Red Sea / Houthi rebels situation

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Retired Don
Does anyone know the status of the other 5 Type 45 destroyers? It's very difficult for a single warship to be on this high alert for such a long time, especially for her crew... Also, munitions must be running low?

Is the Type 23 Frigate Sea Ceptor system just as good against these drones etc. I believe that 3 of the destroyers are in refit at the moment so depolying them isn't an option. Two are in maintenance so maybe they could be hurried back into service. Seems crazy to have 5/6 of the destroyer fleet in refit/maintenance at once!

7 of the frigates are currently active and available. I believe 1 is already in the Red Sea, with another on it's way there.

Is it known how many Astute subs are at sea?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Is the Type 23 Frigate Sea Ceptor system just as good against these drones etc. I believe that 3 of the destroyers are in refit at the moment so depolying them isn't an option. Two are in maintenance so maybe they could be hurried back into service. Seems crazy to have 5/6 of the destroyer fleet in refit/maintenance at once!

Lancaster is updated to be performance comparable to the Type 45s, I have no idea as to the others however.

I am tired of people separating the Palestinians and Hamas. The Palestinians empowered Hamas. Hamas now hides behind the Palestinians. Is Israel supposed to just say "oh, dear, what a fuddle" and walk away? I don't think so.

I find the way Israel is conducting itself deplorable, even taking into account the realities of the situation, but amazed how many people have lost sight of the realities of Hamas and that a significant percentage of the Palestinians would do exactly the same thing to the Israelis if they were able to and the likes of Hamas are only going to encourage this glossing over the barbaric realities.
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16 Aug 2009
The Houthis are poor people where sticks and stones are advanced technology and many are also drug addicts who need money. Iran provides money and tells them for the money they need to attack Iran's enemies in various proxy engagements

so the real question is why is Iran trying to destabilise the entire middle east? It's because prior to recent events Israel and US were making new and stronger bonds with other countries in the region, and in future would form new alliances and cooperation. Iran really doesn't like this, because any political strength the US and Israel gains in the region weakens Iran's strength and they are doing everything short of declaring war themselves to destabilise the region in the hopes it prevents the US and Israel from having good relations with the region

Oh I don't know the heaviest sanctions from the US for as long as anyone can remember might have something to do with it? When the western powers broke up the old Ottoman empire they carved up the ME between them with various spheres of influence and most of the borders in place today which were arbitrarily drawn as a line in the sand map when oil was discovered in Iran and elsewhere western powers set up oil companies set up heavily in their favour when the population rejected this and wanted control and elected a leader that wanted separation from the West the US and the CIA in particular engineered a coup that overthrew the democratically elected leader and pushed the western-leaning Shah to become de-facto dictator, with terms very much in favour of the West and the US in particular. When his increasingly harsh crackdowns became too much the population rose up in rebellion in the so-called Islamic Revolution and the de-facto power structure was put in place which persists to this day, a triumvirate of Clerics, an elected president, and the Revolutionary Guards a paramilitary regime within a regime who are largely a law unto themselves and behind the seizing of shipping amongst other things.

The one thing that unites all these various often violently opposing factions is a shared hatred of the West, of western interference in their country and the region, and of the US in particular. The US in return has a hate boner for the Iranian regime and everything it stands for and in particular for the humiliation of its hostages following the overthrow of its puppet the Shah and wants total control and influence over the area which the Iranians are vehemently opposed to. So we are in the situation where the US cripples the Iranian economy with sanctions and Iran does everything it can to counter its influence. Even when they try to go legit and say we're going to co-operate with international community over nuclear technology say which Obama was going along with the regime changes in america and Trump comes into power and throws the whole thing out the window and effectively spits in their faces which means any moderate voices in Iran are humiliated and we're back to square one.

And now this govt no doubt under pressure from the US want to declare the Revolutionary Guards in particular a terrorist organisation which conveniently means any military attacks on Iranian targets or indeed soil, become legitimate under law, in other words the judiciary and the people of this country are being softened up for direct attacks on Iranian targets almost certainly. In other words just more escalation and another forey into the middle east especially with recent govt rhetoric lining up Iran as the bogeyman as the evil genius behind all the ills in the ME and all we have to do is somehow neutralise it and all will be right in the world again. Its Saddam Hussein and another Iraq war or rather Iran this time all over again, because it all went so well last time. Oh joy.:rolleyes:

I find the way Israel is conducting itself deplorable, even taking into account the realities of the situation, but amazed how many people have lost sight of the realities of Hamas and that a significant percentage of the Palestinians would do exactly the same thing to the Israelis if they were able to and the likes of Hamas are only going to encourage this glossing over the barbaric realities.

