Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

The 3DS game still looks 10 times better than Resident Evil 2.

You're talking about 14 years worth of technology advancements since RE2's release on PS1 to the 3DS release.

The Playstation 1 had 2MB Ram and 1MB V-Ram!

The 3DS has 128MB which might seem paltry but is still 64x times as much.

It's not the same. It would look horrendous on modern screens.

Yeah but the newer game has a FAR more advanced engine even on the 3DS. Updating backgrounds from what are likely to be high quality renders wouldn't take that long, neither would the updated character models. Theres rumours that its already been done and it'll be released in september this year too!
You'd need new dialogue, cutscenes, animation - loads of things they didn't need to do when they remastered Resident Evil from the Gamecube version.

For a game that'll earn them a crapload of cash, its not that hard on the imagination to be fair mate.
If there was going to be a release this year it'll be Zero remastered. RE2 remake would be something they'll make a massive deal of of, not bring up a few months before release.
Everywhere I look I see people saying they want a RE2 remake. Has there ever been a petition started up to show how much interest there is out there? I know petitions are generally useless, but if it got a substantial number of signatures it would show how many fans out there would buy it if they did a remake. It would be a day 1 purchase for me if it was the same quality as RE1 remake.

If only they hadn't made REmake a game cube exclusive, we might have had a RE2 remake by now. Strangest decision ever. I am a massive Resi fan so bought a game cube just for the exclusive games, but i'm sure the majority of fans wouldn't have done that, so I bet their sales were hurt a lot. Hopefully bringing the game to all platforms now will be a financial success for them. If not then its game over.
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Everywhere I look I see people saying they want a RE2 remake. Has there ever been a petition started up to show how much interest there is out there? I know petitions are generally useless, but if it got a substantial number of signatures it would show how many fans out there would buy it if they did a remake. It would be a day 1 purchase for me if it was the same quality as RE1 remake.

There certainly is squire ;)
RE2 remake will never happen. They can't remaster the PS1 game and they have no Gamecube version to use.

Would they put thousands of hours into a remake of RE2? Seems unlikely honestly.
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For those saying RE2 would be too much work because they don't have a GC version to start from, how do you think the GC version came about?
Making a new version of RE2 would be no different than when they remade RE on GC.
Yes quite a lot of work but they did it before so why are you so adement that they won't do it again?
The GC version was a massive upgrade, it was actually done to fix the story for the other games. GC version to this new version means not much work, hell some people have the GC version on dolphin looking better. RE2 has none of this, it would have to be done totally from scratch.
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