Road Cycling

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Felt a bit like that yesterday but was pooped from my after work ride on Monday & holiday catching up with me. Best not to force it if you don't fancy being in the saddle. That said with rain for the rest of the week I did and it wasn't too bad.

Tbh part of it is that I want some er... 'skin rub' :eek: to heal up properly before I go out again. I went out at the weekend and it made the issue worse.

But really it's pure laziness :p
Should have asked them for a tow while you were there :D

Haha, I probably should have :D

Yup I will probably go the Look Keo route next, Speedplay was more of a long term aim as they look so awesome! Any experience with the Keo Classic 2's? Providing compatibility I'd probably start with them (to try out) as hardly ever see S/H keos for sale I could otherwise grab for trial.

Fully aware of bolt fittings/numbers and interesting info about the memory pin in many Sidi's. I knew what it was but had never investigated it's use before!

They use the same cleats, so no problems there. I think the Look Memory slot is a great idea. It should allow perfect cleat replacement everytime.

They are heavier than the ones I suggested, and the release tension on the Classic is lower than the Keo 2 Max.

Classic: 8 to 12 release tension
Keo 2 Max: 9 to 15 release tension
my commute has a section where the way i want to go is bus lane only and the lights are triggered by a sensor. Unfortunately no buses go that way any more, so i've had to take to the pedestrian crossing :(
FINALLY! The track nuts for my front wheel axle have arrived!

I couldn't find the right type that would fit ANYWHERE on the internet with the exception of one obscure ebay seller in the States who had a photo of some that looked like what I needed. All the ones I'd bought previously had the washers on them that were too big to fit on the front axle/fork (but would fit on the rear axle). The ones I needed had smaller washers on them and the ones delivered today should fit perfectly. Total load of messing around and I now have a glut of spare track nuts for the rear axle!

My fixie is now back in action yay!
Does anyone know of a good place to go in Manchester to get my sit bones measured and recommend a saddle based on that? I'm finally thinking of moving away from my cheap Tioga Spyder saddle(s) as although they're super comfortable they're also super prone to breaking.

Excuses! Out the saddle, big ring, mashing like a champ. Off you go. :p

The thought actually crossed my mind :p
Anymore recommendations for 160mm discs chaps?

Finding it hard to stomach the price of £27 each disc for the SRAM Centerline's!
After a bit of advice, picked up my new bike and its matte black, was wondering what is the best way to clean it and keep it in its original condition, thanks.
Aha. I had to enlist the help of a BMW driver at a set of roadworks in Surrey a few weeks back. The sensor wasn't detecting me and I didn't want to proceed on red as I couldn't even see round the bend. He was waiting in a junction besides the traffic light waiting for it to go green... had to ask him to get behind me to trigger the sensor. Let him go through first when it finally went green.

They're annoying as hell! There's one near me which I think is pressure sensitive with an ASL, but a cyclist isn't heavy enough to trigger it when in the ASL. Traffic flows left-right with a 3rd lane joining from a one way street on the right, so it's 3 way lights. With the pressure sensitive right turn (which hardly any car ever takes) it's an occasional 4 way. As the traffic joining from the 3rd no-through road is 2 lane there is no 'safe zone' if you try and guess the light change and get it wrong. Combine that with the 'right turn' ASL being in 'no mans land' you have to shuffle out of the way of oncoming traffic/lorries cutting the corner. I've waited there for over 15 minutes on numerous occasions. I now either dismount and use the pedestrian crossing, or take a 2 mile detour. It's not much of a shortcut as you have to dismount for a 'cyclists dismount' footbridge anyway.

Went out for a good ride last night with my mate ('Bike club'!). After my draining 42 mile on sunday and a crazy idea to do some hills monday night my legs were pretty toasted. He jumped on the front for the first 5 miles, I pushed through for a couple of miles and took the first gradual climb fairly easy as I wanted to put an effort in on the main Tin Hill climb. Fairly happy with my effort (PR'd it) but I did run out of steam towards the top and had to back off. Took the flats between them and after easy to give Richie a chance to catch me.

I continued on the front and after munching a peanut/flapjack bar I actually began to feel quite good! Once past Weobley (some rough roads) I had a gel (as nothing else to eat with me), I think a combination of these, the efforts and the flatter route back towards town helped me to rediscover some form. I was able to continue pushing into headwinds on the front, even having to ease back a couple of times to wait for my mate! Our '5 mile swap' ended up with him doing the first 5 and me doing the next 25... Although the second half was more base social miles rather than any big efforts.

