Red, Yellow, Green, Brown, Blue, Pink and Black. It's the General Snooker Thread!

10 Jul 2008
Zero chance of that happening.

Zero chance of it staying at Sheffield?
It's being talked about quite a lot at the moment. Steve Davis did a film piece on it in one of the mid session intervals yesterday. One thing I would say, is that the people who want it to stay at the Crucible, tend to be the older players and ones that have had success there. Commentators etc. Newer/younger players obviously won't care as much. Stuart Bingham said "history doesn't pay the bills" for example. At the end of the day it is a business that has had its growth stunted by the crucible's small capacity. I personally think the two table format is a bit annoying anyway for both the crowd and players. I wouldn't miss that if it went.
Yes the history...but eventually things have to change.
Could they not expand the Crucible itself and then for a year or two, host it elsewhere?
28 Oct 2003
With the Riyadh Season branding on The Crucible electronic billboard things, I wouldn't be surprised if the Saudi's were gearing up to poach the contract in 2077. I think 50 years at The Crucible is a nice point to end it, if it's going to happen.
10 Jul 2008
With the Riyadh Season branding on The Crucible electronic billboard things, I wouldn't be surprised if the Saudi's were gearing up to poach the contract in 2077. I think 50 years at The Crucible is a nice point to end it, if it's going to happen.

2027 you mean?

I think the problem with if it goes to Saudi is that Brits just won't have access to it as easily so less Brits will go, which means it becomes more of a global event. This is fine when money and audience is the priority above all else, but it will lose its sense of Britishness. It will just become "another major" kind of event. Comparing to golf (which we seem to do a lot with snooker but hey) you have the Masters which is always at Augusta don't you...due to the tradition and history. It makes it feel special.
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