Road Cycling

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Daft question alert... I have these rims - what width rim tape am I after?

EDIT - Its OK, I sussed it... I think :p

Pro4 V2 Endurance ordered with new rim tape and a stack of 28mm tubes. Problem is I'll now have 4 part worn 25mm tyres in the garage :o I was going to keep them for turbo work but I only use that once in a blue moon.
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I've got tons of part-worn tyres in the garage - no idea why I keep them around. I even brought two to leave at the office, for anyone to use as emergency tyres :p
I've gotten rid of most of my part worn tyres now...though probably not all. I think the only reason I kept them around was that they are a pain in the arse to fit in small bag to throw away.
They can't be as "part worn" as Roadys...

I'm soaked. Only rode in to work and I'm utterly drenched. Ugh. Resisted the car though as that makes me want to kill all drivers, everywhere.
Crikey this thread moves fast!

Thanks for the replies re bikes for a grand.

Whilst the pashley hasn't always been my only bike I do think I will have a look at the more relaxed frame to get back into it as they are world's apart. I have done 60 mile plus rides before buthe if doing more I will need to find a comfy position.

I don't think I will worry about discs as if it's raining I can just ride the pashley to work (not that it's hub brakes are any good).

I do already have a steel framed bike but it's from the 60s Reynolds tubing and I have some spare mostchall wheels on it at the moment. I could always whack a decent gear set on that and get used to road bikes again beffort commiting to a new bike.
I wonder how they going to prevent riders from the short course following the 100 mile route?
Coloured rider numbers and stewards?
EEEEWWWWWWW. Get those manky things off your machine ASAP!
They're off, nearly 200 miles and 2 weeks ago, no fear! :p
The rear will get binned (may keep for an emergency spare) but will reuse the front ;)
So I think I have just built myself a wheel tonight! :D Not as hard as I thought but going to get the bike shop to true it up and give it a once over. Seems to be relatively straight!
You *think*!? Ride it and see, that's the real test! Get it as true as possible then put some easy miles on it to then recheck spoke tension and roundness! :cool:
Daft question alert... I have these rims - what width rim tape am I after?
No info about inner width on alexrims website, but here it's listed as 19mm. Unsure how accurate that site is, looks to be a bit of a database of rims?!
I've gotten rid of most of my part worn tyres now...though probably not all. I think the only reason I kept them around was that they are a pain in the arse to fit in small bag to throw away.
Last bunch of tyres I 'binned' were a couple of old pro4E's and some old kendas which were wire beaded. Most tyres are easy enough to cut up with a junior hacksaw (pro4e's especially!), although the wire bead on the kendas was damn tough!:o

I've got a 'spare' grey pro4e 25mm (which did ~300 miles before it's partner got a nasty sidewall cut & was binned) and then this 1 worn GP 4Season. Although I do tend to have my next 'new' set ready to fit long before the current are worn, I like to be fairly prepared for damage...!
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I normally try to keep one (new) tyre spare in the house in case of damage too but I've let things slip lately. Probably need to swap out my tyres and chain next month so I'll just buy everything in bulk then.
I'm soaked. Only rode in to work and I'm utterly drenched. Ugh.
Serves you right for wearing Russian kit! :p
Crikey this thread moves fast!
I do already have a steel framed bike but it's from the 60s Reynolds tubing and I have some spare mostchall wheels on it at the moment. I could always whack a decent gear set on that and get used to road bikes again beffort commiting to a new bike.
Yup it's pretty speedy in here, good in some ways but can be annoying in others (like going away on holiday & having 12 pages to catch up a week later...).

If you like the old Reynolds it could be a bit of a project to get it working again? Although if you wanted a cheap way to try out road riding there are always lots of deals on secondhand rides around. LBS and local clubs are the best places to start. If you know what to look out for then local facebook buy/sell groups are another way. I saw a Kuota sold last week, full carbon, 2012 frameset with 105 5700. Broken rear derailleur and needed new chain/cassette and probably cables. £40. Seemed like an utter steal even if the frame was damaged (didn't look it) as the shifters & crankset looked pristine!:eek:
I'd recommend a Canyon
Maybe you could sell him one of yours and then you could buy yourself another new one? :D
Sorry I give you a lot of stick mate! But without grudas here much I need an easy target! ;)
How many sets of wheels do you guys have? As I have tyres on my wheels but then some spares in different sizes too.

- Zipps with conti TTs on (25s)
- Mavic Ksyrium Pro with Mavic Yksium Pro Griplink on front & Powerlink on the rear, 25s (temp on the trainer)
- Campag Zondas with conti 4 Seasons on 25s (now off the trainer due to snapped spoke)
- Mavic's Aksium Elite with conti gp4000 IIs 25s

I have some spare 25 GP4000s about 6 tubes and waiting for 28s to arrive to see what they're like.

I like stocks lol
Serves you right for wearing Russian kit! :p

Yup it's pretty speedy in here, good in some ways but can be annoying in others (like going away on holiday & having 12 pages to catch up a week later...).

If you like the old Reynolds it could be a bit of a project to get it working again? Although if you wanted a cheap way to try out road riding there are always lots of deals on secondhand rides around. LBS and local clubs are the best places to start. If you know what to look out for then local facebook buy/sell groups are another way. I saw a Kuota sold last week, full carbon, 2012 frameset with 105 5700. Broken rear derailleur and needed new chain/cassette and probably cables. £40. Seemed like an utter steal even if the frame was damaged (didn't look it) as the shifters & crankset looked pristine!:eek:

Maybe you could sell him one of yours and then you could buy yourself another new one? :D
Sorry I give you a lot of stick mate! But without grudas here much I need an easy target! ;)

I like the attention from you dude :p makes me feel loved!

