** Resident Evil Village Thread **

23 Jun 2004
A little off topic but I don't think its work a thread of its own.

Gonna play through all the remake RE games again but I've never played Zero before. I know its a prequel so is it better for me to start with that or should I play them in the order they were released?



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
A little off topic but I don't think its work a thread of its own.

Gonna play through all the remake RE games again but I've never played Zero before. I know its a prequel so is it better for me to start with that or should I play them in the order they were released?
Don't think it makes much of a difference. Personal preference really.

For me personally I would do it like this:

Resident Evil Remake
Resident Evil Zero
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 3 Remake

The first is the best and gets everything going, then using same engine and graphics you go back in time a bit with zero. Then move on to the new remakes. If you leave zero to last, it would be a less enjoyable experience imo.
8 Sep 2012
I'm actually glad I got RE7. I reckon I'm about 80% in and I think the game's quite a bit better than RE3 Remake. Better locations, better exploration, more "puzzles" (if you can actually call them that but they're there at least), better atmosphere. And a better goddamn stalker. It also seems longer.

Might not edge RE2 for me (just because RCPD is an unbeatable location and there are classic chars and actual zombies) but it's certainly scarier and more tense than both of the remakes. And as basic as RE storylines are, this one has one of the better executed ones.

Ethan still sucks and he's so jarringly detached from everything that happens that it's genuinely hilarious but this is time well spent in my book, especially at this price.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I'm actually glad I got RE7. I reckon I'm about 80% in and I think the game's quite a bit better than RE3 Remake. Better locations, better exploration, more "puzzles" (if you can actually call them that but they're there at least), better atmosphere. And a better goddamn stalker. It also seems longer.

Might not edge RE2 for me (just because RCPD is an unbeatable location and there are classic chars and actual zombies) but it's certainly scarier and more tense than both of the remakes. And as basic as RE storylines are, this one has one of the better executed ones.

Ethan still sucks and he's so jarringly detached from everything that happens that it's genuinely hilarious but this is time well spent in my book, especially at this price.
No chance for me. I will replay RE3 Remake many more times to come in the future. Can't say the same about RE7.

Just such a they did not spend another year developing RE 3 Remake. It would have been a much better game. I mean all they had to do was make the start city part 3-4 times larger, have more puzzles and remove nemesis cut scenes and make him find you randomly.
8 Sep 2012
Well, I'd prefer 3 too if it was actually polished and fully developed but as it stands, it feels watered down, very linear and unfinished. I was planning to come back to 3 for achievements but it might be hard after this one. I genuinely feel 7 has been a fuller experience so far and I'm enjoying it more. Maybe it has something to do with not being completely attached to the formula and expecting a lot from 3 but not a lot from 7. I'm actually surprised myself.

Having said that, I'll probably play 7 only three times but that's still better than beating 3 once so far and giving up on it :p
30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
I'm actually glad I got RE7. I reckon I'm about 80% in and I think the game's quite a bit better than RE3 Remake. Better locations, better exploration, more "puzzles" (if you can actually call them that but they're there at least), better atmosphere. And a better goddamn stalker. It also seems longer.

Might not edge RE2 for me (just because RCPD is an unbeatable location and there are classic chars and actual zombies) but it's certainly scarier and more tense than both of the remakes. And as basic as RE storylines are, this one has one of the better executed ones.

Ethan still sucks and he's so jarringly detached from everything that happens that it's genuinely hilarious but this is time well spent in my book, especially at this price.
Yeah I agree. RE3 remake was great but a little short and I have no real desire to play it again. I love the crazy family in RE7, a la Texas Chainsaw, that's what always draws me back to it. The first hour of the game is utter madness and I love it for it!

That being said, RE4 was my first Res Evil so I don't have the same affinity for the earlier games as the OG RE players.
4 Jan 2020
No chance for me. I will replay RE3 Remake many more times to come in the future. Can't say the same about RE7.

Just such a they did not spend another year developing RE 3 Remake. It would have been a much better game. I mean all they had to do was make the start city part 3-4 times larger, have more puzzles and remove nemesis cut scenes and make him find you randomly.

RE3 remake is a joke, cash grab after RE2 remake, they left out so much. I played it once, done it in 4 hours and won't ever play it again, disgraceful release imo.

I just started RE3 OG again with the HD project, it's brilliant: https://www.reshdp.com/re3/



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
RE3 remake is a joke, cash grab after RE2 remake, they left out so much. I played it once, done it in 4 hours and won't ever play it again, disgraceful release imo.

I just started RE3 OG again with the HD project, it's brilliant: https://www.reshdp.com/re3/
Even though I agree, I still enjoyed it more than RE7 and completed it many times and unlocked stuff. I actually look forward to playing it again, not so much for RE7.

