Red Sea / Houthi rebels situation

16 Aug 2009
I think that was a result of the Iranian oil tanker being seized.
Exactly, the US has sanctions against Iran because reasons. And they seized an Iranian tanker and took it all the way to Texas and offloaded it, Iran or rather the revolutionary guards because they're always the ones behind this stuff has responded in kind and seized an american tanker. Of course Rishi being Rishi has to a launch a joint operation without consulting Parliament and join america's proxy war on Iran because he likes strutting about like a self important little cockerel whilst painting a huge target on our backs for no good reason at god knows what expense when our own population can't even get routine hospital appointments. Meanwhile tens of thousands of civilians have been slaughtered in gaza and only South Africa of all places has the gumption to challenge the Israel/US hegemony in the international court of justice. What a bloody world to live in.
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3 Oct 2007
London, UK
Even with your over fertile and rather excitable imagination, it’s quite a stretch to come up with that conclusion.

Christ, all he said was the word 'police'. How the hell have you jumped straight to sink small boats in the channel?

What exactly do you want the Royal Navy to do then? Give them severe looks? Navy ships police by the threat of force.

Anyway that isn't their job.
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
Any government would be taking the same action apart from one led by Jeremy Corbyn, this isn't a Rishi Sunak or Tory thing, there's an Islamic fundamentalist group attacking international shipping - that can't be simply ignored. I'm not sure bombing them will achieve the objective, personally I'd send in an expeditionary force and clear them out, but that would take a pair of balls that the current US administration is lacking.

I'm not sure they are doing it because they are Muslims. Do Mexican cartels do what they do because they are Catholics? Its a political fight between Iran and Saudi through proxies. They are terrorists though and they need dealing with as long as they attack shipping or launch weapons towards Israel.
10 May 2012
I'm not sure they are doing it because they are Muslims. Do Mexican cartels do what they do because they are Catholics? Its a political fight between Iran and Saudi through proxies. They are terrorists though and they need dealing with as long as they attack shipping or launch weapons towards Israel.

Slogan of the Houthi movement (top-to-bottom):
God is the Greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
A Curse Upon the Jews
Victory to Islam

I'm gonna disagree here
19 Mar 2006
haven't waded through twelve pages but for me we should be hitting Iran as Iran are their suppliers and instigators.

Israelis used to bomb them when they got "delusions of grandeur" so we should be hitting their missile and drone factories.

It serves two purposes, stops the red sea attacks and stops the drone and missile supplies to Russia for use in Ukraine, two for the price of one.

Not only that but I'm worried about the Russian reliance of Iran supplying them with weapons, as it may get to the stage where Russia offers Nukes for weapons.

Don't rule it out, Russia are desperate, they need Iran and North Korea like Ukraine need the west.
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19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
I'm not sure bombing them will achieve the objective

Hey, for once I agree with you! Someone go buy a lottery ticket!

...I'd send in an expeditionary force and clear them out...

Well, that didn't last long! Ansar Allah control roughly a third of Yemen by area, some 60-80,000 square miles, much of which is mountainous, and where some three quarters of the population of the country - about 25 million people - live. They've spent the best part of the last decade fighting a civil war. They're battle hardened, used to air strikes, and well equipped with Iranian sourced weapons.

The idea that any expeditionary force is going to roll them over is for the birds. It would take a concerted, large scale commitment lasting for years, and with extensive political backing to get the job done. I don't see any of the Western powers having the stomach for such a conflict without far more compelling grounds than exist right now.
27 Aug 2019
Exactly, the US has sanctions against Iran because reasons. And they seized an Iranian tanker and took it all the way to Texas and offloaded it, Iran or rather the revolutionary guards because they're always the ones behind this stuff has responded in kind and seized an american tanker. Of course Rishi being Rishi has to a launch a joint operation without consulting Parliament and join america's proxy war on Iran because he likes strutting about like a self important little cockerel whilst painting a huge target on our backs for no good reason at god knows what expense when our own population can't even get routine hospital appointments. Meanwhile tens of thousands of civilians have been slaughtered in gaza and only South Africa of all places has the gumption to challenge the Israel/US hegemony in the international court of justice. What a bloody world to live in.


Because Iran are a beacon of sensibility and stability in the region/world and never talk about using nukes etc to wipe a certain country of the face of the map.
1 Dec 2004
We absolutely just need to go full noise on Iran - nip all this Hamas, Hesbollah, Houthi crap in the bud at the source. Full mobilisation, shock and awe.
10 May 2012
Well, that didn't last long! Ansar Allah control roughly a third of Yemen by area, some 60-80,000 square miles, much of which is mountainous, and where some three quarters of the population of the country - about 25 million people - live. They've spent the best part of the last decade fighting a civil war. They're battle hardened, used to air strikes, and well equipped with Iranian sourced weapons.

The idea that any expeditionary force is going to roll them over is for the birds. It would take a concerted, large scale commitment lasting for years, and with extensive political backing to get the job done. I don't see any of the Western powers having the stomach for such a conflict without far more compelling grounds than exist right now.

We won't achieve anything by bombing these people, we won't send in troops to clear them out, we're basically toothless against them and the world is watching.
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