Road Cycling Essentials

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Bloody hell cold this morning!

1c, had merino baselayer and softshell on, body absolutely fine, also had my new sealskin gloves, which I wore on Saturday and had my hands sweating, but due to the fantastic condition known as Reynards my hands were in agony, and I actually felt physically sick when I got to work!

Ouch :/ I guess there's nothing you can do about it either, given that you're pretty well covered up?
Bloody hell cold this morning!

1c, had merino baselayer and softshell on, body absolutely fine, also had my new sealskin gloves, which I wore on Saturday and had my hands sweating, but due to the fantastic condition known as Reynards my hands were in agony, and I actually felt physically sick when I got to work!

Know that feeling. :( Merino liners and gloves on the weekend when it was 5 degrees! Chilblains already starting to set in on my feet. Yay, winter.

I've got some lobster gloves to try, they might get an outing next weekend.
-1c when I set off this morning.

Fortunately that was in a cab to Heathrow and I cab report it's comfortable t-shirt weather in Madrid.

Looks like I'm only getting one day on the bike this week :(
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Certainly a shock to the system, Garmin read 0'C on the commute. I layered up and was fine, hands were cold though. Hoping it heats up by this evening, as I'm suppose to do a 60min spin in HR Zones 1 & 2. Really need to clear some room and get a turbo.
Ordered some DHB bib shorts with an endurance pad and some leg warmers - both of which I'll use on my weekend rides rather than the dodgy Chinese bib leggings I use for my commute.

Cheers for the 25% code :)
I thought the detour around Attenborough was a bit weird but I do know someone who does that to avoid the traffic and terrible road surface past the Olympia.

I should be able to sort another route out for you if you want? Maybe me or Dunks could ride it with you so you know where you're going? I know the area pretty well.

I don't mind offering to show a better route if needed! :)

Wiggle are offering 25% off all DHB range until Thursday. Enter code 'dhbis10' at checkout.

Just bought a warmer jersey and new rucksack.

Cheers for the code, perfect timing as I was looking at buying some new long sleeves, was quite nippy this morning!

Edit: Seems to work on already discounted DHB items too? Awesome :cool:
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Edit: Seems to work on already discounted DHB items too? Awesome :cool:

As someone who spends too much time monitoring prices on Wiggle, I've noticed lots of the discounted dhb stuff has gone back up to the original price to coincide with the 25% off code. Hardly surprising but it is a bit cheeky of them.

That said, the 12% platinum discount + 25% discount is pretty good.

dat cadence

You're a machine, nice work! Is maintaining high cadence one of those things you get from training? I do parts of it on the road when commuting (later in the week when my legs are tired), but nothing as high as that! I've done some on my trainer too when playing around with my HR zones.

High of 39.6c, average of 29.3c.

That's about right for the low, but much hotter than usual, which should be closer to 24c.

Shut up! Not fair! :mad:

Then again 24 is more than warm enough for me, much over that and I find it too hot! :p

-1c when I set off this morning.

Fortunately that was in a cab to Heathrow and I cab report it's comfortable t-shirt weather in Madrid.

Looks like I'm only getting one day on the bike this week :(

Enjoy the heat, it's gonna be a cold week here with freezing temps most mornings...

Wore my jacket this morning. Managed about three miles before I started to boil it's definitely getting colder. Think I'll go back to just my baselayer tomorrow.

Shut your holes! -2 when I left home this morning (7.20am), around about 0 by the time I got to work... :eek: Wore full thermals (DHB thermal bibs, shorts on top (for an extra layer over my hips), DHB thermal top, DHB commuter jacket, full gloves, shoe covers, skull cap (rather than headband) and neck gaiter over my ears and face!). I felt fine once I'd warmed up, didn't overheat but also didn't push myself too hard as I got on the trainer both Saturday (16 miles watching that spin class someone linked, good stamina 'encouragement' lol) and on Sunday (8 miles Sufferfest as only had 30 mins spare).

Just bought a warmer jersey and new rucksack.

