**Ride in the OcUK Radical - Bank Holiday Monday 26th May - Donington Park**

Originally posted by orient
ill host it for you, mail it to the email link in ym sig please :)

Is your webspace / host up to the hammering it will get ??
The photos you posted earlier were a little slow loading
Originally posted by Skyline
It always happens on track days where you have such a mixture of cars... And i find it a little nieve that you do not expect a little mad driving on a trackday that only costs £95... Whe Skyline, Evo and the like boys are also in the same boat... They have very fast cars but on cheap track days they are plagued by cheap pieces of rubbish on the track because they are more accessable. What do the GTR Boys do in that situation? They hang back and do not put themselves in the situation where they are too close, that if something should go wrong with the car in front they are not in danger of not having time to get out of the way. Its like being on a motorway just keep your distance and overtake at the appropriate time. Its not a race! We all know that the radicals are pretty much the fastest things on the track, but being right up the exhaust of a car that has half as much power to weight ratio as you do proves nothing more than its faster and corners/brakes better... if you were out on the track with just radicals it would have been a different matter... all the same characteristics...
Sorry but that is complete hogwash. Confine drifting, donuts or any other such behaviour to McDonalds carpark. The cost of the trackday has NOTHING to do with being a hazard to others. Cars of differing speeds are ALL expected to respect those differing speeds and move over/overtake when safe. I'm damned if I'm holding back because some drifting expect wants to showboat at risk to others. You've obvoiusly forgotten about the written off S14? Apart from doing that level of damage to his car, he stopped every else from participating whilst his wreck was recovered.

I wasn't going to take this further, but after your comments I'm going to make a written complaint to Trakzone and we'll see what they have to say about it.
Originally posted by Sundance Kid
Is your webspace / host up to the hammering it will get ??
The photos you posted earlier were a little slow loading
ill put it on a domain i have access to thanks ;)
I'm uploading it to OcUK webspace. I'll post here when its done and leave the URL active for half an hour or so.
Whats you upload speed Mark and upload time(est)?

Shame I missed it today, looked a good day. I'll have to try and make it to either Oulton Park or the next Donny one. I will have finished School by then and finished all my exams as well:D so can make the whole day or is it an evening?
Originally posted by orient
ill host it for you, mail it to the email link in ym sig please :)
I'll mail you the URL from home. PLEASE don't publish it but post YOUR URL of the downloaded file here :)

Mail arriving in 8 minutes :cool:
Originally posted by Spie
I'll mail you the URL from home. PLEASE don't publish it but post YOUR URL of the downloaded file here :)

Mail arriving in 8 minutes :cool:

thank you kindly, will have multiple mirrors up as soon as possible
I wasn't going to take this further, but after your comments I'm going to make a written complaint to Trakzone and we'll see what they have to say about it.

That is totally within your rights to do that, but i am pretty sure that you will get told exactlly the same as the Skyline owners do... Something to the effect of... At £95 trackdays are made more accessable to all drivers regardless of thier skill and expertise. Should you require track sessions that have less numbers/different car catagories then book-a-track and gold track days do them starting from £210 per track day.

I also do not class a controlled drift in the same league as donuts etc... it takes great skill to perfect and the fact that you do not like it is just your opinion (Thousands of japanese would argue otherwise)

You've obvoiusly forgotten about the written off S14? Apart from doing that level of damage to his car, he stopped every else from participating whilst his wreck was recovered.

I would rather hold off on coimmenting on what happened here as i have not yet heard that this was a result of drifting. If you have other information that countermands this, then i will stand corrected...
Originally posted by Spie
YGM :cool:

problem, your host/server appears to redirect me to the front of the ocuk site if i try and access the wmv :confused:

if i try a right-click save-as it gives me a download of a 404 error page?
Originally posted by Orifice
I can find somewhere to host it if you wish to email me the link.

the link is dud from external of full access rights to the site, it just links me to the 404 error page, so either the server has a forwarding link to the main page, or the url mark gave me was slightly incorrect :confused:
I can host, send me mail to moreland at overclock-uk.net.

I can have a mirror up quickly.
Originally posted by orient
problem, your host/server appears to redirect me to the front of the ocuk site if i try and access the wmv :confused:

if i try a right-click save-as it gives me a download of a 404 error page?
Change wmv to WMV - case sensitive.
Originally posted by Spie
I'm uploading it to OcUK webspace. I'll post here when its done and leave the URL active for half an hour or so.

Spie, any chance of leaving it up a little longer when it's sorted? I'd dearly like to see it, but I've got a 56k modem :(
Originally posted by [TW]Fox
Spie, any chance of leaving it up a little longer when it's sorted? I'd dearly like to see it, but I've got a 56k modem :(
ive got access to it, and will be hosting it permanently as soon as i can re-upload it
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