Resident Evil 1 remake on PC due 2015

Complaining about ammo is funny. You're supposed to be limited, it's not really survival horror if you have enough ammo to blow the entire world away.
Exactly, that's what made the original games so great and why RE4 was pretty much the end of the real Resi games. RE4 is still great, but its not a survival horror any more.

I have been killing a lot of zombles, but have tried to dodge a few as I don't have room to carry the lighter and fuel around. I always kill and burn any that are near the save rooms.
I've burned around 50% of zombies and decapitated another 25% roughly so far. The harder versions of them make the pistol useless.
Haha glad to hear people discussing the shocked kiddies dealing with older game mechanics :D

This is why I play nearly every modern game on the hardest difficulty available (and even then it's sometimes a bit lacking)... Games are meant to be a challenge!!! If you don't want that then just go watch an action movie

I remember times in the original Resi games where I was totally out of ammo, had barely any health and stuck in a dead end room with zombies closing in... Having to just desperately try and run past them knowing I'd be done-for if they managed to grab me :p Awesome!
I've burned around 50% of zombies and decapitated another 25% roughly so far. The harder versions of them make the pistol useless.

I have only encountered one so far. I went to burn a zombie and it got up as i was doing it :eek:. Nearly **** myself.

You can actually dodge them, I think I ran toward it and it lunged past me and then shot it a few times from behind and then did the same again. I am playing on the middle difficulty, so maybe on hard his isnt possible.
It's been amusing reading comments on Reddit from people who've never played the original games, particularly those who are advocates of RE6 etc. There is an abundance of juveniles complaining about the lack of an auto save feature and the sparsity of ammo etc.

Can you link me to the thread? :D
havn't had old school gaming like this for years, love it, time just flys by, have a quick blast, and the next thing you know, a couple of hrs have passed :D
RE4 is still great, but its not a survival horror any more.

Out of interest, if RE4 isn't survival horror then what makes a survival horror game?

While RE4 is clearly much different compared to the original games, personally I'd still call it survival horror.
the door opening scenes have killed it for me, cant be doing with the animations every few mins, not in 2015. I hated it back in 96 lol. :)
Such an epic HD remaster the new scenes & surprises make it worthwhile :D

Not sure how anyone can finish this in under 3 hours to unlock the inf rocket launcher there is so much gameplay/backtracking after 8 hours I am only about half way thru it :eek:
First game i played on a playstation loved it, and loved 2 even more. Lost interest after that, but i think ill have to have a run through 1 again when its released.
finally got the dog collar, and the armour key :D

Knew i should have set the buggers alight though, as the gits ive already killed are springing back up :p
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