Road Cycling

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Yep, i'm in MFCC and i'm doing the Cawdor10.

It's a long time since i've been on any club runs but I can meet you sometime and take you along to one if you want.
I could do Monday next week if you're up for that. The monday ride is a beginner/recovery ride and the pace is gentle. Probably even more so next monday as there will be a few other people who have done the etape and want a gentle recovery.
I could also do a Tuesday for hill reps if that suits you better but it's not such a sociable ride - everyone does their hill reps at their own pace with not much breath left for chatting when recovering before the next rep.
I cant make the thursday evenings or any of the weekend rides for the next few months.

Sweet! Thanks man. Could very well be up for Monday, I'll see how the week goes building up to this on Sunday and I will just trust you as soon as I know what's going on, bit hectic at the minute. I do appreciate the help, thank you :cool:
What you actually need, according to the more fashion conscious cyclists I ride with, is a cap underneath your helmet. Sounds far too warm if you ask me.

I never get on the bike without one, even when taking the little 'un to nursery on the back of my SS hybrid.

Fashion has nothing to do with it; keeps the sun out of your eyes, keeps the rain off your glasses, keeps your head warm in the cold, keeps the sweat off your face and makes for better evaporation keeping you cooler when it's hot.

Walz wicking caps are brilliant. Cotton caps are ok.
I never get on the bike without one, even when taking the little 'un to nursery on the back of my SS hybrid.

Fashion has nothing to do with it; keeps the sun out of your eyes, keeps the rain off your glasses, keeps your head warm in the cold, keeps the sweat off your face and makes for better evaporation keeping you cooler when it's hot.

Walz wicking caps are brilliant. Cotton caps are ok.

Now I'm starting to rethink moving away from an MTB helmet... :p
Walz wicking caps are brilliant. Cotton caps are ok.

Any recommendations on good sites with cap selections with not stupid prices? Saw some on PX and ribble but not much choice, other sites are stupid prices (£15+) or have delivery (£5 delivery on a £3 cap!). I'm not really after branded, more choice of colours/designs.

Like grudas? :p


Last night I followed this video:

I had experienced some missed shifting after sorting a problem with my rear derailleur. Before I had considered gearing/indexing more of a 'Black Art' as I was convinced there was more to it than there seems to be! :confused:

Basically, undid cable, moved derailleur to check lower and upper limits (slight adjustment on lowest). Checked shifting from shifter to cable (seemed ok). I adjusted the 'B tension' screw to move the derailleur closer to the cassette (just seemed like it could be closer to me!). Reconnected cable and then tweaked the 'barrel adjuster' a few turns lining the derailleur up by eye with the cassette. Checked shifting and gave it another half a turn so it was all smooth. :D

Think James was looking at doing the same, basically the last 5 mins of the video is what you're looking for mate although the whole thing is worth watching. I actually watched it again before reconnecting the cable, going through things step-by-step like Jon in the video :cool:

Guys, is that all indexing is? Basically getting any slack out of the gear cable, aligning the shifter (which determines the distance travelled) with the rear derailleur and the top of the cassette, then tweaking it with the barrel adjuster so the shifting matches the cassette? :o

Ah I see, should have been about 30s quicker than that as I stopped to wait at the top just before the cafe. :cool:

You've been drinking too much of this!:p

I should have been a minute quicker, but I eat pies and don't ride enough.

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As I said before I just dont venture into the city as I prefer the open roads around the villages , much nicer views and less stop/start. I might take a little pootle down your way today , I'm at work at the moment but should be home by 10am. I'll have to decide whether to eat first and go out later or go straight out and eat later

Good ride! I'd have suggested meeting up but I had zero confidence that my legs would be up to anything today!

My new tyres feel fantastic after the Kendas! As long as they are a bit more puncture resistant then I'm quite pleased with my budget purchase :p

Had a bike handling skills fail today. There is quite a deep ford near me and I never have the confidence to go through it on the bike (plus I don't want to get soaked) so I normally walk over the footbridge that runs around it. Today I decided to ride the footbridge which was a bit narrower with a sharper turn than I was expecting! After pinballing off of two fences I was back under control and on my way with two weeping scraped elbows and half a knuckle skin missing :p

At one stage I felt like I was slower than a slow thing going quite slowly on one climb. Upload the route to find a 2015 KOM :p I also got a second overall on a decent so I must have been given a bit of confidence with the new tyres as I normally descend like a granny.
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