OG RE3 is a much better game so thanks for the link. I also enjoy OG RE2 more than the remake.
8 Sep 2012
Ok, finished. Took 10.5h exploring what I could on normal. Great length for a first playthrough in a RE game. Got all documents and Mr. Everywheres but missed 3 coins.

Traditionally for the series, the ending is extremely basic and the final sequence before the "boss" somewhat underwhelming. Also, I'm still not a fan of Ethan nor that keen on first person or lack of zombies but as a survival horror this has both remakes beat in terms of atmosphere and tension, even though of the newer ones RE2 is still my favourite for various reasons.

To RE3 Remake there's no comparison as I've said. RE7 is more complex, longer and has way better planned locations and more stuff that actually makes it feel Resident Evil because you at least get a sense of exploration and puzzle solving. Also, it has actual DLC that might be worth someone's time.
I can't possibly fathom what would make me replay RE3 Remake more than, say, two times. All I remember from that game is a city section that can be explored in 10 mins and a bunch of completely brainless corridor affairs with scripted chase sequences and reused assets like the pointless sewer section or Carlos RPD sequence and then NEST 2.0 for whatever reason. The bloody ship in RE7 has more exploration and puzzles than half of RE3 (or worse). It's a 5h action flick with zombies and little depth, which is a real shame since the core formula is good and could've really shone had they taken their time to expand upon the original in meaningful ways instead of cutting content and dumbing stuff down.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Ok, finished. Took 10.5h exploring what I could on normal. Great length for a first playthrough in a RE game. Got all documents and Mr. Everywheres but missed 3 coins.

Traditionally for the series, the ending is extremely basic and the final sequence before the "boss" somewhat underwhelming. Also, I'm still not a fan of Ethan nor that keen on first person or lack of zombies but as a survival horror this has both remakes beat in terms of atmosphere and tension, even though of the newer ones RE2 is still my favourite for various reasons.

To RE3 Remake there's no comparison as I've said. RE7 is more complex, longer and has way better planned locations and more stuff that actually makes it feel Resident Evil because you at least get a sense of exploration and puzzle solving. Also, it has actual DLC that might be worth someone's time.
I can't possibly fathom what would make me replay RE3 Remake more than, say, two times. All I remember from that game is a city section that can be explored in 10 mins and a bunch of completely brainless corridor affairs with scripted chase sequences and reused assets like the pointless sewer section or Carlos RPD sequence and then NEST 2.0 for whatever reason. The bloody ship in RE7 has more exploration and puzzles than half of RE3 (or worse). It's a 5h action flick with zombies and little depth, which is a real shame since the core formula is good and could've really shone had they taken their time to expand upon the original in meaningful ways instead of cutting content and dumbing stuff down.

For me I think it is the familiar characters, settings and zombies and some good old nostalgia. Nothing what so ever memorable about RE7. Hence my position. Had RE7 had memorable characters and story, then I would completely agree with you :)

Oh and I disliked the ship in RE7. Worst part of the whole game. Really did enjoy the mansion part though.
4 Jan 2020
Yeah the ship was the worst part, drawn out and tedious. I really did enjoy RE7 though so looking forward to what they do with VIII, looks to be similar to RE4 in terms of locations, the merchant etc. We'll see.
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8 Sep 2012
Madhouse with all antique coins run complete, all that's left is the speedrun with no item box/healing and then I'll dabble with DLC.
Can't complain at the value at this price, paid less than half of RE3 price and ended up playing it more:p
30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
Yeah the ship was the worst part, drawn out and tedious. I really did enjoy RE7 though so looking forward to what they do with VII, looks to be similar to RE4 in terms of locations, the merchant etc. We'll see.
I've just finished playing though the ship again and whilst I remember it being the worst part of the game from my first playthrough, I actually quite enjoyed it this time. I'm therefore concluding that for the first time playing the game, the first half was so good, that the ship felt like a bit of come down, however knowing it was coming this time around, it didn't have that kind of debuff hampering the experience.
8 Sep 2012
I enjoyed the ship (well a bit less so on Madhouse:p), just didn't like the flashback too much. It was still pretty atmospheric and exploration-focused and I can't see how it was worse than the incredibly short corridor shooter affair with no exploration or puzzles called the salt mines.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Argh what to do.... I have an IPS monitor and the I find the glow distracting when playing games with dark scenes. Do I buy a Samsung g9 monitor now to play this game when it’s released... or wait for the 2021 version of the same with the mini -leds to come out..... decisions decisions....

I sort of don’t want to play it until I can do so on a mega monitor!!
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