Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

Claire A Leon B was the better one :(

awesome i recently finished the original ps1 version again during a retro gaming spree but never played the remake, the gfx actually look realt good for a game that came out in like 2005.
Finished it! only took me 11 hours :o Lots of ammo left for most guns, saved chris, unlocked Jill costume, her glasses look ridiculous.

End fight was shockingly easy :(

But overall it was a great experience after I got over the whole different from PSX version, just got to wait for RE2 remake now
I can't imagine an RE2 remake happening.

This was just remastering an existing game. You couldn't turn the old PlayStation RE2 in to a remaster project because it's so dated.

They would have to remake it from scratch. That's a lot of work.
I can't imagine an RE2 remake happening.

This was just remastering an existing game. You couldn't turn the old PlayStation RE2 in to a remaster project because it's so dated.

They would have to remake it from scratch. That's a lot of work.

Very true, but I think it has a market. It was the best of the series I would buy it in a flash.
Very true, but I think it has a market. It was the best of the series I would buy it in a flash.

It would sell like hot cakes so they'd easily get the money back that they invested into it, same if they did RE3 after it. I'd have happily paid £30 for RE1 remastered HD due to its quality and it was just a bonus that it was less than £20 at launch!
RE2 would look great remastered, the city and the police station all updated, one can only dream! Birkin in his first mutated form with his eyeball would look great!
I think they would make a lot of money with a Master Chief Collection type deal.

Capcom have a really good engineering dept. so it's possible.
No, it would look great remade.

Remastering is improving what's already there. In RE2's case, What's already there looks like dog crap.

Its one of those games though where the graphics don't actually matter as the gameplay is what drives fans to the series anyway. Look at resident evil revelations as a more recent example where its a port from the 3DS and has some super low res textures like this I took:

Resident Evil Revelations PC by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

If they literally just redo the character models I'd honestly buy it anyway.
The 3DS game still looks 10 times better than Resident Evil 2.

You're talking about 14 years worth of technology advancements since RE2's release on PS1 to the 3DS release.

The Playstation 1 had 2MB Ram and 1MB V-Ram!

The 3DS has 128MB which might seem paltry but is still 64x times as much.

It's not the same. It would look horrendous on modern screens.
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