RIP Windows Phone

MS never had an App for YouTube before that, just a link to a web browser version.
They didn't go against their requests, they did exactly as Google who worked on their requirements asked of them).

Apple have messed up a fair few times with Googles Apis, never seen any reaction from them.

And overall, its doesn't matter, still lots of 3rd parties doing a better job letting me watch with no ads, downloading and lock screen playback lists etc.

The biggest issue is them trying to shoehorn an OS into a mobile.
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MS never had an App for YouTube before that, just a link to a web browser version.

True, I'll call it an 'app' then :p. Like I said its not really part of the API debate.

They didn't go against their requests, they did exactly as Google who worked on their requirements asked of them).

Well no, they released an app that blocked adverts. That would have been enough for Google to show most people the door there and then.
lol...and it wasn't made in HTML5 either lmao.

And they didn't block adverts, they used the API they where told too, it was Google that said it blocked it.

IM guessing now they will drop the Lumia name, and go with whatever Surface style device they come up with, though would love to see what their design people could do.
By then WM10 will be sorted hopefully.
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Still seems more odd theirs nothing but Android users in here showing their concern and opinions though.

I'm a WP user and I think its dead. Most of the WP sites are saying the same thing. MS have taken too long to get new hardware to market, too long too fix WP8, and too long too release WP10.

It never got out of beta.

I don't think universal apps will save it. To get people to develop for the platform they need to have critical mass of market share. They've effectively killed their own market share, by their own actions.
Website like verge etc, have been saying the same thing for years though.
Isnt that the point of W10 though?, one app running across all their devices, so with Snapchat making a UA, it runs on all things W10, so assuming Desktop and Tablets are enough, it would be running on WM10.
It isn't dead. Microsoft can't afford not to be in the mobile space. New phones have been released with the latest Windows 10 OS, and with luck MS will have pushed out W10 updates to the majority of Lumia handsets before the end of Q1.

Yes universal apps running across all Windows 10 devices is the goal. And even with the stand-alone model, new porting tools could mean more Windows mobile apps. Remember the mobile market is huge, billions of devices. A sub 10% market share still means millions and millions of Windows mobile devices. Enough for savvy developers to support it and especially for large companies - they can't afford to be ignoring millions of their customers.
And actually,this argument isn't even about WP or the OS, this is about you taking anythgin I said completely out of context, so its not about "being touchy" or overly defending WP at all.

No, the thread is about WP, not you I said. {insert insult about reading ability}

Again, no quote was given, it wasn't about the thread directly above, so you gave no context for it.
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No, because you didn't read it, or comprehend what I said. You where wrong.
That's not being aggressive, that's correcting you on what you "want" me to be saying.

It was aggressive. You could have just pointed out it was wrong (which I still disagree with as you didn't provide the context and should learn what a quote button is for), but no, you wanted to 'have a pop' too. As said, I find this happens with WP fans. It's not hard to understand, here, this is a normal respsone -

I didn't say WP wasn't hurting from lack of Apps, I said it has no effect on me.

This is an aggressive, defensive response

I didn't say WP wasn't hurting from lack of Apps, I said it has no effect on me.

Is basic reading comprehension that hard to understand?

You can whine as much as you like, I wouldn't change my opinion on the above.

It feels like I'm on a school playground or something...
you could say the same about android, theres nothing android does that iOS don't do.

Ha ha, now people are just being silly. Widgets, proper multitasking, theme changing, live wallpapers, better sharing between apps just of the top of my head in a hurry.

It's a shame I don't have time to read the rest of the posts before work, as this threads quite entertaining :)
It basically 2 pages of discussion about whether Microsoft did or didn't deliberately release a YouTube app that blocked adverts. You didn't miss much.
Google has played games with Apple too. The co-developed Google Maps app was left to rot by Google, effectively forcing Apple to come up with their own mapping solution.

Remember the mobile market is huge, billions of devices. A sub 10% market share still means millions and millions of Windows mobile devices. Enough for savvy developers to support it and especially for large companies - they can't afford to be ignoring millions of their customers.

10% marketshare is a pipe dream for Microsoft right now. Their current marketshare is 1.1%.
The Third party youtube apps for windows phone. On my phone they crash a lot. But they have decent features otherwise. The app on my 3yr old Android phone are better though.
This is the same problem Android had in its early days: all the apps were clones, not from the official developer.

But Google kept trying and got Android onto more devices and the apps came shortly after.

People act like Android had all the apps in the beginning but that's just ******** tbh. iOS was well ahead for a solid two years and then Android caught up.

Microsoft could have easily caught up but they haven't. Now they're well and truly ****ed.
Thats the underlying thing really. If you look at the first 5 years of iOS and the first 5 years of Android, and compare it to the first 5 years of Windows Phone (from 7 onwards), Microsoft really made a hash of it.
Microsoft could have easily caught up but they haven't. Now they're well and truly ****ed.

Microsoft was one of the first companies to realise the potential of smartphones. The problem was that there wasn't a true passion for mobile at Microsoft at an engineering level until iOS and Android came out. Windows Mobile was where all of the dysfunctional workers were sent as punishment. Everyone at Microsoft wanted to work on either Windows or Office at the time.

By the time Windows Phone came out, I don't think there was ever a chance to catch up. Android ran on cheap, available silicon and was free. Why would a manufacturer risk switching to a different platform?
My wife and I both have FitBits. It was only yesterday that we realised that her FitBit Charge HR (made by Microsoft) is capable of getting call and email notifications from her phone. Oh hang on, there are apps for iOS and Android but no (that's ZERO) Windows Phone is capable of using this feature of a Microsoft device. Brilliant!

And people wonder why I'm looking at moving back to android, even though I love my Lumia 640.
....By the time Windows Phone came out, I don't think there was ever a chance to catch up. Android ran on cheap, available silicon and was free. Why would a manufacturer risk switching to a different platform?

I don't know. WP has a lot of great features. Some of it better than IOS and Android. For a while it was almost on a par. But MS just let it lag behind. WP fans are just losing patience with it.

My old Windows Phone is as fast as the day I got it. My old android phone, fills up with updates for apps that I don't use, a load of google services I don't use much of which can't be moved to the SD card. But the browser on my old android 2.4 is light years ahead of the one on WP 8.1.

What was saving WP was you got fast OS on a cheap phone. They've now made it expensive for the hardware your getting, the new low end WP are slow. They've gone too cheap with the hardware. They've build issues, and the new OS is a buggy as heck. The 950 has problems and too expensive.
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