Road Cycling

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High5 are very sweet, but I get on on with them. I think I've only tried them and sis ones, which have a weird texture and taste a bit more watery. A guy I know uses OTE gels, but he's sponsored by them, so I guess he has to :p
wiggle orange flavor is very sweet too, seemed to be alright tho.. might need a few sips of water due to the thickness/sweetness of it.. but the flavor is not bad at all.
Are gels or bars better? (for just keeping you going during a ride) I've tried a couple of bars and they were a little less disgusting, but I dunno.
Are gels or bars better? (for just keeping you going during a ride) I've tried a couple of bars and they were a little less disgusting, but I dunno.

As said, gels should work quicker but too many can do nasty things to your guts. I like to mix things up on a long ride - gels, flapjacks / energy / cereal bars, cake (if there's a cafe stop) etc
My stomach doesn't agree with gels. I tend to eat well before a big ride, take bananas and some oat based energy bars. If I bonk, I'm screwed so need to try and prevent it. It's only happened to me once though, usually my legs give up and I have to compensate by increasing my cadence. When that happens I head home :)
Anyone sent a bike frame in the post before? Who did you use? How much did it cost? The business that are going to powder coat my frame want £30 (including VAT) to collect it and another £30 to ship it back. I'd at least like to cut the costs on getting it to them. If I can fit the frame in the box I got when I bought a wheelset, then I should be able to get it couriered for £11 plus a bit more for insurance cover...

Any better suggestions?

Heehee, I could reassemble the bike, cycle the 50 miles there then strip it, clean it, and get the train back for £18 :p
Are gels or bars better? (for just keeping you going during a ride) I've tried a couple of bars and they were a little less disgusting, but I dunno.
Gels are for if you're working hard and need fast-acting carbohydrate over everything else, e.g. triathlon, racing; and only when you're doing it for longer periods e.g. an hour or longer. An hour or less and you have plenty of glycogen in your stores to deal with it.

Bars are more for nutrition and often have protein in them as well. Personally, I think they taste grim and something like a peanut butter and jam sandwich in brown bread is much better. Clif bars are like eating a ball of plasticine, I don't know how you lot can stomach them tbh.
Last Sunday I felt decently fueled for a fast-paced, but flat (sub-3000ft) 100 miler with:

Porridge for breakfast
4 x 9bars (half eaten every 30mins)
2 x SIS gels
500ml water with High5 2:1 drink mix

I'm not sure I can be bothered to make my own food. Those 9bars provide 200kcal and are tasty and not too difficult to eat whilst riding.
Anyone sent a bike frame in the post before? Who did you use? How much did it cost? The business that are going to powder coat my frame want £30 (including VAT) to collect it and another £30 to ship it back. I'd at least like to cut the costs on getting it to them. If I can fit the frame in the box I got when I bought a wheelset, then I should be able to get it couriered for £11 plus a bit more for insurance cover...

Any better suggestions?

Heehee, I could reassemble the bike, cycle the 50 miles there then strip it, clean it, and get the train back for £18 :p

I was charged £30 for a frame + wheels (entire bike with everything in it, plus shock pump, some spare parts, multi tool... well it was 15kg in total) - that was via UPS.
Probably been covered a load before but have you got a recipe?

I've posted it a few times but can't find it...

Makes 12 reasonably sized bars.

250g Porridge Oats
125g Butter
125g Brown Sugar
2-3 tbsps Golden Syrup
2-3 tbsps chia seeds
1 tbsp flax seed powder
1 tbsp hemp (or soy) protein.

Mix it all up (we have a kenwood jobby) but not too much so the oats hold form, bake at 180oC for ~20 mins. Couldn't be easier.

Oh forgot to add. Soak the chia seeds overnight. That way they soak up loads of water and become jelly like, then when you eat them they release the water in your stomach and hydrate you well :).
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