Red Sea / Houthi rebels situation

13 Apr 2013
La France
Nope. You launch tomahawks from a submarine up to 1500 miles away, using space based surveilance and guidance systems.
There’s at least one Ohio class in that part of the world. Uncle Sam spends more on intel gathering than the GDP of Russia and every last suspected rebel location was already on a target list. When the rebels decided to launch a dozen of so missiles at civilian shipping and NATO warships, they entered the ”find out” phase of this sideshow.
10 May 2012
Again, the typhoon is a multirole fighter.
They were not up against a near peer airforce that would require a specialised air superiority fighter to escort them.

You can stop stating the obvious and assume I know the basics of what a Typhoon is and what it does. The F-22, which are in the Middle East, would fly ahead of the Typhoons undetected and using their electronic warfare capability would be able to warn about any threats on the ground. I obviously do not expect the Houthis to have a fighter aircraft capable of intercepting and shooting down a Typhoon, even with an air-to-ground configuration.

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13 Apr 2013
La France
You can stop stating the obvious and assume I know the basics of what a Typhoon is and what it does. The F-22, which are in the Middle East, would fly ahead of the Typhoons undetected and using their electronic warfare capability would be able to warn about any threats on the ground. I obviously do not expect the Houthis to have a fighter aircraft capable of intercepting and shooting down a Typhoon, even with an air-to-ground configuration.

To be fair, the US don’t need F-22s in theatre as the USN F-18 Growlers could carry out all ECM tasks with F-35 spotting for them.
10 Jan 2006
Just for clarification, this is a good summary of the strike package. All assets were already in the region anyway - the full thread even shows all the photos.

Nice! Glad that could be put to rest. Usual suspects turning threads to complete rat ****.
I suspect that any F22's still currently in the region will be focused on QRA/deterance flights to counter Russia/Iran activity. Not actively involved in last nights activities.
10 May 2012
Nice! Glad that could be put to rest. Usual suspects turning threads to complete rat ****.
I suspect that any F22's still currently in the region will be focused on QRA/deterance flights to counter Russia/Iran activity. Not actively involved in last nights activities.

I mean, the pictures say "at least" and the USAF would absolutely not post pictures or confirm what the F-22 is doing, or extremely rarely. I'm just not interested in this debate any longer though so people can stop replying and move on, it wasn't some massive point of contention and it's all speculative.
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12 Jul 2007
Nothing like a good airstrike to get OCUK forum members arguing.

Thats because, with the best will in the world, 95% of folks in here don't have a clue but so many are still willing to say with 100% confidence "this is what happened".

Only a very tiny number of us folks in here who are either currently in, or have served in, any military tend to give their knowledge on OcUK (most avoid these threads like the plague TBH) and those with actual knowledge of the current Op won't be telling people about it on here. Then there's a small handful more very knowledgeable non-military people in here who know enough about military tactics, weapons and equipment to be worth listening too but again won't have any first hand knowledge of the current Op.

I try to say that asking questions is always OK such as "do you think they've used XYZ?" when asking about aircraft, weapons, tactics etc but the amount of people in here stating as 100% fact "they've used XYZ" or "they will use XYZ" when XYZ isn't in theatre or isn't capable of whats being suggested etc is extremely high, as it always is in any military thread (looking at you Ukraine thread).

As always, wait 24hrs and see what the military have released to the press for a better idea of the actual events, rather than using this "old wives gossiping over the garden fence" equivalent forum for "Good Gen" :)
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4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
If you send Typhoons and F-22's to bomb another country

TBH ask your supervisor for a better English course comrade.
Naturalised English speakers would take that meaning that the Typhoons and the F22s were doing bombing.

What defences? The Saudis have been sending them into the stone age since 2015, you could fly a Cessna over Sana'a unimpeded.

Them pointy sticks deffo requires F22 support
10 May 2012
I try to say that asking questions is always OK such as "do you think they've used XYZ?" when asking about aircraft, weapons, tactics etc but the amount of people in here stating as 100% fact "they've used XYZ" or "they will use XYZ" when XYZ isn't in theatre or isn't capable of whats being suggested etc is extremely high, as it always is in any military thread (looking at you Ukraine thread).

It is in theatre and it is capable of dropping bombs, several other people incorrectly stated it wasn't in theatre and is a fighter, even though it can also drop bombs.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
It was F/A-18s from the Eisenhower and TLAM from USS Florida. No F-22's for miles and it would have been an utter waste of time to use them, they barely have AD or an airforce.

Interestingly the official statement does mention one of the primary intentions of the strikes was to degrade the Houthis radar (I think more ship tracking than air) and air-defence capabilities - I wasn't aware they had anything significant in that respect beyond MANPADS but apparently Iran has supplied them with some of this stuff
6 Feb 2019
I mean, the pictures say "at least" and the USAF would absolutely not post pictures or confirm what the F-22 is doing, or extremely rarely. I'm just not interested in this debate any longer though so people can stop replying and move on, it wasn't some massive point of contention and it's all speculative.

Yes we know everything you say is pure speculation from yourself. Have you considered starting a YouTube channel?
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