I'm sure the average russian justifies the slaughter of civilians in Ukraine in the same way "its just war" afterall. Casualties incidentally are much lower than Gaza.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I'm sure the average russian justifies the slaughter of civilians in Ukraine in the same way "its just war" afterall. Casualties incidentally are much lower than Gaza.

A lot of that is circumstances - Russia doesn't appear to have the missile stocks to blitz longer ranges behind the frontlines and Ukraine has evacuated a lot of people as Russia got closer. Though Mariupol true number of civilian deaths/casualties is probably a fairly substantial portion of the number of civilian deaths/causalities in Gaza so far alone.
18 Oct 2002
In the end though doing nothing equates to the same outcome when you are faced with an ideology that only cares about death to Israel and/or the west.

Unless everyone has the same imaginary sky god or same set of basic rules then there will always be a difference in ideology, the whole human race needs to get to the same ideological/religious/moral point before we can collectively grow the **** up and evolve beyond the point of these petty squabbles...
18 Mar 2008
It's fascinating how willing everyone is to just let the government fail so completely on the principle rationale for a government in the first place.
27 Aug 2019
Oh I don't know the heaviest sanctions from the US for as long as anyone can remember might have something to do with it? When the western powers broke up the old Ottoman empire they carved up the ME between them with various spheres of influence and most of the borders in place today which were arbitrarily drawn as a line in the sand map when oil was discovered in Iran and elsewhere western powers set up oil companies set up heavily in their favour when the population rejected this and wanted control and elected a leader that wanted separation from the West the US and the CIA in particular engineered a coup that overthrew the democratically elected leader and pushed the western-leaning Shah to become de-facto dictator, with terms very much in favour of the West and the US in particular. When his increasingly harsh crackdowns became too much the population rose up in rebellion in the so-called Islamic Revolution and the de-facto power structure was put in place which persists to this day, a triumvirate of Clerics, an elected president, and the Revolutionary Guards a paramilitary regime within a regime who are largely a law unto themselves and behind the seizing of shipping amongst other things.

The one thing that unites all these various often violently opposing factions is a shared hatred of the West, of western interference in their country and the region, and of the US in particular. The US in return has a hate boner for the Iranian regime and everything it stands for and in particular for the humiliation of its hostages following the overthrow of its puppet the Shah and wants total control and influence over the area which the Iranians are vehemently opposed to. So we are in the situation where the US cripples the Iranian economy with sanctions and Iran does everything it can to counter its influence. Even when they try to go legit and say we're going to co-operate with international community over nuclear technology say which Obama was going along with the regime changes in america and Trump comes into power and throws the whole thing out the window and effectively spits in their faces which means any moderate voices in Iran are humiliated and we're back to square one.

And now this govt no doubt under pressure from the US want to declare the Revolutionary Guards in particular a terrorist organisation which conveniently means any military attacks on Iranian targets or indeed soil, become legitimate under law, in other words the judiciary and the people of this country are being softened up for direct attacks on Iranian targets almost certainly. In other words just more escalation and another forey into the middle east especially with recent govt rhetoric lining up Iran as the bogeyman as the evil genius behind all the ills in the ME and all we have to do is somehow neutralise it and all will be right in the world again. Its Saddam Hussein and another Iraq war or rather Iran this time all over again, because it all went so well last time. Oh joy.:rolleyes:

I'm sure the average russian justifies the slaughter of civilians in Ukraine in the same way "its just war" afterall. Casualties incidentally are much lower than Gaza.

You forgot the part about Iran wanting to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.

Or financing and supporting terrorists, like in...yeman or helping poor assad kill some naughty civilians.

But yeah, poor poor poor misunderstood Iran, all they want is full control of the middle east and the annihilation of the Jewish people, wiping out rights for women and killing of gays is that really too much to ask for.

As for comparing casualties with Ukraine, the only numbers we get are from Hamas, an organisation that, well I'm sure you know what they do/ have done and stand for.........maybe.

Even if true, how many Ukrainian towns have been eradicated, how many millions have been forced to flee ?
How many nuclear power plants are occupied and the atomic agency denied access.

