Resident Evil Village

Screw it I'm going to get this, hearing it looks impressive graphically as well. I will just find a video of resi 7 ending.

Ahh don't, RE7 is a great game. Pick it up for buttons and play that first. You don't have to play 8 on release day.

I might, think it’s in game pass or it was.
I got scared and never finished it :D. But I have played these before and completed them.
I just found 7 particularly scary.

It's spooky at the start, but you get used to it in no time.
7 was really good but I’m going to wait a bit on this see what ACG says first. Have a few other games to play so will see what everyone thinks I found the demo a bit crap tbh.
I got about 12 hours out of resi7, which isn't bad for a resi game. Enjoyed 7 a lot but it dropped off 2/3 of the way through - both in story / atmosphere quality but also difficulty. Dont think I paid full price for it though (can't really remember to be honest).

Not sure £55 for 10-15hrs is where I want to be in terms of bang for buck, but it depends on the replay value. That said I never replayed 7 and I haven't gone back to the remake of 2 yet either. Not sure I ever will.

8 does look nice though, and being a resi fan I'm probably gonna cave and splurge full rrp for a digital copy. But I want to at least try and put up a fight and resist it for a little while, at least to day 2 or 3 lol :p
Lovely people at Game Collection got mine to me today. Installed and patched and will fire it up after Taskmaster :)
Ok, so couldn't resist and made a start!

I'm 2 hours in and just met the merchant - i have no idea what I'm playing, but how the heck is this res evil?!

It looks beautiful, but wut?!
Not sure £55 for 10-15hrs is where I want to be in terms of bang for buck

being a resi fan I'm probably gonna cave and splurge full rrp for a digital copy

That said I never replayed 7 and I haven't gone back to the remake of 2 yet either.

Why would you opt for the digital version here?

Ok, so couldn't resist and made a start!

I'm 2 hours in and just met the merchant - i have no idea what I'm playing, but how the heck is this res evil?!

It looks beautiful, but wut?!

Taking the Resi element out of it, as much as you can, are you enjoying it?
7 was really good but I’m going to wait a bit on this see what ACG says first. Have a few other games to play so will see what everyone thinks I found the demo a bit crap tbh.

I don't know how anyone can watch that guys videos. They're really well written, it isn't the content, but he talks so, so fast that I can't focus on what he's saying. He speaks with a really odd tone too, I can't put my finger on it.
I might, think it’s in game pass or it was.
I got scared and never finished it :D. But I have played these before and completed them.
I just found 7 particularly scary.

I couldn't get into 7. I hated the enemy constantly following you mechanic ... just don't find it any sort of fun.
Taking the Resi element out of it, as much as you can, are you enjoying it?

Ok, played 5hrs of it now and once you get in the castle, it becomes very similar to the mansion of res1!

Just finished that part and calling it a night. Definitely enjoyed that part, the first village part, not so much.
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