Relationships and Gaming

To be fair the wife is pretty ok with my gaming and general computer time.
She did get a bit tetchy when I said I was planning on watercooling my rig & the next day £500 worth of bits turned up!
I was pretty much absent for the weekend putting it together which she wasn't happy about but I made up for it later by fitting a new living room door & taking her out for a nice meal.:D
My girlfriend loves the sims and plays stuff on her phone, when she stayed at mine we had good fun playing super meat boy together and she likes things like Mario cart and stuff so when we move in I'm going to get a Wii U and a Xbone so we can do 2 player games and stuff. Thing is I used to game hard core but as I'm getting older it doesn't hold the same appeal to me as it once did.
My wife can't play video/PC games due to dizziness but she's got her own room for all her crafting paraphernalia and I've got my man cave of PC goodness which she's happy with.

Last girlfriend before the wife was very into game, I do miss having a partner to actually game with, but can't complain seeing as it's left me with more money to spend on one PC rather than constantly having to run/upgrade two.
You can sort of understand why though, if you're sat for hours every day playing games, not giving her much attention and expecting her to just be fine with it you're very lucky, and even then you have the stories of her getting the attention elsewhere :p

This has nothing to do with gaming.

Replace the word "gaming" in that paragraph with "football", "working", "gardening", "extreme sports", "sitting in the pub", or any other activity, and it's exactly the same.

Yes it's not healthy in a relationship to spend ALL of your time doing something else and not giving the other person any attention, but it's also not healthy to be living in each other's pockets 24/7/365 - a compromise is important.

If you/she spend all your time doing other things to avoiding interacting with each other, then that's almost always a symptom of a problem in the relationship rather than the cause of one. Likewise, feeling like you have to spend every possible waking moment with them (after the "honeymoon period") is possibly a symptom of some other issues (e.g. lack of trust, low self-esteem etc.).

Bring kids into the equation and you pretty much have to give up any kind of gaming sessions.


We have a 4 year old, and while the first couple of years didn't leave me with much time, these days he goes to bed at a reasonable time (~6.30-7pm) and sleeps all the way through. We have 3-4 nights a week where we do something together, and the other 3-4 we do our own thing. It works perfectly - we still give each other attention, but we also get our own space to do what we want; I easily have time to get a few hours in a couple of days/week - sure I'm not going to be doing any 6 hour WoW raids, but I can play a few online games with my brothers/mates or get properly get stuck into an RPG with no issues.
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Some of those other activities you've listed aren't exactly the same though are they, football you're exercising and socialising in person and working is mostly productive...

I don't know how you've come to the conclusion "Rubbish" when you've basically admitted to what I said, you had to cut down your gaming considerably.
Some of those other activities you've listed aren't exactly the same though are they, football you're exercising and socialising in person and working is mostly productive...

However purely in terms of your relationship (the subject of this thread), the result would be identical.

I don't know how you've come to the conclusion "Rubbish" when you've basically admitted to what I said, you had to cut down your gaming considerably.

Cut down considerably != "pretty much have to give up any kind of gaming sessions."
However purely in terms of your relationship (the subject of this thread), the result would be identical.

Cut down considerably != "pretty much have to give up any kind of gaming sessions."

Well nobody I know plays football for 8 hours straight or does 8 hours overtime outside of their normal hours (excluding weekends of course).

By gaming sessions I mean spending your whole evening gaming and on weekends spending the whole day. Apologies I should have made that clear.
Well nobody I know plays football for 8 hours straight or does 8 hours overtime outside of their normal hours (excluding weekends of course).

By gaming sessions I mean spending your whole evening gaming and on weekends spending the whole day. Apologies I should have made that clear.

I think we have a differing idea of what a "gaming session" is then :p

Personally I'd class anything over 2 hours as a session!

But then I still manage "whole evenings" gaming (if you class ~7 - 11/12 as whole evening), just not every evening!

IMO anyone regularly gaming for 8 hours straight has a bit of a problem regardless of being in a relationship.
Fair enough, I'm not trying to paint gaming in a bad light, it's my main hobby as well I'm just more realistic about it and realise it's not a very attractive or interesting hobby to the majority of the opposite sex and you're only lying to yourself if you think you can continue spending the majority of your spare time doing it in a serious relationship and not expect any consequences.

You've got a good balance, I'm talking about those spending every evening gaming while their other half watches TV or whatever, I wouldn't call that healthy just because you're both pre-occupied with something.
On a different note I think VR is the way forward for interaction with the other halves.. seems the Wii kinda did this so I can only hope this will too. VIVE FTW

also helps justify my credit bill:rolleyes:
Since it seems topical I'm in the process of building a 2nd machine so that my g/f and I can play online co-op games together :D

I actually mentioned it ages ago in a fairly flippant off-hand way like "that would be cool..." but at the time it seemed like too much hassle and too expensive so we dismissed it... but it came up again recently and we've decided to go for it (though it is super duper expensive especially when you consider a 2nd PC doesn't just mean double the components you would normally buy for an upgrade but also an extra desk, chair, keyboard, mouse, monitors.... Oh god, I'm having wallet-palpatations just thinking about it :p)
Mine plays with me pretty regularly. At first she only played minecraft and stuff like that but she branched out into stuff like Fallout and Borderlands and we're currently playing The Division.
It makes me laugh how they don't want you gaming and you need to grow up.
In the next breath they're watching crud like Geordie shore or using chat tango and the like.
As long as i don't ignore her and do my fair share i'm usually good. My fiancé is a Disney infinity addict and she has every charcter out. And all but a few Disney power discs (not including the didn't holidays ones) left to get. So if she complains i remind her that she has bought god knows how many at £10-15 a pop.

Had the same issues as Mr Moo but after humongous arguments over the years its finally started to settle down, well sorta, when she is in 'one of those moods' she tries it on and everything ends up with her not speaking for a couple of days... its less and less these days but there you go there is nothing that will stop me gaming.


My thoughts exactly.
Ah partners, quick to complain about your apparent "problem" with gaming yet blissfully unaware of their own FB addiction.

My gaming has reduced a bit since meeting her, I struggle to enjoy myself when she's in the other room huffing out of boredom.
is there a dating website for gamers?

(i also get weird looks from people, colleagues, some friends etc if i mention gaming as a hobby and a few even say..aren't you too old for that...basically thinking its something a 12 year old does)
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