Road Cycling Essentials

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Managed to fix my pump, turns out the cap wasn't screwed tight enough, so that's why air was escaping...

Also had my first ride out with clipless pedals, and my first crash :D

Went cycling around a few quiet roads and footpaths, decided to test my brakes...forgot I was clipped in and fell over. A few people saw me, so I just got back up and rode off - now I'm at home and have a massive scar and a big grin on my face.
Went cycling around a few quiet roads and footpaths, decided to test my brakes...forgot I was clipped in and fell over. A few people saw me, so I just got back up and rode off - now I'm at home and have a massive scar and a big grin on my face.

Haha, happens to everyone! I did it at a junction with loads of traffic around. Not done it a second time, but I think it's only a matter of time....
When I went clipless, I had 3 moments in the second week (none in a year since) once I had gotten used to them and stopped thinking. Worst one was when they were a bit stiff, couldnt get foot out, and held on the back of an ambulance trying to get it out, just as it pulled away :/ Amazing how slow motion those falls are :)

Commuted into work (15 miles) by bike for the first time in months this morning - going to take a while to get the legs back I think, but still did it an hour which I was pleased with.
I knocked this up at lunchtime:



Should help steady the bike when I'm working on it. Otherwise it wobbles about all over the place and sits on the brake cables, which partially applies the brake.
Nice ride - I see you used some of my route :)
I was going to go out today for a 72 miler but decided to drive to Wales for some MTB action instead.

I'm have a full schedule for the next 3-4 weeks but maybe we could arrange a meet up sometime?
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Nice ride - I see you used some of my route :)
I was going to go out today for a 72 miler but decided to drive to Wales for some MTB action instead.

I'm have a full schedule for the next 3-4 weeks but maybe we could arrange a meet up sometime?

Really good route, one I wouldn't have come up with without seeing yours first.
Great thing about the website it's gives you new ideas for routes & places to go. :D

I'm the same for the next few weeks with holidays & wedding plans, but meeting up sometime would be good.
Today was the closest I've come to abandoning the ride to work midway; the gusts of wind were making it very difficult to filter through traffic safely. It felt like trying to cycle through treacle!
I really need to find another hobby. New shoes (Tri shoes) and some other goodies ordered. Good thing its payday this Friday :p.
That's the problem with hobbies though, isn't it? You've already put a lot of time, effort and money into this one, and so you've got to maintain your investment. Otherwise it'll all be in vain!

I really need to get a decent work stand, it's such a pain trying to work on the bikes without one. Does anybody have any recommendations? I'd prefer to keep it under £100 if at all possible.
Thanks Asprilla, just ordered one, should get it in a couple of days with any luck. I'll finally be able to sort out the chain tension on my commuter once it arrives, so no more chain slipping :)
Whilst out riding today I was hit by a car which was travelling pretty fast :( :mad:
I was making a right turn on a wide country lane and the car hit me trying to overtake me. It was probably doing about 50mph because it carried on and crashed into a ditch & hedge.

Injuries sustained - A big deep gash in my leg which is now stitched up, heavy grazes on my back & arms and a smashed up iPhone. Not too sure about damage to my bike because I had to leave it at nearby house before going in the ambulance.
Police took statements and once the shock clams down I will think about claims etc.

This was the ride :

Stay safe peeps :)
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