Rift s whos getting one?

I always find these posts amusing (no offense intended).
Unless you've got insider information available on what's being released, there is simply no way to state categorically what will be released, so why bother saying the above? Especially so as I believe the reveal is later today.
Just be patient and find out in the next 12 hours what's really going to be included.

I don't see where I stated anything as categorical fact, I stated that you are likely getting only 2 of 3 wishes... I was sharing my opinion which is what people come to a discussion forum to do. I also stated I don't think it's likely that we'll see eye tracking from oculus before 2021/2. None of these are stating "categorically" what will be released with the Rift S, they are opinions and discussion - and just as valid in this thread as your statement about what it would take for you to buy. By your logic, what is the point in you posting what it would take for you to buy it- just wait a few hours and find out what it is, then say you are/aren't buying it because it does/doesn't have X.

I always find these posts amusing (no offense intended). Come to a discussion forum and decry discussion, so why bother saying the above?

Edit - and for the record, I would absolutely love for my opinion to be wrong in this instance. Bring out a headset with a real decent resolution bump and foveated rendering, I would buy it in a heartbeat... We shall find out soon. Isn't speculation fun ;)

as a bit of a noob when it comes to VR , why do we need such high resolutions in VR per eye compared to say a normal 1920x1080p desktop screen,why doesn't a 1920x1080p panel per eye suffice if its clear enough for everyday use in a monitor?

Because it's stretched over a much larger field of view, so the angular resolution is poor. Imagine sitting close enough to a 1080p TV that it fills 100+ degrees of your field of view - it would look somewhat pixelated.

It all comes down to angular resolution. That 1080p monitor you are sitting a few feet from is spreading the resolution over a much smaller area of your vision, so has a much higher number of pixels per degree.
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yea ive not looked at VR for a long time now and what a time to get interested in it again..might finally be able to ditch triples for sim racing and go full hog VR
I wasnt aware of the Rift S, will be keeping an eye out for it :D

Not many were to be honest, oculus really has potentially snuck it in out of no where... I only saw the vaguest rumours of it existing maybe a couple of months ago when someone dug up references to it in code. I think that's the closest thing to anything resembling facts that we have - that it probably, maybe, exists!

I'm just hoping that we don't find out that the reason they've managed to keep it so quiet is that it's just Quest with a passthrough. While that would be cool in its own right and would make me more likely to buy a quest, it would be a bit disappointing!
I'm just hoping that we don't find out that the reason they've managed to keep it so quiet is that it's just Quest with a passthrough. While that would be cool in its own right and would make me more likely to buy a quest, it would be a bit disappointing!

To me that would be an almost perfect option, run as a Quest in standalone but have a USB-C cable connection for PC hookup to run more demanding PC based graphics.

The only downside I imagine would be weight, the Rift is much lighter than the Go and I imagine the Quest to be heavier still due to more technology packed in.
I agree, it would be an almost perfect option - for the Quest... If I'm honest I'd like a bit more out of a "Rift S".

Carmack did mention they were looking into wifi tethering options (in his words "no promises") for the quest back in I believe October/November in response to the public questions about the possibility of tethering via the usb port. It's not outside the realms of possibility that they saw the demand and added the ability in one way or the other.

My own personal guess though is that Rift S will be a stripped down quest (less onboard electronics and no battery, otherwise functionally identical) at lower cost. Would make sense as it would be a small upgrade on rift in terms of resolution and optics, while streamlining their manufacturing with more shared components and same touch controllers etc, all allowing them to come in cheaper overall. A bit like how the xbox one S was simpler to manufacture and incrementally better than the original in a few ways without being a generational upgrade.
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All I would need to buy it is a higher resolution than the CV1 again with OLED screens. Anything else over and above that would be a bonus for me.
Tracking is the dealbreaker for me. It needs to be as good as a 3 sensor system before I replace my current Rift, plus the comfort must be at least as good. I find the Oculus Go nowhere near as comfortable, but then that doesn't have a rigid headstrap.
tracking doesn't matter too much to me as it would only get used for sim racing ..but being able to wear glasses is a must,wonder if we will ever get variable focus lenses someday

Rift S is official

Pretty much as expected with the rumours.


Same single LCD panel as the GO (2560x1440p)
Same lenses as Go/Quest
Insight tracking (but with wider view than Quest, 5 cameras instead of 4)
Same controllers as Quest
No hardware IPD adjustment, software only
Strap audio Doohickeys, so no proper headphones but a 3.5mm jack included for DIY
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Interesting. An extra camera, which should eliminate most tracking deadspots. I was hoping it'd be a bit cheaper though. Not a day one purchase for me, but I might well upgrade later in the year once we know how good it is. Quest is more interesting, simply because it's wireless, so I can do more roomscale, despite the lower power.
So not even the same OLED as used in the Quest.
Marginal increase in resolution.
Can't say I'm impressed.
For me, this is still generation 1 level kit, and at that price has got no chance of me being interested.

I'll be waiting for more sensibly priced units that include eye tracking.
Unless someone is dying to get rid of the stand alone sensors I don't think that many current Rift owners will be interested... it is a refresh of the current gen Rift and not much more. The higher resolution (and sub pixel arrangement) might sway some though.

It does make sense for oculus going forward though - if insight works as well as the impressions suggest, this will be much more "plug and play" for the average person, and manufacturing is greatly simplified with all 3 headsets sharing screens and lenses, and the quest/rift S sharing controllers.

I'll personally be looking to try one, see what the resolution difference is like in person. Would be nice to hear more about the Valve HMD too before buying.
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Disappointed it's the same panel as the Go, and only 80hz. The Go panel is great for SDE reduction and resolution, but the black levels are awful.

Also I'm not keen on the halo headstrap with no headphones. I really like the Rift headphones. Not much of an upgrade for me. It's also too expensive. Should be £300.
Unless someone is dying to get rid of the stand alone sensors I don't think many current Rift owners will be interested... it is a refresh of the current gen Rift and not much more.

It does make sense for oculus going forward though - if insight works as well as the impressions suggest, this will be much more "plug and play" for the average person, and manufacturing is greatly simplified with all 3 headsets sharing screens and lenses, and the quest/rift S sharing controllers.

Not sure why you're saying they all share the same screens, when the Quest has an OLED, and the Go and S an LCD.
Write-up over at Ars: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019...s-rift-s-more-pixels-zero-cameras-better-fit/

Price point $399, higher resolution but dropping the amoled screens to do it. Doesn't need the cameras on stilts of the current rift.

Looks promising to me. I skipped the first generation as too expensive.

interesting quote from that article

Executives also confirmed that they are considering a future in which a Quest headset would have relative parity to a Rift headset. That way, users could use it in portable mode, then connect it to a PC and enjoy increased processing power. But no one would say anything definitive about plans to bring such a headset to retail.

That I would be more likely to buy than this gen 1.1 offering
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