Resident Evil 7!!!

Have to say I've never seen any of the Res Evil films. I am a fan of horror movies and don't mind films that don't take themselves too seriously. With that in mind is it worth giving them a go?
None of the Resi films are bad and they are films I don't mind watching a few times, so that is a plus for them. Deffo give them a try.
Have to say I've never seen any of the Res Evil films. I am a fan of horror movies and don't mind films that don't take themselves too seriously. With that in mind is it worth giving them a go?

deffo give the films a watch, i have watched them all a few times over the years and enjoyed them.
Don't listen to Vincent, he does not know what he is talking about! I actually recommend watching them all back to back over the weekend. That is the best way to experience them. Once you have done this come back and let us know how your weekend went :p

Jokes aside I agree with Vincent. My recommendation is just to watch the first one and then enjoy the rest of your weekend. The first movie was decent, did not live up to my expectations, but worth a watch. The rest of the movies do not even feel like Resident Evil to me.

I could be wrong, but in my option if you are the type that enjoyed Resident Evil 6 game, then I think you stand a good chance for enjoying all the movies :p

Truth is without more data it is hard for me know whether you would enjoy the movies or not, but hopefully the above information will aid you in coming to a conclusion :)
None of the Resi films are bad and they are films I don't mind watching a few times, so that is a plus for them. Deffo give them a try.

The Resident Evil movies are some of the worst video game adaptations!
I suggest you watch AngryJoe's review on the most recent Resident Evil movie, because he's absolutely spot on about Paul W. S. Anderson's disregard of the fandom and franchise in general.
He literally built the films around his wife, who plays a character that has absolutely no relation to the game series whatsoever.

The Resident Evil movies are some of the worst video game adaptations!
I suggest you watch AngryJoe's review on the most recent Resident Evil movie, because he's absolutely spot on about Paul W. S. Anderson's disregard of the fandom and franchise in general.
He literally built the films around his wife, who plays a character that has absolutely no relation to the game series whatsoever.

Ok thanks for the advice regarding the films. I found a download bundle that includes the 5 films from 2002 to 2012. However there are 2 extra animated films that I think are actual movies but they look like the cut scenes from the games themselves which is intriguing. There are called Degeneration (2008) and Damnation (2012). Anyone know anything about these?

I did really enjoy the stories and cut scenes in Resident Evil 6 by the way.
I'm missing playing it now that it's over which is always a sign of a good game. I suppose I could always try it on Madhouse but I rarely replay games, certainly not immediately afterwards anyway. Hopefully the DLC will be decent. I wonder how many years we'll have to wait for RE8?...
Ok thanks for the advice regarding the films. I found a download bundle that includes the 5 films from 2002 to 2012. However there are 2 extra animated films that I think are actual movies but they look like the cut scenes from the games themselves which is intriguing. There are called Degeneration (2008) and Damnation (2012). Anyone know anything about these?

I did really enjoy the stories and cut scenes in Resident Evil 6 by the way.

They are CGI movies that Capcom were actually involved with. Neither is particularly good, sadly.
What colour space and AA mode is best?

i personally like bt709 better than srgb, gloomier and more atmospheric, can be rather dark though might need brightness up a notch compared to srgb mode.

just finished this game in like 16 hours! Much longer than most people take to finish it, really enjoyable, guess ill wait for a bit and try mad house, pobably when the new free content comes out in spring, the paid dlc doesnt look particularly interesting atm tho.
sRGB is objectively better because it uses the full colour space 0-255

bt709 uses 16-235 so it can't do the same peak whites or darkest blacks

Basically it's the same sort of difference between Full range and limited range RGB

PC monitors should always use full range, modern TVs can generally accept a full RGB signal but you sometimes have to set the black level to 'high' to avoid black crush where you lose all the detail.

Edit - your graphics card also needs to be set to RGB full to take advantage.
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how is this game for pc users?

i got it 2 days ago for xbox one and only done the opening up to where the 'Teaser' starts, got the recon beta last night for console and free weekend of rb6s, so havent touched the game again, but im going to sell my console for 'needs must' once they over and debating whether to hold on to the game till i get another xbox or get it for the pc instead as thats what im going back to for now, just dont want to waste money on a bad port(not decided on gpu purchase yet) lol.
The Resident Evil movies are some of the worst video game adaptations!
I suggest you watch AngryJoe's review on the most recent Resident Evil movie, because he's absolutely spot on about Paul W. S. Anderson's disregard of the fandom and franchise in general.
He literally built the films around his wife, who plays a character that has absolutely no relation to the game series whatsoever.

I take the films with a huge pinch of salt but I dont listen to a word he says. Bloke is an idiot
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