Road Cycling

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Doing my first audax on Sunday; The Ditchling Devil. All in it's going to be about 240km.

London to Ditchling, skirt Brighton, along the Devil's Dyke and back to London.

Weather looks fantastic.
Cracking effort there. I don't know how you do it given how little you actually manage to get out. I don't feel anywhere near the point i could stick with that bunch just now.

Contemplating getting back to the 9.30 tomorrow, haven't been out with them in weeks. However i see summer is continuing up here as it has been so far. 9deg, average wind speed of 45mph + gusts and torrential rain showers forecast. Great.

Get out when the weather allows it and don't ruin your motivation with crap weather riding.

I did feel like my heart was going to explode, you can see it on strava where I just stopped pedalling at Hazelbank, it's not even that bloody steep!

I think a 52-12 is a bit low for when the pace is up a bit so next time I'm changing the cassette I'll fit an 11-25.

Weather has been absolutely pish that's part of the reason I've not been out. Bad enough for ross meffen to avoid riding is bad enough for me!
I tried searching this thread for 'home made' waterproof cases for phones etc. on rides but couldn't find anything. My "waterproof" altura jacket was defeated by welsh rain a few weeks ago and it killed my phone's display and gps. Incomplete strava ride aside, i'd rather not have a repeat with my replacement and kill another phone but I haven't had time to get sorted with a full on waterproof case yet and I've inevitably lost any of my previous waterproof pouches.

Does anyone have any tips for keeping a phone dry during a ride? It's going to be warm tomorrow (even in Scotland) but gonna rain at some point and i'm obviously a bit nervous.

Also, with 25 mph winds and 50 mph gusts it's just a case of MTFU right? :D
With gusts like that it's a question of how much you fancy your chances getting blown into oncoming traffic or off the road into a wall or whatever.
With gusts like that it's a question of how much you fancy your chances getting blown into oncoming traffic or off the road into a wall or whatever.

I'm taking part in the Bethany Christian charity sportive near Edinburgh otherwise I wouldn't be going out! I know most of the route pretty well and the roads are fairly quiet usually, with no cliff edges to blow off. The organisers have managed to arrange some road closures in places where road works had been carried out and a few volunteers at junctions will be helpful, but generally I don't imagine it's going to be a fun ride but it's part of my fundraising calendar.

Incidentally I got my wegs waxed too as part of it a few weeks back but I made the mistake of also agreeing to wax my chest hair if donors were happy to donate a little extra. I don't remember my legs being that painful in comparison!
um so how many of you shave your legs? :p

I've shaved my legs for years even though only started cycling in April so of course have kept it up. I shave my chest, shoulders and even my FACE as well. It's a chore, but it's good when it is all done.
Epilation is ridiculously painful :eek:

As it's summer now I might go the shaved leg route. Given how hairy I am all over it might look a bit odd though.

Also, sunny out but horrible wind gusts. Think I'm going to have a lazy day.
I am at the point now where I am seriously angry and just down right disgusted by how bad May and the start of June has been..... We had fresh snow on mountain top here on Monday & Tuesday this week. I had to scrape ice off my car wind screen on Tuesday morning and every ride this week has been in 6/7 degree's with the usual Western 30mph gusts.

Up here it has honestly been windy for over 3 weeks constantly now. As in 12mph winds minimal and gusts of no less than 20mph for that 3 weeks+

I have never been this disheartened and angry at the weather. Rule#5 yeah yeah yeah, I am doing 200+ miles a week regardless and it's not stopping me, but it's just depressing. Turbo session tomorrow though, **** that!

I hear you brother. It's been brutal.

We've just canned our group ride again this morning as the wind gusts are so strong it's dangerous. It's also raining sideways currently. I just don't ride in weather like that any more - nearly got blown under a lorry coming back from a group ride last winter. It moved me and the bike physically 2 feet to the right in a split second. Just not worth the risk.

Get out when the weather allows it and don't ruin your motivation with crap weather riding.

I did feel like my heart was going to explode, you can see it on strava where I just stopped pedalling at Hazelbank, it's not even that bloody steep!

I think a 52-12 is a bit low for when the pace is up a bit so next time I'm changing the cassette I'll fit an 11-25.

Weather has been absolutely pish that's part of the reason I've not been out. Bad enough for ross meffen to avoid riding is bad enough for me!

I find Hazelbank steep enough. Any hill can hurt like **** if you're hitting it hard!

Yeah, i have just been major lacking in motivation this year. Weather has a lot to do with it, as well as generally a lack of time to ride compared to last year. It's a shame as i've not enjoyed many rides tbh. Probably the best was the wee bimble round around with folk from work last w/end - stayed dry and i just love cycling round that place. Need more rides like that.
Breezy ride this morning. Not really been out in ages as I've been so busy with work and was expecting it to be hard work today. Turns out it wasn't too bad. I didn't go for any pb on the hills, more a case of just getting round!

Need to get out more without aggravating my ankle. I rolled it a few weeks back when climbing out the saddle so I need to be careful and stop sprinting out the saddle all the time! Haha!
Just over 20 miles this morning. Absurdly windy at times. All the nobheads were out in their cars too. I got a mouthful off some berk in a white van who took exception at my taking the lane through a traffic island on a downhill and then holding my line to avoid a constellation of grids in the road surface. I couldn't hear what he was saying, though that's probably for the best.
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I'm very tempted to go out shortly, as it's sunny but very windy. Not sure what to do?! Itching to go but at the same time not sure if I'd enjoy it. it's June and this weather lark is just diabolical!

Edit, did a small 7 miles and came home after nearly getting blown off.
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2nd ride done and the discs are almost bedded in. The headset has loosened off though and giving a slight clunk, what's the recommended way to tighten them on a carbon frame?
Epilation is ridiculously painful :eek:

As it's summer now I might go the shaved leg route. Given how hairy I am all over it might look a bit odd though.

Also, sunny out but horrible wind gusts. Think I'm going to have a lazy day.

yeah no way I'm using an epilator :o kinda hairy down there, wonder if I can just trim it down a bit without looking weird
what's the recommended way to tighten them on a carbon frame?

You want the lowest torque possible that prevents play in the headset. I just tightened mine by quarter-turns until there was zero play in the headset (pushing forwards with the brakes on), and make sure there's no creaking/binding.
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