive been waiting quite a while for :).
Can you upgrade to deluxe if you purchased on steam, without the order needing to be cancelled and re-ordered?

Edit - guess I should have looked first eh....sorted :)
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