Did you report it to the police,you can do it online and submit the video.
Good find, just need it for the rest of the UK now! I've had 2 elbow knocks (wing mirrors), 1 hand 'rub' (rear wing of a 4x4 at speed, very scary!) and been knocked off once.
Excellent pads, the salmon are my choice for the autumn/winter (best pads for the wet). They fit my 5800 fine so you should have no issues.
Just chilling in hotel room after getting back from Ridelondon, my first ever sportive and furthest I've cycled in a single sitting! 101.2 miles in 5 hours 56mins!
Sounds like you enjoyed it! Well done & great speed! My mate I ride with did it in 6 hours 26, but that included a 20 min stop where some poor guy was receiving CPR at the roadside
My friend is a fastish rider (18/19 mph on most of our 30/40 mile rides) so you did very well!
thinking of doing ridelondon next year.. guess we need to register interest asap because it's so popular?
You're best riding for a charity as it's a cheaper entrance 'fee' I think? Still stupid amounts of money to ride on mostly open roads...
I'm having a bit of a weigh up atm, coming up with options.
Option 1 is to pay to get the wheel fix, if it is indeed buckled.
Option 2, get some 23 tyres
Or Option 3, keep the 25's and just get some new wheels?
New wheels would be the costliest option obviously but wouldn't it also be the safest bet? What to do...
Depends if the wheel is worth it, or even strong enough once repaired. A LBS may look at it for 'free' if you mention you might be in the market for buying a wheelset... Obviously they may be slightly biased lol
Running 23mm won't fix a buckle, just avoids the problem and it'll probably get worse...
Replacement new wheelset: £100-£150. Replacement 23mm tyres: £20-£30. Replacement helmet, frame and bruise recovery from a spectacularly failing wheel at speed: Priceless.
Went for the local social ride on Saturday after 9 days off the bike (work and other things stopping me). Not many riders (13 of us) so no second 'slow' group for me!
Great ride, off the back a couple of times but kept in touch, another 2 guys the same so the group did wait for us. Got bee's in my helmet another time and had to stop as one of them didn't wanna come out...! I'm feeling stronger in groups now but still need to build my trust in other riders. Couple of mechanicals, loo stops and a puncture on the way back in along with some rain showers made it a miserable run back home (none of them me!)
Commute in this morning was okay, slightly tired legs from Saturday still. Did a couple of sprint intervals and had a couple of idiots pull out on me so think i'm gonna refit my front light. Also a lucky light change (but then a slow car) gave me a good chance at a KOM (but then totally ruined it).