I was in Canyon gear today, not Russian... obviously! He can have my Endurace with 105 set on it! I'll swap it out for a higher spec one and as long as it's the same colour the Mrs won't know :p :D
Boring? Pfft. I love working on bikes. I often just create work for myself to do when I'm bored.

...I should look for a job in a bike shop.

I find bike maintenance a total and utter chore! Hate cleaning it. Hate lubing it. Hate having to change things on it. Hate getting frustrated when stuff doesn't fit together or isn't working like it should.
It would have been rude not to go out in yesterday's weather. Didn't manage to get out until late as I was other side of London for a work conference during the day but got out for a short ride in the evening.

Almost zero wind was very nice. I even managed to PR my usual Richmond Park lap although I was a bit disappointed to see it was only by 3 seconds!

Roady, I'm pretty sure you kudos'd the ride within a split second of upload. I opened it and already had kudos! :D

At least that means I'm somewhat back to last September's form.. Going to be taking a week and a bit off just before the Velothon Wales for a holiday... whoops! I might have to take the running trainers I bought 3 years ago and barely used and get out for a couple of runs as substitute!

How many sets of wheels do you guys have? As I have tyres on my wheels but then some spares in different sizes too.

- Zipps with conti TTs on (25s)
- Mavic Ksyrium Pro with Mavic Yksium Pro Griplink on front & Powerlink on the rear, 25s (temp on the trainer)
- Campag Zondas with conti 4 Seasons on 25s (now off the trainer due to snapped spoke)
- Mavic's Aksium Elite with conti gp4000 IIs 25s

I have some spare 25 GP4000s about 6 tubes and waiting for 28s to arrive to see what they're like.

I like stocks lol

Mavic Aksium One S that came with the bike with some Yksion tyres (scary in the wet!)
A pair of Vredestein Senso Xtreme Weather tyres
Campag Zondas with Conti GP4000SIIs on the bike

I am getting tempted to get some deep section wheels though aha. I saw a guy with my bike and some of the Wiggle Cosine carbon 45mm or 55mm deep sections the other week. Looked nice!
I love the zipps, but in weather like today I have like 100m stopping distance! Hence the reason I got the Ksyriums. Something for winter but still good.

The Aksiums will go on the Endurace, repair the Zondas for spares. In my head they all make sense lol

You should get some deep rims. Do it. DOOOO IT.
How many sets of wheels do you guys have?
- Zipps with conti TTs on (25s)
- Mavic Ksyrium Pro with Mavic Yksium Pro Griplink on front & Powerlink on the rear, 25s (temp on the trainer)
- Campag Zondas with conti 4 Seasons on 25s (now off the trainer due to snapped spoke)
- Mavic's Aksium Elite with conti gp4000 IIs 25s
That's an impressive list! Mine is very poor in comparison...
- Campag Khamsin - fitted with 25 Conti GP4000Sii's (everyday/commuting set)
- Giant P-R2 spare/old - fitted with turbo tyre
- Giant S-R2 mrs' bike - fitted with 25 marathon plus
- Unbranded Kenda/Carrera set - fitted with 23 pro4e, will get sold when old bike gets rebuilt and shifted.
- soon to be owned Roval AL35 & SL45 set (will be weekend/summer 'best')
I like the attention from you dude :p makes me feel loved!
Haha as long as I get some back I know I'm safe to continue! :p
How many sets of wheels do you guys have? As I have tyres on my wheels but then some spares in different sizes too.

- Zipps with conti TTs on (25s)
- Mavic Ksyrium Pro with Mavic Yksium Pro Griplink on front & Powerlink on the rear, 25s (temp on the trainer)
- Campag Zondas with conti 4 Seasons on 25s (now off the trainer due to snapped spoke)
- Mavic's Aksium Elite with conti gp4000 IIs 25s

I have some spare 25 GP4000s about 6 tubes and waiting for 28s to arrive to see what they're like.

I like stocks lol

Just use different bikes! Only got 1 set of wheels for each + a spare turbo wheel for the TT.
I find bike maintenance a total and utter chore! Hate cleaning it. Hate lubing it. Hate having to change things on it. Hate getting frustrated when stuff doesn't fit together or isn't working like it should.
Understand the frustrations, I have them too with some parts fit/quality and any repairs I have to do because of a bad design. The upgrading of parts and tweaking things I really enjoy, hell I enjoy my regular maintenance even more in the spring/summer as there's nothing worse than having to fix things in the dark and miserable weather! Even worse if you have to miss some riding in 'ok' weather just to do maintenance!:o
Roady, I'm pretty sure you kudos'd the ride within a split second of upload. I opened it and already had kudos! :D
I am getting tempted to get some deep section wheels though aha. I saw a guy with my bike and some of the Wiggle Cosine carbon 45mm or 55mm deep sections the other week. Looked nice!
I'm *quick*! Your ride popped up as I was updating my commuting title and scrolling back through the day! ;)

The Cosine carbon 55mm are a good price and weight, all sets review well. The 45's I'd probably not look at Cosines as they're a little pricey for the weight (at that depth)!
I love the zipps, but in weather like today I have like 100m stopping distance!
They really that bad?! What pads are you using with them?
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