Which rucksack mate? Interested to hear how you got on with it. I bought the Deuter Bike One 20L back at the start of October and it wasn't quite as big as I expected... Although I've commuted every day with it since and only a couple of times struggled to fit things in when transporting an extra pair of shoes.

yeah, I know, I just go out and ride normally, I was being curious to what I was doing/can be done really

I now know for a fact that I just need to cycle on MORE days

im clearly resting too often

Think this has already been covered mate but just to tell you my experience... Before posting here and getting really involved in cycling, before I was enjoying it. Every ride after the first couple in my weeks commute I dreaded. Really was not enjoying things as I'd 'plateaued' just cycling the same thing (my commute) again and again. My body had got used to it and I actually started to gain weight (hadn't lost much back then!).

As soon as I pushed myself past the 'cycling commute' (usually 3 days a week) and varied things (couple of weekend rides) along with reading more into cadence and maintaining averages, I started to see some improvement, then I got heavily involved with monitoring my progress on Strava and reading things here really helped me further progress myself.

It can take some interest, or a bit of a goal to really motivate you - mine was pushing up my other cycling activity to make my commute 'easier' so I could happily cycle it 4+ days a week and still be pushing myself. The motivation will be different for everyone. Now I'm used to cycling a bit on the weekends after 4 days commuting... Anything more than 1 rest day seems to be counter-active - I really struggle when back on the bike! I'm not sure how much of it is physical or mental though! ;)

thinking about replacing my cat eye volt 1200 for an exposure..

its a very good light, don't get me wrong, I just feel I want something that I can keep an eye on the battery level more and change modes better from HIGH to MEDIUM and nothing else
My cateye has a bit of a fiddly button and the bracket isn't that good either, so I wanting a change

I'm interested in it if you're replacing it mate? I've got a Volt100 here that's about perfect for me, although a brighter light would be a nice option occasionally. I've played around with the Cree Q5's off Ebay and not really got anywhere (tried different batteries and LED's) and rather than spending another £5-10 replacing it with a R4/T4 I was looking at other Cateye USB's.

Roady, you linked to some bibs a while back have you got the link still?

Dnb ones I think.

They'd be DHB Active Thermals (currently £30, I paid £15), same story with the DHB Active Thermal tops (currently £25, I paid £16.24). Great tops and bibs, well worth the money when on sale... When not on sale I'm guessing there are other options around the same prices?

Tangent again (sorry for the huge post of everything!) but does anyone have any recommendations for replacement magnets for a GSC10? I've spotted a Cateye wheel magnet which looks the same as the Garmin one but when it comes to pedal/cadence sensors options are a little more limited... Looking at this one and this, although I have heard stories of some magnets being weak/too strong for some sensors?! :rolleyes:

Came across this bargain in TK Maxx earlier (needed another bottle!) For £9.99:
Fixed link!
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You're a machine, nice work! Is maintaining high cadence one of those things you get from training? I do parts of it on the road when commuting (later in the week when my legs are tired), but nothing as high as that! I've done some on my trainer too when playing around with my HR zones.

Shut your holes! -2 when I left home this morning (7.20am), around about 0 by the time I got to work... :eek: Wore full thermals (DHB thermal bibs, shorts on top (for an extra layer over my hips), DHB thermal top, DHB commuter jacket, full gloves, shoe covers, skull cap (rather than headband) and neck gaiter over my ears and face!). I felt fine once I'd warmed up, didn't overheat but also didn't push myself too hard as I got on the trainer both Saturday (16 miles watching that spin class someone linked, good stamina 'encouragement' lol) and on Sunday (8 miles Sufferfest as only had 30 mins spare).

Tangent again (sorry for the huge post of everything!) but does anyone have any recommendations for replacement magnets for a GSC10? I've spotted a Cateye wheel magnet which looks the same as the Garmin one but when it comes to pedal/cadence sensors options are a little more limited... Looking at this one, although I have heard stories of some magnets being weak/too strong for some sensors?! :rolleyes:

I find the hardest thing with high (120+) cadence is not feeling like you're bouncing around in the saddle. As you've guessed though, it improves with practice. I used to find even 100 cadence would make my balance feel really off but now I'm quite comfortable at 100-110.

