Rimworld - strategy base building sci-fi indie game

Been playing this a fair bit at beta 10 is out.

Change list:

•New joy need added. Colonists want to have “joy”, which means anything that lets the stop working and enjoy themselves for a while.
•Added joy sources •Skygazing
•Social relaxation around campfire or table, with or without beer
•Horseshoes game
•Television (purchasable)
•Telescope for astronomy (purchasable)

•Added armchair and dining chair
•There are various kinds of joy. Repeated use of the same kind of joy builds up a tolerance, reducing its impact. Colonists will prefer joy sources they are not already tolerant to. Result: it’s beneficial to provide a variety of joy sources.

Outfits system
•New outfits manager system added. You can design ‘outfits’ (restrictions on what a colonist is allowed to a wear) and assign them to colonists in a central interface. Colonists will then independently work to find the best apparel possible given their outfit and the current season. They will automatically switch out damaged apparel for better apparel, or poor-quality apparel for high-quality apparel.
•If the player manually assigns apparel, the colonist will never remove it until the manual assignment is cleared.

Timetable system
•New timetable system added. You can assign each colonist a daily timetable which describes when they should sleep, work, have joy, or decide on their own.

•Colonists can fall unconscious on their own if over-exhausted.
•Reworked how melee verbs are selected so they’ll be selected with a bit more randomness. e.g. Someone with one scyther blade hand won’t use it exclusively; you’ll need to get them two if you want a true killing machine.
•Beer can now be wielded as a weapon (like wood).
•Passion flames are now displayed subtly on the work overview screen.
•New end credits song from Al!
•Reduced skill degradation rate.
•Day length extended from 24,000 to 30,000 ticks. Days per month reduced from 12 to 10.
•Hunters will now approach and execute downed animals at close range.
•Reworked food search so it smoothly integrates information about food distance, taste, and psychological preference to get the most optimal food source.
•Health tab now displays overall bleeding rate.
•Starvation and blood loss are now staged and affect consciousness as they worsen.
•Reworked how skills generate so there will be more initial skill variation and age affect starting skills more.
•Rebalanced and reformatted plant ecology tunings to lengthen crop cycles and slow wild plant spread. Reworked plant growth in relation to light levels so plants can still grow slowly in dim light (e.g. tundra summers).
•Pain now creates unhappiness.
•String lists are now part of language data and can be translated.
•Butcher table, sculptor’s table, and stonecutter’s table can now be made of various stuffs.
•Trees are no longer sowable. Traders carry wood.
•Characters will now sometimes resist arrest.
•You can now set a minimum skill level on bills.
•Visitors will now carry away wounded guests from their faction.
•Hunted animals will occasionally fight back. Some animals always fight back.
•Doctors now automatically rescue downed colonists.
•Generalized toggle power interaction to ‘switch flicking’ and applied it to power switch toggling and door locking as well as building power on/off.
•Many many other fixes, adjustments, and optimizations.

Shame it didn't come out 30mins ago, as just purchased another game.
Anyone still liking it?
I am, keep trying an ice sheet since new release in the coldest temperature. But keep getting killed on Cassandra rough.

Two things are really annoying me, they walk across the map to pick up 4 things, rather than hauling 75 to the stock pile then take 4 to go build,

And not being able to craft guns, haven't found a sniper rifle let alone a good one in so many games.

anyone using any decent mods?
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Anyone know what's happening? I know he took a break but posted back in Jan that production was back on line.
Desperate for the next version.
Anyone know what's happening? I know he took a break but posted back in Jan that production was back on line.
Desperate for the next version.

Alpha 13 released a couple of weeks ago adding a ton of new features

-New permadeath mode. One save file, save on quit or autosave only, no take-backsies when something goes horribly, insanely, or laughably wrong. The way RimWorld was meant to be played.

-Colonist family and social relationship system / Social relationships with friends, rivals, family, chats, arguments, and fights
-Opinion system; pawns care about dozens of memories and situations to determine their opinions of each other
-Family members out to cousins and beyond
-Lovers, fiancees, marriages, ex-lovers, ex-spouses
-People may get in social fights with those they dislike (even neutrals and enemies do this)
-Animal bonding
-People who leave the map while traveling, fleeing, being kidnapped, etc. can come back later as raiders, visitors, joiners, etc.
-Marriage ceremonies and parties
-Prison breaks
-Prison breaks. Prisoners pick the locks, get out, seek weapons and work as a group to escape.

-Self-reproducing, spreading underground insect hives
-Insect hives are dangerous but produce succulent insect jelly
-Animals and predators
-Many more animals, some of which will hunt people
-Some animals are now predators, including colony pets (e.g. cats catch squirrels)
-Animals can gnaw corpses apart directly now

Threat response mode
-Decide how colonists should auto-respond to threats: flee, attack, or ignore?

