Relationships and Gaming

It makes me laugh how they don't want you gaming and you need to grow up.
In the next breath they're watching crud like Geordie shore or using chat tango and the like.

Haha, yeah, and somehow going out and getting so drunk you end up puking/****ing all over yourself is considered more "grown up" than sitting in front of the computer on a Saturday night?!?
Been with the missus for 10 years and its been pretty much the same tried to get me to watch Emmerdale an EastEnders but I was not having that and she respects me for it I suppose, she has moaned when I have stayed up till gone 4am gaming though!
My missus has been used to my sloping off to the PC from the days of my first 486. As has already been said, she can get relative peace to enjoy period dramas and droll Saturday night fare while I game. Win win.
My girlfriend loves the sims and plays stuff on her phone, when she stayed at mine we had good fun playing super meat boy together and she likes things like Mario cart and stuff so when we move in I'm going to get a Wii U and a Xbone so we can do 2 player games and stuff. Thing is I used to game hard core but as I'm getting older it doesn't hold the same appeal to me as it once did.

Meat bone?

I'm kind of hoping these aren't intentional corrections :p
My GF don't mind, she loves Zombie games and I play split screen with her on Black ops zombies.
We don't live together though so it's all good.

is it just me or no matter how many times you play zombies with your other half they never get better?

For me she doesn't really mind, when we are together i won't spend every moment playing games, we tend to watch a lot of movies together but if she ever wants to watch crap like geordie shore etc I'll boot up the PC or xbox. I actually built her a computer for her uni work a few months back and as a present for her installed steam and got her a few lego games, shes loving haha.

My gaming habits never affect her so she has never complained. again like most though if she is ther 8/10 times she is asleep. Always have a good few hours being the only one awake most nights.
I think my girlfriend tolerates it. It keeps me quiet and stops me from 'bothering' her. Though I don't get to do the mammoth 8 hour sessions on a weekend like the days of old. Unless she makes plans then in that case I sloth around for a few hours.

I compromised by buying a Nintendo 3DS so I could play games whilst we 'socialise' and she watches some crap like First Dates.
Only gf that has ever gamed is my current one, and that is so far as to say we spend a few hours every weekend sat in bed playing MapleStory together :p

She did play most of the Sierra games when she was a kid though, and loved the Monkey Island series, so I really can't complain :D

Tried to do a hybrid gaming session by having her watch me play the first episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne, but whilst she said she liked the delivery of the story, it doesn't work as a passive viewer, doh!
Well have not played games much for quite a while.

By not going out much we managed to save up for a lovely new detached house.

This house also has a 8 meter by 6 meter log cabin - read as my new man cave ! I will be playing games in a couple of months time !

Wife is over the moon I'm a gaming geek and managed to save all that money for us to get the house for us and our toddler son.
My wife sits ona pc net to mine played eso, wow or Black desert. So leaves me to do what i want.
Well I have been married for 21 years (22 in 2 months) and always been a gamer, plus sports type of guy and a drunk. I just make sure there is plenty of time for us and that keeps us both happy but gaming can hog into life all too easy and before you know it, 4 hours have gone down the swanny.
Gimpymoo, sounds a lot like me life. Been with the wife for about 16 years married 12.

All I get now is I guess Im a gaming widow tonight then. lol
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