You're way further south than me so it should be a bit warmer, right? :p I set off at about 7:40 today I think so I guess the extra 30 mins of daylight had taken the chill out of the air.

Can't help with the magnet sorry :/
Which rucksack mate? Interested to hear how you got on with it. I bought the Deuter Bike One 20L back at the start of October and it wasn't quite as big as I expected... Although I've commuted every day with it since and only a couple of times struggled to fit things in when transporting an extra pair of shoes

It's this one - only 15l so I hope it will be big enough. Shoes etc are left at work, I only carry shirt, underwear and lunch with me every day.

That's the jersey I've just ordered. Hopefully it's a bit warmer than the ones I've been using.
You're a machine, nice work! Is maintaining high cadence one of those things you get from training? I do parts of it on the road when commuting (later in the week when my legs are tired), but nothing as high as that! I've done some on my trainer too when playing around with my HR zones.

That was me just being silly and when I got home I found I timed it perfectly for that segment so had to share. :p I try and do a few cadence drills on the rollers when I get chance but not that often - higher cadence is a lot easier on a fixie IMO as the momentum from the pedals helps you along at higher revs.
dhb Windslam Blade Long sleeve Jersey

Looking at buying this, anyone have it?

Bit annoying it's black only though, at least it's reflective and can be paired with a fluro gilet/gloves/overshoes if needed.
I have one and used it today on a 40 mile ride with an average temp of 5C.
I paired it with a base layer and it was perfect. The zipped under arms really do make a difference to body cooling after climbs.
I find the hardest thing with high (120+) cadence is not feeling like you're bouncing around in the saddle. As you've guessed though, it improves with practice. I used to find even 100 cadence would make my balance feel really off but now I'm quite comfortable at 100-110.

You're way further south than me so it should be a bit warmer, right? :p I set off at about 7:40 today I think so I guess the extra 30 mins of daylight had taken the chill out of the air.

Can't help with the magnet sorry :/

Found these which would be a direct replacement! Bit pricey considering another £2 for postage... Then again another £10 for a set of sensors isn't terrible, I'd only be left swapping my GSC10 each time... Unless I can find a different BT/ANT+ S&C (doesn't have to be garmin!) for use on my trainer.

I'm hardly 'daarn saaaf' - I'm nearer Wales and the mountains of the Wild West here! :p

It was a foggy start here so very gloomy this morning - fully expecting the temps to be near zero for my commute home as there's a slight wind-chill here! :(

It's this one - only 15l so I hope it will be big enough. Shoes etc are left at work, I only carry shirt, underwear and lunch with me every day.

That's the jersey I've just ordered. Hopefully it's a bit warmer than the ones I've been using.

Yeah that's all I carry with me, just occasionally I need my work shoes at home for a wedding or something on the weekend! My bag has a 'helmet carrier' on the back which is ideal for carrying shoes! ;) Although I do carry a few bits more too - waterproof's and usually spare socks/gloves/underwear, helmet cover, neck gaiter, multitool etcetc - these 'bits' all add up! I'm regularly carrying 5-8kg of extra weight on my back... Makes my heavy 11kg bike seem the least of my worries!:rolleyes::D
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Found these which would be a direct replacement! Bit pricey considering another £2 for postage... Then again another £10 for a set of sensors isn't terrible, I'd only be left swapping my GSC10 each time... Unless I can find a different BT/ANT+ S&C (doesn't have to be garmin!) for use on my trainer.

I'm hardly 'daarn saaaf' - I'm nearer Wales and the mountains of the Wild West here! :p

It was a foggy start here so very gloomy this morning - fully expecting the temps to be near zero for my commute home as there's a slight wind-chill here! :(

Well, some people like to call Manchester southern so I have to get my oar in when I can :p

I'm sure I remember you saying something about not being close to a Decathlon but I've used the Ant+ speed/cad sensor from there (£16) for a month or so now on my main bike and it has been pretty decent.
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