Man of Honour
Watching the intro videos atm too..hoping I can get addicted
Watching the intro videos atm too..hoping I can get addicted
...and Steam keys now available (for those that want them and already own the game) via
Looks similar to that prison game...
I know you tested a bunch of smaller games before settling on Rimworld - how did you evaluate those prototypes and decide that RW was the one to go with?
TynanSylvester RimWorld Lead Developer
It was really hard, actually.
Because the games were really junky. All the art was just gray boxes and shapes. No sound. Bad interfaces. Terrible bugs. Poor balance. Very little content.
It's hard to look at something like that and know if it's fundamentally awesome or not - whether, if it were polished, it would be really fun.
Basically I just played them. I tried to get a feel for whether the design had fundamental flaws (failure traps? repetitive? fiddly? unclear?) and whether they'd be fixable. I tried to imagine real games I liked, reduced to this crappy state, and compared them mentally. I also looked around for competition and at market conditions to try to get a sense for where the broad player base out there was hungry, and where they were already satiated.
Once RimWorld (then called Eclipse Colony) started to come together a bit I got my friends to play it. I already felt like it was stronger than my other prototypes. The characters were still little yellow dots, and few game systems were in. But I had two of my friends over to play it and they just zoned into it for like 3 hours. They came in the evening and were still there at 1am. That's when I knew it was going to work.