-‘Components’ resource used for machinery and electronics
-Ground-traveling trade caravans from other factions
-Deeper research tree with more low-tech options and more things to research
-New fueled buildings: stove and generator
-Various new lower and higher-tech production buildings
-Two research tables: simple and hi-tech. Hi-tech is required for some projects.

-New exotic infections: Gut worms, mechanite infections which give abilities at a cost of pain or fatigue, trauma savantism
-New chronic diseases: Carcinoma, asthma, hearing loss
-New “firefoam popper” provides a way to combat fire besides punching it.
-Character records which keep stats on each character like number of kills, injuries, surgeries, etc.
-Extreme desert biome
-Colonists in relationships can share beds
-New double bed; royal bed is now gold-trimmed and fancy
-New flatscreen and megascreen TVs
-Colonists can now visit sick people in bed to cheer them up
-Sick people in bed can now watch TV
-Building damage overlays
-Days are now twice as long as before, with years being half as many days. (This means that years are exactly as long as before in actual play time, just divided into a smaller number of longer days.)
-The year is now split into seasons instead of months.
-Animal kibble
-Deep rooms stay cool in the heat
-Richer tale recording and better art descriptions
-Hundreds of balance improvements, optimizations, tweaks and fixes

Haven't played yet but it looks like a pretty epic update :D

So my first three colonists- two men, George and Arthur, and a woman, Time- crash-land on a new planet. Deciduous forest, tons of mountains, loads of wildlife, just bursting with promise. I'm planning a fun, low-pressure colony to test out alpha 13.
First thing off, Arthur beats George to death with his bare hands. seriously, on the first ****ing day.
Did I mention George was Time's lover? Which is a helluva thing, because it turns out Time hates men?
So now, Time is trapped on a planet with the person who murdered her boyfriend, the one man she could tolerate. And furthermore, according to Arthur's social tab? he enjoyed it.
I just assume the colony is doomed, at that point. But I decide not to restart right away, to hang in there and watch it go down in flames. When prompted to name the colony, I call it "Hopeless."
But as the days wear on... Time starts to talk to Arthur. and Arthur starts to woo Time. Soon, they're lovers. Now, two seasons later? They're married. Sharing a bed, and having sex practically every night. When Time's pet monkey died, her bonded animal, she was a so caught up in afterglow she barely registered it.
This actually... bugged me, a little? George hadn't been dead a year! So I build a nice sarcophagus for George's corpse. (He'd been lying in the dump for over a season, and had skeletonized by then. But in my defense, why bother burying him? I'd figured the colony was doomed.) He's hauled over and interred by a new recruit, but Time never visits. Ever. Because, as her social tab informs me, she hates him now, as she considers him an "ex-lover."
That pillow talk with Arthur must have been pretty effective.
But it doesn't end there. At some point, Time's sister, Ma'am, wanders in and joins the colony. Time, of course, is thrilled.
Then, despite being with her sister, Arthur tries to woo Ma'am. Ma'am rebuffs him... and Arthur beats her up. Like, she needs to go to the colony hospital. She needs a doctor. Time seems clueless to it all, so I like to imagine Ma'am just told her she fell while out hunting or something.
I totally can't wait to see what this unparalleled ****show has planned for me next.
There's just SO MUCH stuff to do. Hopelessly addicted :D

Think I need to tone the difficulty a bit. Was doing alright on 'rough' until pirates starting tunneling through the mountain instead of going through my chokepoint.

Then drone ship then crashes in my colony. Poison everywhere and when I try to destroy it a giant centepede pops out and starts nuking my colony.

How do you kill them? I had it to down to like 0 health but still wouldn't die.

And how do I raise livestock safely? Had loads of rabbits running around but then my dog ate most of them. Then the dog died :/
animal zones and food, dog eat them as it didn't have any other food. so best to allow your dog access to your freezer, and keep rabits in a barn and maybe outside, have a heygrass stockpile in there.

mechs are hard, you can kill them, until late game it really means building turrets and walls to stay behind. if they are minigun ones they cant hit anything, so draw fire with a shielded character and then run away if they take the shield down.
or a bit cheaty build a wall around it so mechs can't pop out and bomb with grenade/Molotov and keep repairing wall till it's destroyed.
or wait for a big raid and then pop it, run way and let the raiding party take them on, this at least damages them, or if poison isn't close you can allow multiple raids to beat them up.

trying to make a cool base, but probably going to die, as no defence and on challenge difficulty. surprised I made it this far.

and this toxic fall out has lasted so long.

edit - nope died, massive boomalope rampage, poison ship and toxic fall out at same time.
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