Don't compare the two.
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Deleted member 266365


Deleted member 266365

The concept of a war in which no one gets hurt is largely something the media and politicians have dreamt up, which is completely unrealistic. It is frankly absurd to suggest this could be done with a scalpel. In a city it don't matter how accurate your bomb is, it's still going to kill civilians.

This is a city with two million people packed in. Soldiers and civilians in the mix. You could equally blame Hamas for not having the gumption to meet Israel on the battlefield. Instead they hide underneath and behind their own people.

Israel could not ignore what Hamas did. Hamas brought this on their own people. Sure, Israel could offer more assistance to the Palestinians, but the blame is not theirs, it is firmly on the heads of those who started this, and who still hide underneath the people they claim to protect.

I am tired of people separating the Palestinians and Hamas. The Palestinians empowered Hamas. Hamas now hides behind the Palestinians. Is Israel supposed to just say "oh, dear, what a fuddle" and walk away? I don't think so.
There is a reason Palestinians are ****** off.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
As for comparing casualties with Ukraine, the only numbers we get are from Hamas, an organisation that, well I'm sure you know what they do/ have done and stand for.........maybe.

There seems to be some amazing ignorance as to Hamas and the way they and related groups operate of late, some of it maybe willingly so... on the other side of that story it is estimated that likely casualties in Mariupol alone are at least similar to current ones in Gaza, though only ~1500 have been confirmed, over 10,000 new graves have been identified and that is likely just a fraction of the total. There are dozens of apartment blocks which were bombed out of existence with likely 100s of people inside and then the remains bulldozed by Russia and concreted over.
31 Jan 2022
There is a reason Palestinians are ****** off.

Who cares? I don't care how annoyed they are, it doesn't give the the moral high-ground to act like barbarians. If you are going to behave like an animal, you are going to get treated like one.
I don't hear anyone talking about giving back the indigenous peoples of America their land, yet, oddly, they aren't raping, torturing and murdering the invaders. There are times when you just have to take it on the chin. Life is hard, but there you are. You have to make a decision - do you make the best of what you have, or do you spend all your life being bitter about the past. But never, ever, do you make the decision to start a war that you are bound to lose, and will cost your people (not you) dearly. It's barbaric and it's insanely selfish. And yet for some reason, some people support them!!
24 Oct 2013
That's Britain's fault though. Britain promised them land that Britain couldn't deliver and knew they couldn't deliver. Maybe it's time to pay the piper and give them some land. I say move the Palestinians to Ireland

We could give Gruinard Island to Hamas?
23 Nov 2014
The Cronx
You forgot the part about Iran wanting to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.

Or financing and supporting terrorists, like in...yeman or helping poor assad kill some naughty civilians.

But yeah, poor poor poor misunderstood Iran, all they want is full control of the middle east and the annihilation of the Jewish people, wiping out rights for women and killing of gays is that really too much to ask for.

As for comparing casualties with Ukraine, the only numbers we get are from Hamas, an organisation that, well I'm sure you know what they do/ have done and stand for.........maybe.

Even if true, how many Ukrainian towns have been eradicated, how many millions have been forced to flee ?
How many nuclear power plants are occupied and the atomic agency denied access.

Don't compare the two.

That’s not all “Iranians”. That’s the ayatollah. Yes that currently represents “Iran” but the Iranians love him as much as we love our current government. We however have the ability to change it.
18 Mar 2008
Who cares? I don't care how annoyed they are, it doesn't give the the moral high-ground to act like barbarians. If you are going to behave like an animal, you are going to get treated like one.
I don't hear anyone talking about giving back the indigenous peoples of America their land, yet, oddly, they aren't raping, torturing and murdering the invaders. There are times when you just have to take it on the chin. Life is hard, but there you are. You have to make a decision - do you make the best of what you have, or do you spend all your life being bitter about the past. But never, ever, do you make the decision to start a war that you are bound to lose, and will cost your people (not you) dearly. It's barbaric and it's insanely selfish. And yet for some reason, some people support them!!
See the issue with this is that Israel's creation is in living memory and not only that... they're literally being assaulted every day in the West Bank so if they're bitter it's because they have good reason to be and now even more so with the collective punishment they're facing in Gaza. Hamas needs to be removed, but don't pretend that it won't have a price in the minds of the millions that are suffering as a result.
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