RIP Windows Phone

Did they not? I assumed with Surface completely dropping RT that was it? I have no idea where RT is at the moment in terms of support etc.

It's basically no where.
It got a Start Menu update late last year (After Windows 10 launched), it gets the usual Microsoft updates, and as far as official support goes, it still exists.
Well I dint know if theirs any shipping models with RT on it, but then MS have always been pretty good at long legacy support.
Though maybe RT has a lot in common with things like security updates etc its easy for them to include them.

So do you consider an OS dead when its not supported, or just when its not shipped new any more? As they are very different.
I guess not supported, as theres still lots of places I walk into using XP vista etc.

Then legacy support and updates features etc to my current phone is rather different.

How far back are out of the box versions of Android and Ios are kept up to date by manufacturers?
Because I find it funny to read the lengths people will go to in order to deny the inevitable.

Plus, I am genuinely interested in the smartphone market, and dropping to just 2 suppliers is not good for the market. I, and a number of other people, are keen to follow the developments in the market. And it is every quarter when MS release their reports that we get an update on the position which then spurs a discission about it.

We can create a "Smartphone market share discussion thread" and ban any WP fans from joining if you want? Considering non WP fans appear to be unwelcome here?

It's fine discussing where Microsoft is going wrong and what the market share is doing, and I'd happily join in as someone who's had the experience as you have also. But to constantly criticise users who are fine with WP is just pointless. If it does the job for someone, great, let's leave it as that and instead of questioning their choice, let's go back to discussing where WP stands in the market.
It's fine discussing where Microsoft is going wrong and what the market share is doing, and I'd happily join in as someone who's had the experience as you have also. But to constantly criticise users who are fine with WP is just pointless. If it does the job for someone, great, let's leave it as that and instead of questioning their choice, let's go back to discussing where WP stands in the market.

But we cant, because when we do discuss where WP is in the market, the WP fans get offended and say were wrong.

And then claim the Holy Grail Surface Phone will save them. You can quite literally predict, almost word for word, the replies you will get. Glaucus with be here in a minute to say I'm talking rubbish and being stupid, for example.

Objective discussion of the smart phone market is not possible due to that.
But we cant, because when we do discuss where WP is in the market, the WP fans get offended and say were wrong.

And then claim the Holy Gra Surface Phone will save them.

Objective discussion of the smart phone market is not possible due to that.

Well you just posted a lol, to the numbers we already know about.
Not really contributing to an objective discussion when you dont like when people say the dont want to use Android, because it like not liking food.
So its pretty clear we dont get an objective viewpoint from you.
Still makes my point though, you are not here for any kind of objective discussion. Just to try and shoot down WP users.

Back in the early days I was. But when it became clear it was never going to happen I just stuck my hands in the air and went with the flow! Weeeee!

I'm in a discission with a guy who doesnt think a 0.7% market share means the OS is dead, can you blame me for abandoning objective reasoning? Lol :p.

You never did link us to the Surface Phone confirmation?
Well you just posted a lol, to the numbers we already know about.
Not really contributing to an objective discussion when you dont like when people say the dont want to use Android, because it like not liking food.
So its pretty clear we dont get an objective viewpoint from you.

Do you not understand the context? Android isn't just Android, it's highly customisation, it's highly unlikely you can't get it into a state in which you like.
Do you not understand the context? Android isn't just Android, it's highly customisation, it's highly unlikely you can't get it into a state in which you like.

This. Android can be packaged and deployed in a ways that seem unrecognisable from each other. From FireTVs, to car head units, to laptops.
Back in the early days I was. But when it became clear it was never going to happen I just stuck my hands in the air and went with the flow! Weeeee!

I'm in a discission with a guy who doesnt think a 0.7% market share means the OS is dead, can you blame me for abandoning objective reasoning? Lol :p.

You never did link us to the Surface Phone confirmation?

It's posts like these that are annoying. We understand the numbers but if some of us are fine with WP and have no need to change to Android, why try to force on us.

Based on my needs, Android is probably my next step. For cu3ed, he's happy with what he's got, so why try to convince him otherwise. Let the people make their own minds up. Maybe he likes the intuitiveness of the WP interface and doesn't want to waste time customising android.
The "need" to change to Android or iOS is inevitable. If not because Microsoft drop it, then at minimum it will be through there being no new phones to chose from.

Nobody can argue that Windows Phone has a future, so clinging on it and dismissing the alternatives is foolish. Sticking your head in the sand and denying that Windows Phone is dying is even more so.
Nobody can argue that Windows Phone has a future, so clinging on it and dismissing the alternatives is foolish.

Microsoft will beg to differ. They cannot afford to lose control of the base OS. We're already starting to see phones replace PCs - Microsoft's core business. Sure they've not got it right yet but they have the funds and the talent to get it right. And really, the only big issue is the perceived lack of apps.
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