Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

Wonder how quickly this will end up in the sales. £16 for a port of a GC game seems a tad steep. It's £9 on Nuuvem, but I just know as soon as I buy it, it'll be £5 the week after :p The sales have ruined me... :p

How punishing is this game, btw? Heard that it's brutally hard. I'm holding off because I'm just not sure how much I'd enjoy it. Old games really are hit and miss.
Wonder how quickly this will end up in the sales. £16 for a port of a GC game seems a tad steep. It's £9 on Nuuvem, but I just know as soon as I buy it, it'll be £5 the week after :p The sales have ruined me... :p

How punishing is this game, btw? Heard that it's brutally hard. I'm holding off because I'm just not sure how much I'd enjoy it. Old games really are hit and miss.

Depends which character you play, just like the original. Jill has a far easier start and also the ability to get out of situations that would kill chris. I think the difficulty level in the game itself just adjusts the amount of enemies and the number of ink ribbons throughout the game, but I could be wrong.
For those of you that think this game is hard, man up!

When you play as Jill on normal, after about 30 or so minutes in you'll propably have the shotgun already and the further you progress the more stuff you get! I remember at the end of my game with both Chris and Jill I had a ton of herbs and loads of ammo. It does help that i've played the game multiple times on the Gamecube though. :D
Completed my first playthrough after 10 years last night. 13 hours was my final time :D. Going to play through again with chris as I have yet to ever do a Chris playthrough, was always put off by only having 6 inventory slots.
Chris is quicker and can take more damage. I used to love playing as Jill because I was terrified of the difficulty spike on Chris as a kid. once you play it you'll be fine, I actually proffer Chris over Jill now. Just be wary that Christ get's barley any help apart from meeting rebecca a few times who can heal him.
The self destruct system has been activated... All personnel must evacuate immediately.. Deactivating, and releasing all locks!


I completed it on normal difficulty with Chris first. It took me about 9 hours. On my seconds play through I did with Jill on Hard dificulty which took me about 6 hours.

If you are worried about difficulty, there is a very easy setting. Not sure how anyone could find it hard on that setting really. I think it was made for the new generation of players who can't handle proper games (No hp regen?? whaa??? this game is trash, give me moar COD!). The original on GameCube only had easy, don't recall a very easy mode.
Has there always been a difficult setting? I cant remember there being one on the original. Picked the middle one, which I assumed would be normal, but have since found out it was easy. I ended up with like 40 magnum rounds and 15 first said sprays for the tyrant battle :D.
Wish they would tell us what these updates are for. 96mb is pretty big, I wonder what it was?

Started my chris playthrough on medium and it is a lot harder than easy. More so because I still don't know my way around the mansion so have had 2 keys taking up a 1/3 of my inventory space for most of the game so far. It doesn't seem to show which doors on the map you have the key for, just shows red or blue for locked unlocked...

This time should be a lot quicker, but I'm still checking the map every 5 mins so it wont beat the under 5 hours target. I'm also going to save everyone so that will take longer, then might do a runthrough with each character again without saving anyone foir those cheevs and hopefully beat the under 5 hours. The under 3 hours, complete game without saving, complete game only using knife and the invisible enemies and super hard mode cheevs will not be attempted for my own sanity :eek:.
Where is the best place to use the self defence gun?

When I played this the first time around, before I had a PC and the internet, I used it on the zombie that's in the room you pick it up. Never knew it was as powerful as 5 magnum rounds lol.
Done the shield key room
with the snake
so now just trying to find the last armor doors, but i keep finding helmets, which i havn't got the key for yet :D
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Where is the best place to use the self defence gun?

When I played this the first time around, before I had a PC and the internet, I used it on the zombie that's in the room you pick it up. Never knew it was as powerful as 5 magnum rounds lol.


I saved it for the Tyrant.
Got Barry's Samuri Edge for doing a run in under 5 hours. It's not quite as powerful as I thought it would be, but looks cool as hell!

Now for under 3 hours...
Wonder how quickly this will end up in the sales. £16 for a port of a GC game seems a tad steep. It's £9 on Nuuvem, but I just know as soon as I buy it, it'll be £5 the week after :p The sales have ruined me... :p

How punishing is this game, btw? Heard that it's brutally hard. I'm holding off because I'm just not sure how much I'd enjoy it. Old games really are hit and miss.

It's not that hard, if you have played before and know the game.

Got Barry's Samuri Edge for doing a run in under 5 hours. It's not quite as powerful as I thought it would be, but looks cool as hell!

Now for under 3 hours...

I've unlocked the extras as I've completed it with Chris on medium, there is a trainer for super fast run, and open the item box anywhere on the game that will make you do it under 3 hours lol not advocating it though would ruin it tbh.
My first time playing it. With Jill, have the second key and about 4 hours in. At the start I didn't save for an hour and died, losing all that progress as i was too worried that I would run out of typewriter rolls! Its pretty good so far.

Cost me about £9 from Nuveem a few weeks ago.
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