Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

My first time playing it. With Jill, have the second key and about 4 hours in. At the start I didn't save for an hour and died, losing all that progress as i was too worried that I would run out of typewriter rolls! Its pretty good so far.

Cost me about £9 from Nuveem a few weeks ago.

Its pretty safe to save every time you find some new ink ribbons. I saved around 15 times in my last playthrough and still had loads of ink ribbons left on medium difficulty with Chris.

I've unlocked the extras as I've completed it with Chris on medium, there is a trainer for super fast run, and open the item box anywhere on the game that will make you do it under 3 hours lol not advocating it though would ruin it tbh.

Yeah that would ruin it for me. Seems a lot of people have edited their saves or something as the global leaderboard for completion times is saturated with peoples completing it in 0:00:00 :rolleyes:.
Just finished my first run with Jill, i vaguely remember the game from the late nineties but still felt very new to me.

I didn't research the difficulty when i started and just stuck with it, I ended up selecting easy.. towards the end i had enough ammo to sink a battleship. I presumed it would be hard > normal > easy but didn't expect a very easy mode thrown in there.

Will be playing again with Chris, normal difficulty this time.

Great game well worth the price.
Found the last armor door, so got that out of the way now. :)

Also, i just realised what the plant stuff was for, so done that now as well, i picked it up not long into the game, and just stuck it in an item box, still not got the bloody helmet key though :D

Its been that long since ive played it (got it when it came out for the PS1), so forgotten. :p
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What an idiot, ive been in and out of that knights room umpteen times (with the sleeping gas), and only just realised what you have to do :rolleyes:


and still no Helmet key!
Just finished this, got close to the end and found that I had lost the wolf medallion, I had to go kill that ****** big snake again. must have loaded the wrong save DOH!. I really enjoyed it, time to play through on hard.
I was going to have a try at the complete the game using only the knife achievement, but my knife has been replaced with the Samuri edge pistol :(.

I guess I have to start a new game without loading a cleared data? But will that then mean I wont get the next costume for completing the game twice with Chris?
I can't make myself to play this game.Is so boring
Remeber playing Resident Evil 3 on my psx,great game back then.
Games move forward so much past last 15 years.
My heads battered now, im well stuck, ive done everything i can do in the house.

Only doors ive got left, i need the helmet key for (which i can't find anywhere), and all ive got is, a wind crest emblem, and a broken shotgun, which ive got no damn use for!, and i still need the 2nd gem for the tigers eye, as only got the blue one in, arrrggh!
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Shotgun Spoiler
There's a room with a shotgun on the wall you pick up that one and replace it. It's pretty hard to find the room as it's counter intuitive with you running one way by default but you can actually go the other way - youtubes probably better at explaining it than me
Yeah i know what the shotties for, but ive already done that room
got saved from getting crushed by Chris
so its not needed now.

Ive done the masks as well which i forgot to mention, so got that emblem in under the stairs, so just need the other one
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Yeah i know what the shotties for, but ive already done that room
got saved from getting crushed by Chris
so its not needed now.

Ive done the masks as well which i forgot to mention, so got that emblem in under the stairs, so just need the other one

Have you been to the residence yet?
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