Hi Guys,
I just thought I'd drop on here, to clear this up officially.
The TLDR version; We use B-grade items from stock, rather than waiting for one from the manufacturer (much faster in most instances), original warranty is not effected by the replacement we send.
Long version for those that like to read;
When an item is returned to us and its over 6 months old, we aim to replace it with the same product but one from B-Stock, As the original item had been used for that amount of time or longer we are therefore replacing the item with another that has been used. This doesn't effect the warranty peroid on the graphics card in anyway, this will run from the original purchase date.
When we don't have an identical model available, we will then offer an alternative make or model that provides like for like performance or better. The warranty peroid is still unaffected and will run from the original purchase date.
I'd also like to point out that this policy is now in effect as soon as possible after we have confirmed the fault with the item, we originally would return the card to the manufacturer and allow upto 28days for them to resolve the claim, which may have ended up in a warranty replacement (the same as a B-Grade item) after that period, or potentially a diminished value refund. We felt that the best way for us to proceed would to issue replacements sooner, rather than making our customers wait, so this is why this is being done.
It's only when we sell B-Grade items as a stand alone product that we restrict the warranty that we support, its also worth mentioning that its a 90day warranty with us, if the manufacturer provides direct end user RMA, then this remains unaffected.