Back into town traffic the average took it's usual hammering, still 18mph average over 30 miles with 1000ft of climbing. Had some idiot pull out in front of me (after she'd pulled across the lane, stopped to stare at me long enough that I thought she was waiting, then continued on). Thankfully she left me room but it still annoyed me as I was doing ~20mph (in a 30) and she'd totally stopped and looked for ~5 seconds before pulling out, if she'd stopped for 2 and pulled it would've been ok. Can imagine her thought process: *pull into oncoming traffic, damn bike coming I'll stop, oh I'm stopping traffic so have to move, oh dear bike is approaching faster than I thought, panic*!

Still, good ride and good miles. Puts me at ~95 miles in 3 days which must be my highest for a while! :cool:
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Does anyone know of a good place to go in Manchester to get my sit bones measured and recommend a saddle based on that? I'm finally thinking of moving away from my cheap Tioga Spyder saddle(s) as although they're super comfortable they're also super prone to breaking.

i like fizik aliante, and when i tried a spyder, i kinda liked that too.

Just one to consider
Are you actually riding it fixed, or just single speed? I've not been brave enough to try riding fixed.

I've got tomorrow afternoon off. I'm heading out into Cheshire for a metric century. Fingers crossed the weather holds...

Commutes always single speed, when there is no traffic, fixed.
I wore the NTFO bibs on my commute this morning. Pretty comfortable, a little itchy but probably just needs a wash.
The medium seems a pretty good fit, although if they shrink in the wash I might be in trouble.
Padding is nice, probably the the comfiest out of all the bibs I own. As others have said the padding is quite far forward, but that doesn't seem to have much of a noticeable effect.
The front of the bibs seems slightly strange, they seem really small, usually the top portion of bibs will cover my stomach, but these do not. I suppose it will help with ventilation, and probably make road side toilet breaks easier. Just looks a little odd.

Overall, I would recommend these bibs, but getting the correct size might be tricky.
After a bit of advice, picked up my new bike and its matte black, was wondering what is the best way to clean it and keep it in its original condition, thanks.
There are many 'bike cleaners' out there, it just depends what you're cleaning and the frequency! If it's usual 'road grime/gravy' you'll find water and a rag works well. Try to avoid any cleaning products which have salt in them (like washing up liquid) as this will cause metal components to rust. If it's more oily then a citrus based degreaser is best. 'Muc-Off' do a good range. This Wiggle branded one is cheaper (& in stock).

Although as with anything 'bike' there is a huge brand/sports tax. I am personally using a wholesale citrus cleaning product. It's around 75% the strength of the 'bike' branded ones (which you generally dilute anyway) for around 20% the cost.
Does anyone know of a good place to go in Manchester to get my sit bones measured
B&Q? :p ;)

I've got a broken Arione R3 I'm going to be taking off shortly, welcome to borrow it to see how you get along with it? It's rideable enough to judge comfort. Offer is there for anyone else from here considering one?

Could use it as a 'forum' saddle, just cover the postage and send it around for people to try out before purchasing their own.

Local Strava art.
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I always love reading Roady's posts, makes great use of the Stava analysis :p

About saddles: I have a fizik Aliante currently (Bull) however, I think it might be the wrong one. I need to get the girlfriend to help me measure the angle again, but might look to move to an Antares (Chameleon). Might wait until I've done my bike fit, which I need to get round to booking.
Anymore recommendations for 160mm discs chaps?

Finding it hard to stomach the price of £27 each disc for the SRAM Centerline's!

Ashima rotors are alight and available for £10 each. I use them...and I have gotten brake fade on some extremely long/steep descents (like when I was stuck behind a car all the way down a cat 2/3).

Generally speaking though they're absolutely fine and super light.

i like fizik aliante, and when i tried a spyder, i kinda liked that too.

Just one to consider

Cheers. I'll check it out. I do like the look of the Fizik saddles tbh so they were pretty high on my list of ones to have a look at :)
I've got a broken Arione R3 I'm going to be taking off shortly, welcome to borrow it to see how you get along with it? It's rideable enough to judge comfort. Offer is there for anyone else from here considering one?

Could use it as a 'forum' saddle, just cover the postage and send it around for people to try out before purchasing their own.

Local Strava art.

In what way is it broken? I'd probably have to give it a check on a 100 miler to get an idea of how comfortable/uncomfortable it is. Cheers for the offer - may take you up on it :)
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