Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

Does anyone else just dump the knife in the item box straight away? I have been trying to use it to conserve ammo, but tend to end up getting caught and using up defensive items. Wondering if it would be best to just free up an inventory space and stick to the handgun?

Just died and didnt save for a long while :(. Will take some getting used to not being able to save at any point like a lot of games.
The only Resident Evil game the knife's been useful in is Code Veronica. Put it away and forget about it. I've personally never had much of an issue in this game in regards to ammo. I've put below how I'd ration the different types of ammo. Not much of a spoiler but just in case.

I'd recommend using the handgun for normal zombies and dogs, the shotgun for special enemies and bosses, if you're Jill use the Grenade Launcher for bosses instead and save all magnum ammo until the final boss
The only Resident Evil game the knife's been useful in is Code Veronica. Put it away and forget about it. I've personally never had much of an issue in this game in regards to ammo. I've put below how I'd ration the different types of ammo. Not much of a spoiler but just in case.

I'd recommend using the handgun for normal zombies and dogs, the shotgun for special enemies and bosses, if you're Jill use the Grenade Launcher for bosses instead and save all magnum ammo until the final boss

Thanks, pretty sure i did same when i first played it. There's so few inventory spaces it seems daft to keep the knife. I don't know how some people play the whole game with nothing but the knife :eek:.

It was handy in Resident evil 4 on professional mode, just to finish them off after knocking them down, but seems a lot harder to do in this as knifing them prompts them to get up super fast..
The 'standard' difficulty in this is the hardest mode isn't it? Seems rock hard at the moment.

Trying to avoid zombies as best I can but even then I get low on ammo by the time I'm getting the armor key.
You don't need to kill the zombies much at all, just walk to toward them, they'll do like a lunge animation, step back, then just run past.
I have to say I wasn't going to buy this as I had a bash on the GC version when this was announced and felt the original still looked great today and they couldn't do much to justify the re-purchase. However looking at footage in full screen the games looks absolutely fantastic. Would save me having to set my Wii up too everytime I wanted to play it :p.

Started doing a commentary free playthrough of this and I'm loving it. I didn't realise that some of the puzzles and areas were completely new compared to the original game, which is the one I've completed quite a few times. Really enjoying it so far.
No 1440 res, lazy devs:rolleyes:

That's annoying, although looking through the Steam discussions I came across this

"Resident Evil HD Remake is just as good as it was back in 2002, it holds up very well, and is still an excellent game. It is an even better remaster, with a high range of resolutions up to 4k and enhanced lighting to top it off."


Really want this game as I haven't played it since the original scared me sh**less on the ps1 :D
1996? You've not played this version then? :p it differs from the original game back in 96! Much more content and places to explore. Edit : new enemies too. :)
It's good to play this again, I've been itching to play the remake since I watched Game Informer's simultaneous replay of the original and the remake.

Some of the backgrounds do suffer and look poor when blown up to 1080, it seems to be the more open and larger areas. The tight corridors and small rooms look great though, plus it looks awesome actually seeing it run at 60fps and above.

One thing I would recommend to people playing this for the first time its to go into the options and set defensive items to manual, they are very precious items and should only be used when you really need them, having the system on auto mode just wastes them IMO.
You can edit the file for custom resolutions.

I'm running at 4k UHD. Chracters look fine, but the backgrounds are clearly being hugely upscaled though as some look quite poor.

There's a camera angle in the room with the piano where it literally looks like Gamecube resolution. I guess they couldn't find the source file for that background or something?
The zombies that run at you and have claws are very hard to kill unless you have shotgun/grenade launcher ammo! I've been burning pretty much any body I come across but theres a few that seem unavoidable that really raises the tension, especially when you go to back to an area and the body is missing....

Just done the first boss (snake thinger) and that was pretty straight forward and still has the game saving mechanic with barry if you forget to bring the serum along as Jill, so I doubt chris is as lucky lol.
May have to give this a go. Last time I played this was back in 1996!

1996? You've not played this version then? :p it differs from the original game back in 96! Much more content and places to explore. Edit : new enemies too. :)

Yeah its quite a bit different to the original game as there are new puzzles, new areas and new enemies also. Most of the original puzzles are still in the game in some form or another but the order which you do things also seems different, which has thrown me quite a few times so far. Really enjoying it though and I'm 3 hours in.
No 1440 res, lazy devs:rolleyes:

Yea but the ini file is in appdata and can be edited easily enough.
Not sure why they couldn't have simply included the option though.

I am finding 1440p but with the original 4:3 aspect ratio the best.
Widescreen zooms in too much and you lose a lot of the details/screen space.
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